View Full Version : Please help me

04-05-10, 11:57
Hello all

i am not new to NMP but i am new to depression.

I am 47 and have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for 17 years, i also have emitaphobia, the latter si all that has really bothered me in the last 10 years as i have got control of the panic attacks and they rarely bother me, for that i am truely grateful.

I recently had a total thyroidectomy operation as i had had an overactive thyroid for 25 years and was told op was the best course of treatment so i duely had op and have regretted it ever since, i had op in Feb2010.

Since the op i have suffered terrible depression and i am so low at the mo i am having terrible horrible scarey thoughts about suicide, i keep thinking i am going to do something bad to harm myself even though this is the last thing i want :( i don't know where to turn, i understand that a lot of people here suffer depression as a result of anxiety but i don't feel i am suffering because of anxiety so feel even lower cos i feel there is no answer to this, can anyone help me? i am so so frightened and after reading some of the horror stories on here and elsewhere i am terrified the doc will diagnose depression and give me anti depressants and they will make me worse, i read somewhere that a side effect of some of the anti depressants is suicidal thoughts, i could not cope with that i am already feeling like that so i think anything else would tip me over the edge, oh god i am so scared of whats happening to me.

Where can i go ? what can i do? who can i talk to? will the doc section me? thats another thing i'm affraid of i'm svared he will section me and i don't feel thats what i need as i think this is all caused by this operation because prior to this i was perfectly fine apart from the emitaphobia which has been ok lately.

Sharon xxxxx

04-05-10, 12:39
Hi Sharon,

Sorry to hear you are struggling. How are your blood tests? Could it be you need a higher dose of thyroxine? x

04-05-10, 13:20
Sorry to hear that you are having such a tough time, you have been through a lot with the surgery & looking on the net it appears that it is quite common after a thyroidectomy, one site recommended having your T3 & T4 levels checked along with TSH & it was saying that the T3 is the one linked with depression if you are not converting it well & that there is a med that can help, it's worth getting them checked just to make sure.
With regards to the anti-d's I'm not sure all of them have the same side effects so I'm sure there will be one out there suitable for you should you need it, please don't be afraid of speaking to your doctor, they won't section you for it but they will help you. Huge virtual hugs for you xx

Miss Manic Panic
08-05-10, 20:51
Hi sweetheart,

Sorry to hear your having such a bad time.Do not give up..you can have a totally normal life again...and no you dont need to resort to anti-sepressants just yet. I have suffered from anxiety and Emetophobia for a long time too and as a consequence developed depression.My doctor is fantastic and refused to put me on anti depressants...he was totally right too! here is the advice my doctor gave me.

The "Human Givens" book has been amazing helping me.Its called "how to lift depression...fast" ( no I dont work for them..lol)
Eat as much "live" food as you can ( this is fresh food,fruit,veg..anything full of nutrients..home grown cress)
You can try St.Johns wort or 5HTP..both remedies available from herbal stores/boots..and can be as effective as anti depressants.
Excercise as often as you can ( though when your very depressed this is hard..a little and often will help)
write down your worried before bed! our dreams are how we diffuse our worried..if we are worried at bedtime we have a lot to discharge in our sleep..therefore we dream too much which exhausts us ( too much REM sleep is linked with depression)
write down your dreams when you can remember them..if you can interpret them you can find the deep rooted anxieties you have.
Only have contact with positive people..negative ones will drag you down.
keep a diary of when you become depressed and your thoughts to help you recognise any patterns.
and honey you are NOT MAD!! You will NOT be sectioned! If your worrying your losing your mind..chances are your not! An insane person would normally think that their actions (however bizarre) are completely normal.The fact you are showing concern proves to me your not at risk of being insane. remember anxiety/depression are the most common forms of mental health problem.1 in 4 of us experience this at some point in our lives.

Take Care x:yesyes: