View Full Version : fear?

04-05-10, 13:11
I have just watched my aunt die from cancer and i suffer from health anxiety since having m.e/cfs.The first week i felt fine and thought i can handle visiting everyday.
I felt tired and a few silly thoughts were creeping which i suppose is the start of the anxiety again. I then started the feeling like i couldnt get a breath properly and kept sighing.I started getting an ache in my left boob,left underarm,left side of back,nausea,loose bowels and then just thought i have cancer to.I went to the doctors and she gave me a breast exam and said she thought she could feel a small movable pea size lump.She said she didnt think it was anything to worry about but because of my aunt and because i was anxious that she would get me seen at the breast clinic in 2 weeks.
My anxiety is through the roof and i am constantly focusing on my boob.Me and my partner have felt and we cant feel a lump but she must have. I am so worried and i woke up through night sweating so that made me worse thinking its because i have breast cancer etc.
Can anxiety cause all these pains and aches. Every time i eat i get instant stomach pains.I am driving myself mad.

04-05-10, 13:24
Hi Zippy
I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt. What an obvious trigger that is to your health anxiety. Mine was caused by a breast lump 2 years ago but I was extermely lucky as biopsy revealed it was benign. I have, however, been haunted by HA ever since. Mostly about my breasts!
The doctor is being over cautious and also thinks she is helping you overcome your anxiety by sending you to breast clinic. The fact you and your partner can't feel anything makes me wonder what she is feeling! I suspect a harmless lymph gland if anything. I have lots of pea size lumps in my breasts that are merely breast tissue (I have had these checked numerous times!!)
When my HA is focused on my breasts I get terrible pains in the side of my breast, under my arm, down my arm etc. I get so worried that I get runny poos and a bad gut. At the height of this fear I was sent to the breast clinic and after all the exams they found nothing. Wierdly all the pain went.....
Try to be postive Zippy - you are going to breast clinic for peace of mind. Again, I am very sorry about you Aunt. xxxx PS Pain in your breast is rarely cause for cincern and the sighing for breath is a classic symptom of anxiety.

04-05-10, 13:34
Thanks for the reply. I hate this health anxiety it just takes over your mind and we dont think rationally anymore. My mam,partner,friend have all said they arent worried about the lump but they worry because they know how much i get worked up about it and make myself worse.I always tell myself when i feel ok again that i wont let myself get so anxious next time i get any new pains but i do.Its a vicious circle. I have had most of these symptoms before apart from the aching boob and underarm ache.