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View Full Version : will i ever get confidence!!!!??????

04-05-10, 14:32
im getting on a bit 53,how awfull!!.iv never had alot of confidence and im a timid person to start off with.im at home all days on my own,having to stop work due to my arthritis 3 yrs ago, since then its gotten worse,last year i decided to learn to drive,bit late in life,but there you go!,my instructor said id make a realy good driver i only had 6 lessons, and was going to put me in for my test,he being confident id pass with flying colours the only thing wrong was id no confidence ,but i couldnt for the life of me go through with it,nerves got the better of me,iv tred since, and the same thing happened again,i want to try again but dont want to waste his time+mine+money, keep starting and stoping,and whats made me more upset,a lady i know she is 56,went for it and passed 1st time,i thought good on her,id love to have her confidence,im such the coward and i hate myself, iv been crying the past week,being able to drive would change so much in my life,my hubby works long hrs,so he cant take me out in the car to help me get use,how do i over come this problem? and do you think me being me,have left it to late to try?.xx:weep:

04-05-10, 16:03
Hi, I think you have done fabulous if you can go in for your test after only having half a dozen lessons! Please have faith in yourself and try again with the test. I am sure that after the initial pre exam nerves, when you get on the road you will feel fine. You are not too old either, just mature and have plenty of life experience, which is a great help with driving, you will also be able to get car insurance at a reasonable price too!

04-05-10, 16:13
Hello Bellalew,

Goodness me 53 is no age at all!!!

It is never too late to start anything - 'if you don't suceed at first, try, try again'. All too often we put restrictions on ourselves, and we end up missing out on so much.

I know it isn't easy when you don't feel you have the confidence, but it is something which can grow, but you must keep on feeding it, allow yourself to take a chance. :)

04-05-10, 16:19
well im a 42 yr old male..suffer with GAD...stressed all day worried constantly...dizzy ...u name it and its me..lol...wont go into any shops..get really dizzy when socialising..feel faint etc...Well listnen to this...I went ice skating last week and this week..i was a nervous as hell...my confidence is that low i feel bloody terrible to do virtually anything...i managed 2 40 minute sessions...nervous as hell but i did it..And because ive actually done somethink i would never dream of , i feel like my confidence has risen slightly...never give up !!!!!.im hoping to get out again this week...good luck never give up !!..

04-05-10, 16:57
thanks for your moral suport and advice guys:hugs:your all right of course and, hope its given me the kick in the bum i need ha,its easy to be negative, not so easy to be posative when were feeling low,but ill give it another go.i have driven in the past,on waste land ect,it gave me experience,and found it usefull when i began my lessons,i know i can drive and would be ok after its just that being tested, that sucks the confidence from me,and my bottle gose,but as youv all said,if i dont go try ill always never know, eh guys?.sorry to be a pain but gratefull for your replies.xxx

04-05-10, 17:06
well im a 42 yr old male..suffer with GAD...stressed all day worried constantly...dizzy ...u name it and its me..lol...wont go into any shops..get really dizzy when socialising..feel faint etc...Well listnen to this...I went ice skating last week and this week..i was a nervous as hell...my confidence is that low i feel bloody terrible to do virtually anything...i managed 2 40 minute sessions...nervous as hell but i did it..And because ive actually done somethink i would never dream of , i feel like my confidence has risen slightly...never give up !!!!!.im hoping to get out again this week...good luck never give up !!..

what alovely story trev,and all that you suffer!!, i feel such a moaner and a softy.i love hearing sucses storys,you must feel on top of the world at your acheivement and i for one am delighted you went for it and won:yesyes:well done hun,ill give my ambition a shot and let you all know how i get on,again thanks,its been an insparation reading your story.xxx

eternally optimistic
04-05-10, 17:24
Good for you Bellalew and you Trev.

You BOTH go for it.

Sounds good, out on the freeway and on that open stretch of ice - LOL.

Well done again, and keep at it.