View Full Version : dizziness after a flight, should I be worried?

04-05-10, 15:21
I recently went on holiday and there was a two hour flight to get there and another two hour flight back 4 days later. Its the first time ive flown and expected ears to block or pop or maybe hurt on take off and/or landing. My hearing was a little blocked but not much, but wasnt prepared for the extreme dizziness I suffered on the take offs and landing, it felt like being really really drunk (though had not had a drink on either day). I didnt know which way was up and it felt like the aircraft was lurching from side to side and I felt kind of spaced out like I was floating. It lasted for about 15 mins from take off and then got better while actually up in air but came back whilst landing.

I put this down tothe change in altitude and that, thats just the way im affected on a plane e.g. like some people's ears pop more than others for example. I was fine whilst on the hol, however, the flight bck was yesterday, and since ive gotten up today ive felt dizzy, no headache or sickness, hearing is fine and ears dont hurt but I could really swear Im on a boat!! It feels like room is moving!

Should I be worried? Has anyone else had this?? Ive never previously had any balance or ear issues, dont suffer migraines or suffer from vertigo. Ive read about something called Barotrauma, which is a problem with fluid in the ear caused by the flight pressure, and it says if feeling dizzy after flight, you could require medical help as ear surgery may be required to restore balance!!!! Freaking out at that! Also, worried could be a blood clot!

04-05-10, 15:54
i think its the altitude thing hun,but if its still the same tomorrow id have a chat with your doc to put your mind at rest.i hate flying i get the feeling i am going to faint rushing through my body,and at landing to,up in the air im fine.if it was a clot then youd have a red swelling in leg or legs,thats what my doc told me cause i thought id got a clot after flying last yr,and was dizzy for 2 days after,but he said some pepole react that way to it and was nothing to worry about.let us know how you get on hun.hope you feel better soon.xx

04-05-10, 16:23
i would contact your docter if it continues

06-05-10, 14:17
I still have this dizziness and has been 3 days since ive flown, have made an appointment to see the doc but am terrified what they'l say, I dont want to have to have an operation if Ive damaged my ears in some way through flying, so scared!

09-05-10, 19:15
Went to docs about this, she looked at my eyes and found nothing wrong and asked if id actually fallen over with the dizziness which I havent, as its more a undulating im on a boat feeling rather than the world is spinning. She then looked in my ears and said there was bsaically fluid where there shouldnt be and mentioned eustachain syndrome (probs spelling tht wrong). She said I need to keep popping my ears, and to inhale steam whilst trying to pop them, and that it should go away, anywhere up to another few days or a few months!! She didnt seem concerned at all and offered no further idea of what theyd do if feeling doesnt go away!

20-06-18, 15:31
Went to docs about this, she looked at my eyes and found nothing wrong and asked if id actually fallen over with the dizziness which I havent, as its more a undulating im on a boat feeling rather than the world is spinning. She then looked in my ears and said there was bsaically fluid where there shouldnt be and mentioned eustachain syndrome (probs spelling tht wrong). She said I need to keep popping my ears, and to inhale steam whilst trying to pop them, and that it should go away, anywhere up to another few days or a few months!! She didnt seem concerned at all and offered no further idea of what theyd do if feeling doesnt go away!

I have this after every car journey. Did it ever go away for you?

20-06-18, 18:20
There is a thing called "disembarkment syndrome". Basically, the fluid in your ears and signals to your brain about motion get messed up after a boat or plane ride and are confused for awhile.


I get this sometimes for a few days after getting off a plane, especially if there was a lot of turbulence.