View Full Version : daughters first period...

Cell block H fan
04-05-10, 16:43
Can any parents out there remember their daughters starting their periods?
My daughter started hers, age 13, come this friday it will be 2 weeks since day one. It pretty much stopped after a week, but up to now she is still getting spotting.
Is that normal?
She is tiny, I didn't think hers would start for a year or so yet. But I put her on build up shakes a couple of months ago, so maybe that helped some how! I dont know.
Anyway, just wondered what the norm is in regards to the time it lasts at first, because I cant remember when mine started & what it was like!

04-05-10, 16:49
I don't have a daughter but I remember my first period, I was 12 and it went on for ages lol
I spotted for about a month or so then they were all over the place until I hit about 18 so don't worry it's perfectly normal!

04-05-10, 17:24
Yes I think it's very normal, I started at 12 and mine were very irregular and long. They didn't settle down till I went on the pill but I know for most people they do settle down within a few months of starting

Cell block H fan
04-05-10, 17:35
Ok cheers folks. I wont worry too much then.
She coped with it really well, it wasn't too too heavy either. Just wondered about this spotting.
I wont go running up the docs with her LOL