View Full Version : Breasts!!!!!!!

04-05-10, 16:51
I would like to know if anyone has this problem like me.
I am a 36 DD size booby,and I have alot of blue coloured veins running across my boobs.I can't wear low cut top's or anything as you can really notice them.
Im about a stone over wieght,and I used to have quite small breast once,the wieght gain tends to go on the hip's,thigh's and boob's,and Im sure its hormone's.

I was told once I had poly cystic ovary syndrome.

04-05-10, 16:54
Hey Yorky :D

I too am blessed ( or cursed depends on my mood lol) with a 36DD chest I am also very, very pale with very fair hair when it's not dyed :D.

I've always had little blue veins, due to being so pale, my legs are the same.. the joys of being Scottish lol
I'm sure it's nothing what-so-ever to be worried about.

Are you pale too?


04-05-10, 23:49
Im pale to and fair haired,my veins are very noticable on my boobs,I have them on my legs to!!!!!!!:mad: but they stand out of my boobies!!!:ohmy:

05-05-10, 03:58
Me too- I am a 38DDD and I have veins as well ! I am self conscious enough without having my veins look making me look "marbled" !

I used a self tanner to give me a slight tint and to try and downplay the coloured veins. It actually worked !

A co-worker has a big green (bright green ) vein running up her cheek and into her hair. She is quite pale and she is not bothered by her veins- so I try not to be bothered by mine.

Initially I asked my GP if this was normal and once I was assured it was okay I just covered them with self tanner !

Maybe you'd like to try it- if you do get the weakest gradual self tanner you can find. It is easier to use than one that is really strong and might highlight uneven distribution.


05-05-10, 05:18
Out of all of you, I feel most sorry for the chick with the vein up the side of her face - into her hair, good grief!

And you thought veiny boobs were a problem!

Sorry ladies but any bloke who sees an article entitled "Breasts", will read it - fact. :D

05-05-10, 08:11
Aww...gees how lucky to have big tits,my hubby now calls me fitless titless it is not fair,I have a couple of veins on my left tit that are more noticable than the right one.The quack said it is nothing to worry about,yeah right tell that to someone that does not have H/A,and no tits:weep:Ronny x

Granny Primark
05-05-10, 08:57
Im like Ronny:weep:
Id love to have bigger boobs.
My hubbys says my shoulderblades are bigger than me boobs and that I could wear a backless dress frontless and no one would know the difference!!!!:mad::blush::mad::blush::weep::weep:
Ive told him that good things come in small packages. Hes only got look at himself when hes in the nuddy!:whistles:
Im just so greatful to the person that invented jelly bras and chicken fillets.:yesyes:
He should be greatful to the person that realised you could enhance your manhood by putting socks to a different use!:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:: roflmao:

05-05-10, 11:51
im a 36G n have the vains showing aswel as plenty of stretch marks along mine :(

05-05-10, 12:14
Im pale to and fair haired,my veins are very noticable on my boobs,I have them on my legs to!!!!!!!:mad: but they stand out of my boobies!!

I used to fret and do the whole fake tan thing which will hide any veins right up until i realised i always smelled like a biscuit:ohmy: and decided to embrace my paleness, trust me when I say with boobies like ours no one notices the veins!:winks:

Bluebell- Me too- I am a 38DDD

Wow.. how on earth do you find bra's to fit???:huh:

Rich - Sorry ladies but any bloke who sees an article entitled "Breasts", will read it - fact. :biggrin:

Men! :roflmao: although you proved my point with no one noticing the veins!

Ronny-The quack said it is nothing to worry about,yeah right tell that to someone that does not have H/A,and no tits

Big boobs are not the be all and end all.. the do have the disadvantages I can assure you of that.
If you're really, really unhappy couldn't you be referred for an NHS surgery or is that a no go with your HA?

Granny Primark-Hes only got look at himself when hes in the nuddy!:whistles: He should be greatful to the person that realised you could enhance your manhood by putting socks to a different use

:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: Classic!

Standfree -im a 36G n have the vains showing aswel as plenty of stretch marks along mine :(

Those are normal parts of being woman.. I've yet to meant a woman totally secure within her own self.

05-05-10, 13:27
Thanks everyone,you have made me feel load's better,with a good giggle as well.:roflmao:

05-05-10, 13:35
Just another thread thats gone TITS UP then ? :whistles: Sue x

Granny Primark
05-05-10, 14:26
I bet the men members are loving this thread!:doh:
Wonder how long it will be before one of them posts a similar thread about their body parts?:yesyes::blush::winks:

05-05-10, 14:41
:lac:OMG !.:ohmy:..NOOOO ...please dont give em ideas Lynn :scared15:

05-05-10, 14:46

05-05-10, 16:08
:roflmao::roflmao: Just as well the original poster found the fact this thread turned shambolic funny.

Granny Primark -Wonder how long it will be before one of them posts a similar thread about their body parts

:huh: And you just know we'd all go and have a look :yahoo:

05-05-10, 16:44
Well I'm not shy, I'll tell anyone who wants to know, plus a few people who don't. :D

In other news: Boobies.

05-05-10, 16:57
Well I'm not shy, I'll tell anyone who wants to know, plus a few people who don't. :D

Why does that not surprise me :scared15::roflmao::roflmao:

We may also have noticed your keen interest in boobies :D

05-05-10, 17:03
I like you, you already know me so well :D

EDIT: I actually like legs best but it's hard to have a conversation about legs.

Granny Primark
05-05-10, 17:26
My legs are the only part of my body that im not ashamed of!:yesyes:
Not bad for an 83 year old granny:winks::D

05-05-10, 18:00
Poet -I like you, you already know me so well :D

EDIT: I actually like legs best but it's hard to have a conversation about legsI think it might just be a man thing... you lot aint hard to work out:roflmao: and how on earth is it harder to have a conversation about legs than boobs???.:huh:

Granny Primark -My legs are the only part of my body that im not ashamed of!:yesyes:
Not bad for an 83 year old granny:winks::DI'd love to have decent legs mine are pale ( and i mean ghost white lol) , shapeless things...luckily enough for me my OH doesn't seem to notice, I dunno.. is that lucky :huh::D

Are you really 83?????

Oh and come on then.. pics of these legs please.

05-05-10, 18:38

Are you really 83?????

Is she HECK ..... she s nothing like 83 ..check out her profile pic....hehe Naughty Granny tellin fibs ...:roflmao: Sue x

05-05-10, 19:59
To all the ladies who were wishing for larger breasts...
You will be thankful when you are older and you don't have 2 partially deflated water balloons hanging from your chest!
Once gravity has taken over, a large chest is a pain!

Used to love my large ummm endowments!
Now I wish I was bitty tittied!!!
Least I'd have less to stuff upwards into a bra!
And I could wear pretty lacy bras instead of the industrial strength sling shot I have to wear!
I might need to send a letter to the manufacturer that tells them, adding a little bow to the front of a 'cross your heart' does not appeal to a 40 plus year old woman!

Oh and to be able to only struggle with one or two hooks!!!
The makers of bras from big boobies thinks that adding 4 or 5 more is a added safety feature apparently!
Thing is the older I get, the harder it is too keep my arms back there to try to get them all undone!
Eventually I'll have to flop around on my belly with my arms behind my back struggling with the dreaded hooks trying desperately to free myself from the damned thing!

After reading this back I might have to say 'forget it' and leave the damn things flop around free and just let nature take it's course the rest of the way!
Eventually I will just have to learn to kick them out of my way so I don't trip over them I guess!


05-05-10, 20:03
Sandy ffsk i am howling here :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

When i take my bra off, my knees are kept nice and warm.

05-05-10, 20:13
:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:Like I said earlier another thread seems to have gone TITS UP ....pmsl Sandy and Lisa ...:roflmao:suexx

05-05-10, 20:19
Go Go Granny Primark!!! :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

You show those girls how to be a real woman! :yesyes:

The only place I can wear a bra is my head!


05-05-10, 20:53
:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: How on earth did a serious thread turn into this?

I'm howling out loud here.

I needed that chuckle, thanks guys and gals.:hugs:

05-05-10, 21:04

05-05-10, 21:29
In the entire world THE best place in buy bras for those of us that are not proportioned equally (small but large chested) is LAS VEGAS.

Honestly you can find very nice sexy bras for bigger boobies other than that you're pretty much stuck with ugly stuff-atleast in Canada there is only ugly stuff !

05-05-10, 21:37
Behave Poet! :roflmao:

Bluebell- I could do with really pretty bra's.. I presume they must do mail order for the U.K?
Otherwise I'm stuck with M&S and the nice ones don't fit properly from there lol

06-05-10, 00:20
Actually looking at my boobies right now,its not veins I have its bloody train tracks!!!!!!!!!!:ohmy:

Mind you I have no complaints from my better half!!!!!:winks::winks::winks:

06-05-10, 01:20
Well, I really don't know how I stumbled upon this one at this time of night. I made a boob-boob, sorry....

06-05-10, 07:31
Stretch marks??? I have a problem finding anything I like or that fits and I'm only a 36B Having a child and getting older changed my breasts. I'm quite happy with them though.

Granny Primark
06-05-10, 09:32
Im 36AAAAAA But it has got its advantages:D
Jelly bras and chicken fillets keep you warm:yesyes:
I was in the tax office once and noticed a lump on my waist. It worried me to death, then I realised my chicken fillet had slipped out!!!!!:blush::blush::blush::blush:

06-05-10, 14:29
That has tickled me Granny!!!!lol

I have these pictures in my head now!!!!:wacko:

06-05-10, 16:34
I love threads like this cos they break down some of the barriers between males and females. It's wrong that people keep secrets from each other; how are we supposed to understand one another if we don't know how big your breasts are? Besides, I don't even know anything (or care) about breast sizes cos I'm a leg man.

06-05-10, 16:36
I have small boobs...boo hoo, Im 36b and veiny too, double boo hoo!
Dont worry though, I remember seeing Brigette Neilsin on big brother and she was very veiny and it obviously didnt bother her or she wouldnt have had them on show!

06-05-10, 16:50
well wat can i say im a 38ff and i wish i could have smaller boobs i find it a strain lmao

06-05-10, 16:55
Granny Primark -It worried me to death, then I realised my chicken fillet had slipped out!!!:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao : Classic, although I would have died of embarrassment :blush:

Poet - how are we supposed to understand one another if we don't know how big your breasts are?

:doh: The first half of that sentence I went "awwww isn't that sweet" then I finished reading it:roflmao:.

sb001f8994 -I remember seeing Brigette Neilsin on big brother

I need a short version of your name to type lol

I remember seeing her on there too.. I was more hypnotised by the dodgy botox than her boobies.:ohmy::)

Granny Primark
06-05-10, 17:10
Ive had worse embarrassing moments than that.:mad:
I was at the local swimming pool one day with my family.
Id got a bikini on that id borrowed from my sis in law. Id put padding in the bra bit. I was swimming along then realised my pads had come out and were floating on the top!!!!!!! :blush:
I was horrified. I didnt think it was funny at the time.
My family have never seen me swim so fast to retrieve them.:D
Its only now that I realise that thats the last thing I need worry about.

06-05-10, 17:15
:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: It's amazing how we are able to look back at things and laugh when at the time we were mortified.

06-05-10, 17:38
I'm 36B but my breasts are not small!!!

margaret jones
06-05-10, 18:51
Yes i have looked 2 lge blue viens but who cares not me mostly my bra covers them so only me and hubby ( if he is lucky see them )) dont worry they are very normal honest xxxx

07-05-10, 00:30
Thanks guy's,granny you are so funny.:roflmao:

Ill have to catch up with this thread when I get of hol's.Im going over sea's!!!!!! to the Isle of Wight!!!!!!!:yesyes: Couldn't get on the ferry before I came on NMP,that's what brought me here in 2006,and this will be my second year going on the ferry,and Im not anxious at all:yahoo:well that's another story!!!!!!

Hey girl's I just think we need to accept what boobie's we have,there are alot of women out there who have had medical problem's with there breast's and some have sadly lost breast's so I think we are lucky really.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

07-05-10, 11:44
Couldn't get on the ferry before I came on NMP,that's what brought me here in 2006,and this will be my second year going on the ferry,and Im not anxious at al

:yesyes::yesyes: Fantastic news! I hope you have a great time.. don't forget to bring up back some rock lol.

Hey girl's I just think we need to accept what boobie's we have,there are alot of women out there who have had medical problem's with there breast's and some have sadly lost breast's so I think we are lucky really

Very well said Yorky, we should all count our blessings!:)

07-05-10, 14:19
Have a good holiday yorkylover and you are so right, we need to accept what we have and be thankful.
take care,

07-05-10, 14:39
Have a great time Yorky ,I hope the sun comes out for you and you can wear that skimpy Bikini .:yesyes:..No one is perfect and we all have imperfections . Take care Luv Sue xx:hugs:

07-05-10, 15:55
See you soon guy's.Don't think it will be warm enough for that bikini:ohmy: but will have a great time anyway.xxxxxxx

Granny Primark
07-05-10, 17:49
Have a brill time yorklover. xxxxxx

30-06-10, 17:08
Well I have made a doctor's appointment about my boobs,not about the veins but my left boob has been feeling heavy and to me looks slighty larger than my right boob.It aches to,I feel I need to get it checked out,plus gonna have a word about my weight gain and hormones!!!!!

May as well just take a bloody list with me!!!!!!Lol:wacko:

Have any of you ladies had your boobs measured? Im wondering if Im wearing my bra's to tight or small!!!!:shrug: