View Full Version : bad dreams - wake up screaming

27-01-06, 16:31
hey, ive been having some trouble with a housemate recently: he refused to speak to me for a few days when he felt the house was untidy and then yelled and screamed at me that he hates me and that i make his life a living hell, to be honest i dont know what ive done to make him feel like that as i dont normally annoy people and make an effort not to annoy him.

anyway since then ive been having a lot of trouble getting to sleep and when i do sleep i have bad dreams, waking up in a panic sometimes screaming.

just wondering if anyone had any advice as im getting very tired... thanks

28-01-06, 04:20
Hi eliot -
I am sorry to hear that you are having sleep troubles. The only thing that I can say is that I hate too when you put forth an effort to be nice and the other person still doesn't like you. I am sure that it has happened to everyone at some point. I know that it is tough because everyone wants to be liked but you can't make everyone like you no matter how hard you try. Your room mate doesn't have the right to yell and scream at you no matter what the house looked like! It seems to me that he/she is the one with the problem not you. I know that it is upseting but you can't live your life trying to please everyone because not only is it terribly tiring but it will never happen! It's just a lot of energy wasted.
I hope things get better for you soon and that you are able to get some restful sleep.


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

30-01-06, 21:38
hi, i am a bit like that at the moment and i think that its just the worry in the back of your mind that makes you have these dreams. Maybe you have more underlying issues not just with mate. All different things put together can make you feel awul and you dont even realise it. For some reason i have murder dreams and can see everything that happens, i wake up so frightened and then cant get back to sleep or get it out of my mind.
I hope this is ok to tell you this, jsut nice to relate to someone for once x