View Full Version : Hello everyone

04-05-10, 18:34
I am new here but no stranger to online forums.

I am 40 and have always been what can be described as anxious, particularly with regard to health issues.

I had my first panic attack (at least that is what my doctor said it was) a few months back when I was woken up by a very hard beating racing heart. I did get checked out at the time but by the time I got to the hospital it had slowed significantly, though it was still not normal and calm for about 5 hours!

Since then I can see that I have developed a fear of resting and sleeping in case it happens again. I seem to get a panic attack to some degree every night right now. I have tried a session of hypnotherapy but felt so floaty at the beginning it alarmed me and set of the palpitations again - gaaaaa! :doh:

I have loads of support from my lovely husband, but I am hoping to fond some like minded people to chat to here to lessen the load a bit for him.

04-05-10, 18:36
Hi alicegreen

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-05-10, 19:21
Hi & welcome to NMP

I've been suffering with panic attacks for many years now, it does help to have a supportive partner, it took my husband a long time to understand but he does now & I wouldn't be able to cope through them without him.
You will find loads of great information & support here.

04-05-10, 19:51
Hi Alice I'm new today too.

I know exactly what you mean about the hypnotherapy, it made my heart beat so quickly and I felt so out of control it was impossible to relax...

Have you tried just seeing a therapist who doesn't have to put you under but could let you just talk it all out? Hope you find an answer soon!


Harri x

crazy lady
04-05-10, 21:22
Hi Alice, I'm also new and I can't get my head around half of the stuff that I'm going through.....mine panic attack also started at night and on the third night of one happening I told my husband to take me to the hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack and then since that day I have had every syptom possible for anxiety......it's a really horrible time but we will get through this.

04-05-10, 21:34
hi there. i no how you are feeling/ i have suffered with panic attacks on and off for a few years. i tend tostart getting anxious wgen it starts to get dark, and often wake in the night , sweating, and feeling very anxious, and afraid that im going to die... i was prescibed citralapram, which at 1st made the panic attacks worst, but after a few weeks they got less severe.. is till sometimes wake with hot sweat, but the anxiety isnt as bad.. my husband is very good, and is very good at calming me down.. i have been told that therapy is good for helping with panic disorder, so i may ask gp about this... just remmber you are not alone.. take care and let us no how you are getting on. x