View Full Version : HELP! Tingly, hurting, swollen, itchy hands and feet

04-05-10, 19:30
Can someone help me? The last two days the tops of my feet are extremely itchy, but theres no rash, they feel and look swollen, they hurt and they keep getting pins and needles, my hands feel the same way except they arent really itchy but the pins and needles goes into my arms. Also, my lips and tongue keep getting the pins and needles tingly feeling. It is driving me crazy and I am afraid something is seriously wrong. Yesterday I got a severe pain in my back that took my breath away and my back was sore, not sure if it would go together with that? Also I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few weeks ago and wondering if anyone knows if that can be linked to my hands, feet and face. Otherwise, should I go to emergency room? Very worried, as I don't know why they feel this way!

04-05-10, 19:46
Hi Mom

Have you taken anything new like midications ect?


04-05-10, 20:08
nope, i haven't taken anything new at all...

04-05-10, 20:21
maybe you should speak to your doctor becasue it sounds like something that is annoying you. It would be too hun.


04-05-10, 20:42
so you think its something i should be worried about? i have had any test you can think of and been to every doctor just about!

crazy lady
04-05-10, 21:40
Hi, I have also been experiencing tinglings and a little numbness in my feet and hands and also they are a little itchy......don't know what it is. I am on medicatio but have been for the last month now. It drives you mad does'nt it!

04-05-10, 21:49
do yours feel swollen too? i was told that it can be caused by fibromyalgia

05-05-10, 13:58
Thanks for your help, I don't take anything for the fibro right now, I was prescribed elavil but makes me too tired, I don't really taking meds at all, the only thing i take is metatoprol. I was wondering if vitamins would help...I think I will give them a try. I am new to the fibromyalgia, so any info I can learn about it is great!