View Full Version : Bad Day Today...Really Need Support... :(

04-05-10, 20:51
Hi guys, well the title says it all reallly..

Im worrying about MS again :( Basically it all started this morning when i was sitting at computer and my leg kept moving (like twitching but it made my whole leg move, not just the muscle...is this normal?) so i got a bit anxious about MS again.. Then i was driving to town and got a sudden sharp pressure feeling in my head as if my brain swelled up suddenly and then it went seconds later..this left me dizzy and anxious yet again... walking round asda and felt spaced out, made me even more anxious.. then started getting CENTRAL sharp pressure pains in my chest...!!! Usually they r left-sided, now im REALLY worried this IS my heart ... ive had 8 normal ECG's though...so i dunno rly...maybe im just overreacting...What does anyone else think??

Also, I yawn and my ears pop and suddenly everything goes loud, got ENT doc on 1st June, worried that the ear problems are guna spread to brain (yes i googled!!) so im just a mess again now lol. I keep twitching and getting tight throat and cant take a deep breath in..awful it really is :( i do have a cold at mo though and pressure feeling in my upper part of nose and around eyes....is this sinus trouble?

im on citalopram 20mg, might get upped to 30mg...what dya rekon?

help guys, please :( xx

04-05-10, 23:27
anyone atall...

04-05-10, 23:29
hi crazy, i don't know your history but i think anxiety is the worst for thinking about a symptom and suddenly "feeling it"... test it with parts of your body, think of a sore foot and see if you "feel it"... i have had central chest pains too and this turned out to be costochondritis or inflammation of the chest bone, very painful. i think you have to try and seperate all your symptoms out, have you considered keeping a diary to take to your next appointments?

I hope you are feeling a little calmer now..

04-05-10, 23:30
oh and if you have a cold and your ears pop that'll just be because you are all bunged up nothing to worry about :)

05-05-10, 17:28
Sweetheart, I really do think that all of these random problems sound anxiety related.

I don't mean to sound at all blase, I know how hard it is to live with, I am a huge hypochondriac myself and have to make myself avoid google!

My legs can be jumpy at times, sometimes really badly after a long run or if I am over tired. I also used to get numb tingly fingers and feet for days on end until I accepted it was stress related and now I hardly ever get this. I have been convinced in the past that I had MS as well.

crazy lady
05-05-10, 21:15
Hi Alice, you sound just the lady I need to be talking with, I started with panic attacks in Feb this year and was terrified, I have since then been to counselling and accpuncture and also been on Citalopram for about 6 weeks, things did seem to calm down and I havn't had a panic attack now for 4 weeks, but for the last 2 weeks I have had numbness and tingling in my fingers and most of all in my left foot, unfortunately at the weekend I pulled my back which I damaged in 2005, (lower disc out) I am now scared that other discs are out and can't sleep due to hot feet at night time and now I am not sleeping again......I was really doing well but now I feel like I am going backwards.......have you any advice about these new feelings? thanks annette.

06-05-10, 09:43
Annette, I know from my experience that the more that you focus on a problem the more it is magnified. Saying that I am the sort of person that does find it really hard to distract myself from a problem.

I am trying to change my thoughts right now and when a negative thought comes into my brain I am challenging it with a positive thought. Sometimes I find it helps me to visualise myself as a tree with my roots growing deeper into the ground. The wind can blow all around me but I just bend with it rather than fly away of break. I find it really benefits me to spend some time each day laying and relaxing and just focusing on my breathing. If bad thoughts come into my brain I acknowledge them but let them pass. I actually find this really difficult as I get an overwhelming feeling of wanting to get up and run away from the fear.

I do know that a ruptured disc is very painful and so I think that it is likely that your numbness etc is most likely to be anxiety related. I think that it can be incredibly frustrating at times to feel like we have taken a step back but it is important to get it into context. I know that despite the way that I feel today I am still a stronger person that I was 5 or 10 years ago. There has been a lot of stuff along the way but in all honesty that is life for everyone. It is all in how you look at it. I can realise that even if a lot of the time I don't quite believe it!

You are most certainly not alone. x

06-05-10, 09:56
well i must say this my daughter has just been diagnosed with ms she is only 25,, she had no symtoms you have they found it with blood tests i am out of my mind with worry ,, we had no warning none i think your is anxiety ,,