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27-01-06, 20:22
I've talked about this before elsewhere but I am having another bad 'do' of this bloomin rash and i wondered if anyone had any advice or comments.... i just started itching on my forearms and then it went mad, itching all over and a slight rash all over with some raised patches on my arms.. it is going down a bit now but it really panics me because of my health anxiety not to mention it's horrible!

I used premerthrin twice - two weds running as the doctor told me i had scabies (yuk!), and piriton because the pharmacist said it was allergy and the doc said i was allergic to the bites.... It just doesn't make sense to me! It's really doing my head in, going over whether it's something I ate, wore (I've changed!) washing powder, stress, hormones etc etc!! It would be good to hear of someone else with the same thing!

I'm really getting in a panic, really shaky and frightened although I don't know why exactly, maybe I'm scared I'll go in to anaphylactic shock or something - or its caused by something more sinister...

I am very stressed out anyway but if anyone has any words that might calm me down I would be very grateful!


27-01-06, 22:17
I've been googling (oops) and am wondering about lycra - it's in all my t-shirts, waistbands, bras etc....

ho hum!


27-01-06, 22:20
Hi Fee,

Sorry you're still suffering with this mate. I can't be much help but know as always I am thinking of you.
I did have a patch of having blotches on my neck/chest but it was more like hives or an allergic reaction, but it did seem to be due to anxiety somehow.
I know how terrifying it can be once we start imagining the worst in our minds but I don't think it's anything serious and it's not anaphylactic shock, allergies or stress or scabies are much more likely. Scabies could be it as they bite you and then you itch for a few weeks after treatment sometimes.
Big hug and thinking of you.

Lisa x

27-01-06, 22:22
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I've been googling (oops) and am wondering about lycra - it's in all my t-shirts, waistbands, bras etc....
<div align="right">Originally posted by feege - 27 January 2006 : 22:17:55</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Naughty girl for googling! Lol. You will have to join me at googleholics anonymous now! I haven't heard about lycra before but I guess people can become sensitive to it maybe, doesn't seem that likely.

Lisa x

27-01-06, 22:44
Yes it's me again! Lol.
Ok after googling on your behalf (oops, it's allowed for a mate isn't it!) I found many sites that said anxiety can cause a rash or hives. Hives also look like little bites or can just be raised blotches like I had. This is due to a release of histamine into the body and when we are anxious/stressed we release more histamine - I knew this but had forgotten as it's mentioned in my breathing book. As you have been anxious and certainly under alot of stress lately it could well be that. Even if it's scabies it's not serious either just very irritating. Does calamine lotion help?
Anyway I hope that helps a little.

Lisa x

27-01-06, 23:07
oh lisa hon - thanks!

it's soooo doing my head in tonight.. I don't know why it's bothering me so much - i guess it's quite an obvious anxiety thing but i feel tormented! haven't even been able to concentrate on BB and I've watched the whole thing and it was the final - no distraction for me tonight! I keep scratching and making it worse - i do it before i realise it's just instinct!

That was interesting about hives... i wondered about that but stopped myself googling too much and just looked up latex allergy because of where it seemed to be conentrated and the fact that i had a t-shirt with lycra in on.... I do try NOT to google!

I haven't looked at your thread yet - just offloaded here! I hope you are ok - will have a look now!

thanks again hon xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


27-01-06, 23:13
You're welcome mate.

I know you try not to google, I do too, but just occasionally we get that urge to look up spmething innocent don't we. Lol.
I know when I had hives my then gp tried telling me it was my washing powder initially, but I hadn't changed it.
You offload as much as you want, you don't have to read my waffle on my thread too! Lol.
I hope you feel better about this soon,

Lisa x

28-01-06, 11:17
Hi Fee,

I almost sure this is down to all the stress you are under at the moment.

I know last summer my youngest had rashes, itches for a few weeks and we were at our wits end trying to work out what it was, anything from blackberries to sun lotion to washing powder. Anyway it then just went.

This maybe one of your symptoms - like some feel sick, some get ibs, some get this that and the other. We all have our areas where anxiety seems to show itsself.

Have you tried calenduala cream to soothe it??

I am sure it will settle down but is hard when you think it is allergy based to isolate the culprit isnt it.

Big hug mate.

Piglet xx

28-01-06, 11:22
Thanks piglet! But hey don't get too close with the hug - you might catch something lol[:I]

I hope it is one of those things that just disappears again - it's always a new trick with my ME/anxiety... I was terribly down and anxious last night (it started with the rash and went downhill) and have been weeping and tossing and turning all night... So I'm having trouble getting myself together today.

Yours support means so much to me - you're a ray of sunshine!

love and hugsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


28-01-06, 11:40

I am always amazed at just how varied all the symptoms can be.

I have had some really weird ones over the past few years (with a couple of genuine organic problems thrown in, like the cyst on my ovary).

The ibs one really scared me and so did the indigestion one too. You said in one of your posts something like, new symptom-worry-doctor- tests-relief-new symptom. That made me smile so much, cos its soooo true!!!!!!

I also thought about what you said about the way you feel about your son as I am just the same about my girls. I am trying very hard to think about this differently if they snap at me, to not to take it too personally. This is hard when they are the focus of your life so I totally know what you mean.

It is a really lovely sunny day here, so I am gonna make a brew and put a warm coat on and go and sit in the garden:D:D:D and get some vit d on my face!!

We have a robin that comes in our garden all the time called Bert, who I really like until he poos on my washing, so I need to go and check that he's behaving.

Nother hug for you cos I am not fussed about your hivey thing.

Piglet xx

28-01-06, 12:09
lol piglet - you won't say that when you start itching:D

It's funny when you said that about your girls I was thinking probably all mothers have this to some extent and especially when they only have one child and they grow up..

So I was thinking 'empty nest syndrome' and up popped (or was it pooped) your Robin!

I think you're right, I'm going to get my coat on and go to the park... I don't have a garden, but I have a top (2nd floor) flat with a balcony and a (distant) sea view which is lovely and a park literally across the road thank goodness! Perhaps the fresh air will ease the itching too! Do you think calendula might help? Cos I itch ALL over at the moment!

I have tried not to google rashes but I'm a little irritated because I have found out if it is scabies then my doctor gave me inadequate advice - I didn't put the cream under my nails, I struggled to get it all over (had no-one I felt I could ask to help[8)]) and didn't wash everything I had been near in the previous 72 hours (well how could I - I have ME for goodness sake and the sofa won't fit in the machine lol) - so it may not be fully treated AND I now find that even if it is treated the itching could continue for up to 3 weeks! Why oh why don't they just test you before they treat you and make sure if you use something you use it correctly!.... sorry, grumble over!

Thankyou for your lovely message... right, shower, clothes, coat, park... is that the right order (I do get confused lol!).

love n hugs xxxxxxxxxx


28-01-06, 13:36
Hi Fee,

Sorry you had a bad night, I hope the walk round the park helps you feel better. It's a lovely sunny day here today, I'm off to get my hair cut soon. I should be doing housework but have decided to think of me instead today (will be panicking tomorrow about doing housework due to dust mites affecting my allergies though Lol).
I hope you stop itching soon, the scabies thing sounds a nightmare - sorry I did laugh at trying to get a sofa in the washing machine :D.
I'd try calendula, it's very good for general itches/soothing, I suppose it depends what else you're using. Calamine lotion is good too.

Thinking of you,

Lisa x

28-01-06, 15:50
Fee try www.sheabuttercottage.co.uk this will also link you to Akua's (that's the lady behind it all and a friendly lady she is too) other site that has lots of lovely natural products.

The calendula cream is lovely but you could e-mail her an ask for advice first.

Piglet xxxx

28-01-06, 16:11
hi lisa! thanks hon - hope the hairdressers goes well! lol glad the sofa made you laugh! I might well try the calendula but haven't had the energy to go and buy it today - just walked round the park and popped into a friend's for a cuppa...

oooh piglet what a yummy website!! I try not to shop online cos that's the only way i stay solvent - too nackered to go shopping most of the time which has it's advantages... but that site is sooooo tempting i might have to try it!

hope you are both having a good day - i feel loads better at the moment (i go up and down like a yo-yo!)



28-01-06, 17:53
Hi Fee

I am glad you enjoyed your walk in the park and it is good to visit a friend too.

Great to hear you are feeling so much better. You are in my thoughts.

Karen x

28-01-06, 18:25
grrrr had a nice nap and woke up to left forearm itching so much i could rip it off!

my friend wants me to go out tonight but i'm so tired and its so cold i just can't seem to find the will..... but i know i need some sort of social life.

it's such a juggling act, money, energy, connecting with people, energy, confidence etc etc...

bloomin itch!


28-01-06, 22:17
Hi Fee,

Hope you've stopped itching a bit now.

Did you go out this evening? I hope you had a good time if you did.

How is Sarah doing, any recent news? is she in hospital all the time or is she able to go home at times too?

Anyway hope you're ok and thinking of you. It's been great having you around more the last couple of day, I really missed you when you weren't about - although I totally understand why you can't always be here.

Love Lisa x

29-01-06, 00:29
hi lisa

I went out to nandos and for a drink... and i'm drunk! Sarah is not too good, has an infection. I will feel weird reading this tomorrow cos i really am drunk!

will probably either have a rotten night or feel crap tomorrow (or both) but hey, i had a bit of fun!! hope you are all ok xxxx



29-01-06, 00:33
Hi Fee

Well I'm glad you had a good evening and hope you don't suffer too much for it tomorrow!

Sorry to hear that Sarah has an infection. Is she still in hospital?

Karen x

29-01-06, 00:38
hi karen

yes she is - hasn't been out since first week in Jan... but has been doing ok ish this week, but got a temperature today and on antibiotics again. so scary every time....

sorry i'm drunk!!! forgot what it felt like!

you ok? xxxxxxxx


29-01-06, 12:27
Hi Fee,

How's that head today? I don't envy you getting drunk though, with the ME I can't even tolerate a drop of alcohol. I really hope you feel ok today and not too itchy aswell!

Sorry to hear Sarah has another infection, it must be so worrying for you all. My thoughts are with you, Sarah and Mark.

It's another lovely sunny day here today, hope it is there. I so envy you being near the sea, a nice brisk walk along the seafront on a day like today would be perfect (ok in reality it would cause me to hyperventilate but I can dream) Lol.

Have a good day.

Lisa x

29-01-06, 12:47
oh dear..

at least i didn't post anything tooo stupid last night lol!

Surprisingly, i don't feel too bad... just very very tired and it was such a change to have fun.... and oddly i still can once i manage to get out!

itching is still bad althogh i didn't notice much last night lol! But my legs keep looking like i've been standing in front of a fire - and my arms a bit too, in patches and it comes and goes... what's that all about?

It is lovely and sunny here too lisa and i am going for a walk in a minute to try and shake off the hangover!

hope you are ok - haven't had much chance to look around today yet...



29-01-06, 13:15
Hi Fee,

Glad you're feeling ok today and enjoyed going out having fun last night.

Sorry you're still itching (even I start scratching when I keep typing itching! Lol). I don't really know about the legs looking like you've stood by the fire, I've had blotches like that on my chest/neck before but in my case it was either allergies or anxiety.

Hope you have a nice walk.

Lisa x

29-01-06, 21:59
Hi Fee,

How you feeling??

Did your GP give you a timescale on how quickly you'd begin to feel better, and has that deadline passed yet?

My brother had scabies last autumn and it was initially misdiagnosed as psoriosis, which did make some sense as that can be caused by stress which fitted. But when he went to a dermatologist, she immediately corrected the diagnosis as scabies and was given the right treatment, applying "Lyclear" [generic name Permethrin] twice a day all over the body. He also had to renew all clothing he had used during the infection period as the bug could be embedded in there too.

He is now cured, but still gets the odd minor itch.

Scabies can often be picked up from places such as nursing homes, but elsewhere of course. Have you visited a place like this in recent months?

Scabies shows itself not only in rashes, but also in raised red spots. My brother got a lot of these, particularly over his back and forearms, and they really went for his bum crack[Ugh]. They disappeared and reappeared elsewhere overnight, and had a habit of forming more later in the day when itching would be worse.

Anyway, tells us the latest!

Sleep tight


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

29-01-06, 22:08
Hi Ray

Thanks for answering again! I'm still absolutely tormented - in fact it is really bad tonight. I was told by doc (and have checked on net) to do it twice, one week apart with using Lyclear, which I have done - the second time was last Weds.

I have just had real trouble accepting it IS Scabies, plus I didn't do it all correctly the first time so I'm worried even if it is that I won't have cleared it. Blooming stupid GP she knows I have a health anxiety so I trusted her and just did what she said rather than read up first....

I have read more now and realise that if it is scabies (which I'm not sure) and I have treated it correctly (which I doubt!) then I could still carry on itching for up to 3 weeks!

I find it so hard to believe it can cause this much itching all over but feel reassured to hear about your brother! And it's better than a lot of the other things it could be - if it is stress I could be stuck with it for ever!!!

I had no-one to help me treat it and I have ME and am going through a lot of stress at the moment and all the washing and stuff is overwhelming if I have to go through the whole procedure againg:(

It seems particularly cruel timing and I have no idea where I could have got it from either.

I've had to keep myself really busy all day to distract me and now I'm exhausted, itchy, stressed and not sure how I'll cope with going to work tomorrow....

Thanks for your support!


29-01-06, 22:12
Hi Lisa

Thanks hon! As you can see from my reply to Ray I am tormented! It's really really bad tonight and making me really tense.

Sarah has a temperature again which is so frightening...

I have fallen out with my mum this weekend who made me feel guilty for going out, when I had said I was too tired and couldn't afford it! She made me feel 15 instead of 51!! I suppose I should be gateful lol!!

I will pop over and look at your place but sitting still and concenetrating when I'm being eaten alive isn't easy lol!!

Am I cursed?!! (only joking.. I think :D)

Hope you're ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


29-01-06, 22:46
Hi Fee,

I've seen you've been to my place so thanks for popping by. You seem to like my chaise and redbush tea I think! Lol.

Sorry you're still so itchy, if it is scabies it seems a right nuisance to treat.

Sorry Sarah is not so good again, it must be so worrying every time this happens. I am thinking of you all.

Try and ignore your Mum, she probably means well in her own way. Sometimes going out when we're too tired and have no money equals the best night out - as it was in your case. Lol.

I hope the itching stops and you can relax and get some sleep. Don't worry about work if you're not up to it, you have enough on your plate right now so put yourself first.

Big hugs,

Love Lisa x

29-01-06, 22:57
Hi Fee

Hope you manage to get some sleep and relief from the itching.

I would suggest ignoring your mum too. The night out seemed to do you the world of good and that's the most important thing when you're having a bad time.

Thinking of you and I hope Sarah starts to pick up again soon.

Karen x

29-01-06, 23:06
thanks lisa!

Maybe i'll get a garden one day..... but knowing me I'll be allergic to it lol!

ignore my mum?... you haven't met her lol;)

Hope you sleep well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


29-01-06, 23:23
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
Maybe i'll get a garden one day..... but knowing me I'll be allergic to it lol
<div align="right">Originally posted by feege - 29 January 2006 : 23:06:31</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Lol Fee, I'm allergic to mine, to the pollen and grass and trees, especially in the summer/spring, but I still enjoy it.

Sleep well too and hope you wake itch free!

Love Lisa x

P.S The power of the mind is amazing, I keep scratching my head when I'm talking about itching as I start itching! Lol.

30-01-06, 11:34
I'm still itching... it's nearly 2 weeks (weds) since i had the first treatment and I don't know what to do next... I think I might have to go back to doc but I think I've been once a week this year already.

I'm trying to keep myself distracted (reading up on existentialism lol) but it's really hard to ignore, like being bitten all over :-(

lisa - i've responded at your place!!

thanks everyone for your support!


30-01-06, 11:52
Hi Fee,

I replied over at my place too. It does sound like you may need to go back to the docs, if it is scabies it seems you may not have been fully treated properly.

I have been to the docs most weeks since Christmas too, certainly not more than a fortnight has gone without me going although all over Christmas I didn't go for a month [Wow!] Lol. My gp keeps asking me to go regularly but not sure it's a good thing, it does help in some ways as I worry less if I know I can discuss something with her in a week or so. Everyone in the surgery knows me, I think I'll get shares soon! I must drain the NHS! It's my fault there is no money left! Lol. I just got my cardiologists invoice last week, it was £1075, thankfully my insurance is paying it and I saved the NHS £1075, go me!. Expensive business this health anxiety/ME.

Anyway take care and I hope you feel better soon.

Lisa x

30-01-06, 14:15
I've decided i need to see the doc but i really can't face bothering my regular GP again - or waiting till Thursday or Friday so I'm going to see a private one I've seen a couple of times before. Can't afford it but totally tormented.

My whole left inside leg flared up earlier and since then I have loads of what really do look like bites. I'm so fed up with it. I've been trying to stay calm for nearly two weeks but I need to get to the bottom of it. I suppose if it is scabies i may have just disturbed it by not doing the treatment properly. Oh it's just gross... Tempted to get environmental health in to fumigate, maybe the flat is infested. Wonder if I'm actually cracking up - surely this is one thing too many!!! I feel very dizzy today too....

oh well another £45 down the drain - bound to be nothing wrong but have to lay it to rest....


30-01-06, 14:37
Hi Fee,

Good luck with the doc hope it helps and gets to the bottom of it. At least if it is scabies you can get the right treatment hopefully. It probably is only something simple.
How do you see a private gp by the way, I've heard of them but never seen one anywhere? Just curious really.
I don't think you need fumigating yet. Is your lodger itching or anything, I thought scabies was quite itchy and contagious, so if he hasn't got it maybe it's not, unless you don't share any rooms.
Anyway good luck, let us know how you get on.

Lisa x

30-01-06, 14:37
Let us know how you get on at the doctors then - it will be interesting to have another opinion on it.

I not sure our gp's are that great at the old skin problems - I've got a friend who kept being diagnosed with impetigo and was going back and forth for ages, until finally she burst into tears and refused to leave the surgery until she got a referral to a dermatologist. Their diagnosis was quite quite different and she had wasted a lot of time using the wrong stuff.

Good luck :)

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-01-06, 14:42
thanks girls! I will let you know. That is if I don't get sent to a leper colony lol!!!!!


30-01-06, 14:51
Lol Fee, I'll see you at the colony when I'm sent to join you!

Good luck.

Lisa x

30-01-06, 15:52
Hope you get on ok at the doctor's Fee. Thinking of you.

Karen x

30-01-06, 18:47
as predicted £40 down the drain....

er yes it could be an allergy, possibly to bet-blockers maybe you should stop taking them for a while (what?! I think not!), if it was scabies it should have gone, it could be stress.. blah blah itch itch blah.....

I just bet it's stress/anxiety so all i have to do it stop being stressed ha ha!!!

I feel really really fed up with it.... I suppose I'll go to work tomorrow and at least be distracted all day...

and it's better than mega palpitations etc....

The body is truly amazing!

I can't find many references to anxiety related itching on these boards surprisingly so I feel a bit lonely with it!

Anyone got any alternative suggestions?


30-01-06, 18:54
Awww Fee,

Sorry that didn't help much mate. I have no magic suggestions I'm afraid, short of getting allergy tests - almost impossible on the NHS unless you are a child with a peanut allergy, or prepared to wait ages, and very expensive privately.

I found a few threads on itching on these boards, one that described my symptoms down to a T, but then I haven't got the little bite marks you have.

Sorry I have no help except to use soothing creams, cool baths etc oh yeah and try not to scratch (I know that doesn't help me saying that!). It could well be stress, you've certainly been under alot.

Thinking of you,

Lisa x

30-01-06, 18:58
[Link removed invalid url]

- This one is just me to a T, well apart from it hasn't lasted weeks and I don't have funny tastes in my mouth etc.

Lisa x

30-01-06, 19:19
oh thanks for finding that lisa - some of those posts sounded just like me!!! Especially nic's - i wonder why i didn't find it when I searched... you're a bit of geek on the sly i seem to remember lol!!!

so, just glug the piriton then and hope for the best! I hope yours is ok hon - so sorry if i precipitated it!



30-01-06, 19:54
Hi Fee

Sorry the doctor wasn't much help.

I hope you find something to help with the rash. If only it were easy to relax and stop worrying long enough for these things to go away.

Karen x

30-01-06, 20:05
thanks karen... you're right - I reckon two weeks in the canaries would sort me right out!



30-01-06, 21:42
Hi Fee,

Forget the canaries, that might give you prickly heat too! Lol.

I'm glad the previous posts helped. There were several of them when I searched.

My itching is ok, well I'm still itchy but I'm taking my allergy tablets, not that they are helping.

Good luck with work tomorrow if you go. Hope the itching stops soon.

Lisa x

31-01-06, 08:58
I'm so tired and disorientated today....the itching is not so bad but my vertigo has really kicked in again and every time i turned over all night it felt like the bed was tipping up.... so I'm off sick again which in turn is making me really anxious, like everything is slipping away..

My life feels like a pack of cards that is falling down...

I think it all feels so bad because sarah has another infection and hasn't begun to recover from this first round of chemo. She is really weak and this is the longest she has been in hospital since the first time she got sick. Mark was so upset last night he rang at about 12 in floods of tears. I just don't feel like i can cope with much more.. I find it hard to see any time when things might improve... I just have to keep going somehow.

The 2 weeks have been really hard... I am proud of what i have done in launching the campaign - which hopefully will really take off this week but i can't make sarah better, so I can't make Mark better, so I can't feel better...

I just can't think how to improve my situation but it helps to offload - I already feel a bit less confused!


31-01-06, 11:45
Hi Fee,

Big hug mate. Sorry you're feeling low and have vertigo, I'm glad you've taken another day off, you need it. I feel bad when I'm off too, like I'm not part of the real world again but you will get back soon, you just need a bit of time for you. You have been through alot and you are dealing with alot right now. You have so much going on, and have been doing alot. I know how you feel, some days everything just gets on top of us and gets too hard to deal with, I had a morning a bit like that today, but I also know things can improve. We need to accept these ups and downs especially with the ME and that's without the anxiety and all the other things you're dealing with. I know the downs can seem more frequent than the ups but it won't always be this way.
You are right to be proud of the campaign, it's a fantastic achievement.

I'm sorry to hear that Sarah is still so poorly, poor Mark too and you having to deal with your own grief and support him. It's a horrible time for you all. Another hug just for this. It must be so hard when you can't make things right for Mark or Sarah, I'm sure most parents would feel that way. Thinking of you all.

You off load as much as you want, it can help just to get it all out.

Thinking of you,

Lisa x

31-01-06, 12:00
Thanks lisa... I have improved as the day has gone on...

I just spoke to my ex husband (not mark's dad but brought him up from the age of 4) for the first time since M&S got married last March. He and his new partner are doing the press for the campaign and I needed to talk to one of them. That was a bit hard...we have been working fine together by e-mail but speaking to him was different, made me want to cry. We were together nearly 20 years and have been separated nearly 10... it still hurts sometimes - we built up a business over 10 years doing music promotion/management etc so this situation is a bit too familiar...

Anyway, I suppose that's something else that is finally getting laid to rest...

They have identified the infection sarah has so hopefully will be able to deal with it so that's an improvement too.

Our press release should go out this week and the website be up too...

My itch is much better than yesterday thank goodness. I'm going to try and go out for a walk although it's horrbly grey and dismal today...

Hope you are ok - will pop over to yours!


31-01-06, 12:51
Hi Fee

Sorry you've been feeling so low this morning and I am glad that things are picking up for you a bit now.

It must be so hard watching Mark and Sarah go through this and I am sure any parently would feel helpless in not being able to make things right. You are doing all you can do though with being there and supporting them both through it. I think you are incredibly strong to be able to do this at the same time as dealing with your various problems.

Great news about getting the press release out this week. Things are really moving on with the campaign and this is definitely something to be proud of.

I am thinking of you.

Karen x

31-01-06, 13:37
Hi Fee,

Glad your day and itch is improving! great news. I hope the walk helps you, it's lovely and sunny here right now.

I'm so pleased they have identified Sarah's infection, hopefully she will now respond to the correct treatment.

It must have been hard talking to your ex, well done for coping so well.
Maybe you're right and this will finally help lay that to rest too. It is good that he is still supporting Mark though, and good you can all pull together for the sake of the campaign. Good luck with the launch.

Bye for now,

Lisa x

31-01-06, 14:59
Hi Lisa/Karen

It was gorgeous in the park - sat and had a cappuccino and felt the sun on my face! Did me the world of good!!

.....but now i'm itching again lol!!

Am busy writing articles now - will check your places later - hopeyou are both ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


31-01-06, 15:41
Hi Fee,

Glad the walk helped. Ditto with the itching! Lol.

Happy writing.

Lisa x

31-01-06, 16:12
Big hugs Fee:D

Hope Sarah will be feeling better soon now they know what the infection is.

Think about you loads and wished I lived nearer cos you sound such an interesting person to be around.

Take care lovie :)

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

31-01-06, 18:29
thanks piglet [8D] i might be interesting if i wasn't such a stress monster!

thanks lisa - itching is a major pain isn't it!!



31-01-06, 18:50
Hi Fee,

The itching is certainly a pain, well an itch! Lol.

Fee - you are interesting, even when stressed :D I think we'd have a right laugh if we all got together - we could have an ailment party! Lol.

Hope you're doing ok this evening,

Lisa x

31-01-06, 22:32
hi lisa - glad you think i'm interesting still but i just feel utterly demented. I have tried to write the web pages and an article but not got very far at all, keep hyperventilating and itching.... just sick and tired of this itch....

i'm going to go to work tomorrow i hope - otherwise i'm never going to go back! i really don't want to though...

going for a look at your place now... speak soon xxxx


31-01-06, 22:38
Hi Fee,

You are interesting, even if you feel demented. We all feel that way at times.

Sorry you've had trouble writing, it is hard when you want to stop and scratch. My head, face & ears particularly are still itching but it comes and goes a bit. Itchy and scratchy us two! lol.

Good luck with work tomorrow if you go, if you can't don't worry you will get back soon. You just have to be patient with yourself and realise you're going through alot right now. If you're anything like me being patient and resting isn't easy!

Hope you sleep well tonight, nite mate.

Lisa x

31-01-06, 22:47
thanks scratchy! sleep well xxxx


31-01-06, 22:55
Ditto Itchy! Lol.

Lisa x

01-02-06, 11:08
Now I'm REALLY freaking out... made it to work (eventually) but itching is very very bad and now I have swollen glands in my armpits and they ache...

I'm really scared... I have so many appointments already - Dig disorders tomorrow, kidney tumour scan on monday. I already phoned my doctor today about the letter he hasn't written for my dla appeal.

I can't think of anything NOT scary swollen armpit glands cold be... help anyone?

(trying not to google.....)


01-02-06, 11:11
I wonder if you are fighting off a virus Fee - sometimes we get this kind of thing in those cases.

Do hope you feel better soon matey.

Love Piglet xx

01-02-06, 11:50
Hi Fee,

Sorry you're struggling today and worried. Well done for getting to work though.
Like Piglet said it could be a virus, or sweat glands can swell a bit sometimes. Other than than I have no ideas really. Are you sure it's glands and not just muscles, I often get an ache in one of my armpits and it's usually muscular.
I am very itchy today too, especially face and head, hope the swollen glands aren't on their way to me too....
Do try not to google (said by the google Queen!) Lol.
Thinking of you Fee,

Lisa x

01-02-06, 16:26
Hi Fee,

One of the first major physical symptoms I had of anxiety was a skin disorder. Itching started on the soles of my feet and eventually spread as a rash all over my body. Seriously itchy and much worse in the heat of last summer. Over a period of 6 weeks, I was misdiagnosed as having (in this order) athletes foot, scabies, "some sort of dermatitis", pompholyx (a type of eczema) and then finally they got it right - it was an autoimmune condition called Lichen Planus.

Now don't go Googling for that just yet - it looks a lot scarier than it actually is. But if you check inside your mouth to see if you have any sore areas or white lacy-looking patches inside your cheeks, it could be worth pursuing with the doc, as it's not that common. Skin-wise, the small red rash tends to be on the underside of the forearms and below the knees, although I had it really badly and had it everywhere (yes, even there...).

The cause is unknown but the docs do say it is stress-related. It affects your immune system and so leaves you a bit open to other infections for a while.

I'm over the worst, but I have started itching again recently (with no actual rash) but I have stress at work which I am having to deal with, so I guess that's why. Heat always makes it worse and I have found that wearing fleeces makes me itch constantly.

It's probably NOT what you have, but i thought I'd better share just in case. At least I can sympathise with being incredibly itchy all the time!

Eeb x

01-02-06, 16:48
Thanks everybody.....

I am coming rather unstuck... I totally flipped at work and burst into tears, phoned the doc and she squeezed me in at 1pm. She said it was a stress rash, didn't check my glands but said i probably have a virus.... signed me off for two weeks and told me to take regular antihistamines.

I am utterly at the end of my tether and don't know what to do for the best - but it'll probably be something else by tomorrow anyway lol.

Thanks Eeby for your words.... I will check my mouth! And I will NOT google! I hope you are ok and it doesn't flare up too much...

Thanks Lisa - crikey I hope yours isn't going to copy mine I look awful!

piglet - sounds like you were right about the virus thing...

Anyone got a spare ticket to a (well equipped medically) desert island?

Well they were very nice at work and I'm taking 2 weeks off as prescribed... I've been in with a broken finger, the day sarah nearly died, the first time the rash came up all over and i think they realise I can't keep going..although I prefer to be at work in many ways. I can't keep messing them about though.

What on earth else can I do?

Thank goodness you are all here... I haven't had the energy to look round yet - might take a peek now - I do hope you are all ok xxxxxx


01-02-06, 17:07
Hi lucy

Thanks for that - it really helps to know other people have been through this - I have to say that I really felt like I was going totally mad today - I've never been a sensitive skin type of person - everything else, but not skin!! I suppose it's my age, being menopausal or just old (!) that makes your skin more prone to things...

I'm very tempted to google now you and Eeby have both mentioned it... how scary can it be!!!

I do feel we have to self-diagnose so much it's no wonder so many of us have health anxieties....

lol itchies!!!!


01-02-06, 17:12
ok ok.... I googled, really quickly, and what i saw sounds exactly right, the areas it affects etc.. but what also struck me is that it has come on when I have gone back onto Gluten, because I am being tested for Coeliac's Disease (appt tomorrow) and that is auto-immune... There could be a connection here methinks!!

I will mention it tomorrow - it could be Dermatitas Herpetiformatis which is connected to Coeliac's!

or it could be anxiety of course (hmm never thought of that lol!).

It's so exhausting though!

Thanks again for your support... off to take some Piriton!


01-02-06, 17:19
Lol Fee - don't do it!!! I too never had any skin probs at all till now. Agree with the age thing tho. Knackered lol. I went through loads of health anxiety, Googling all the time, but have got a grip now!

OMG Lucy, you are the only other person I've met with LP!!! Your bathroom cabinet sounds like mine lol.

Eeb x

01-02-06, 17:22
Hi Fee,

Sorry you got upset at work, sounds like me yesterday. I'm glad you went to the docs and that you're taking time off.
Bad girl for googling! Lol. Well you'd tell me off wouldn't you.
It's a bit scary reading this post about itching and all the things it can be Lol. I am still itchy, still mostly my head and face but random other places. Unlike everyone else here I have no rash or anything though. Am thinking I should go to the docs now but she isn't there until Monday now. I keep wondering if mine is somatic but it hasn't gone yet and I've taken allergy tablets the last three days now. It's funny I only started itching after reading about it though. I've never had skin problems before either.
Lol at the desert Island fee, if you find a good medically equipped one I'll come along too.
Hope you feel better soon mate, big hug.

Lisa x

01-02-06, 17:24
LOL Eeb - too late!!!!

But I only dipped in and out honest [:I]

LP looks slightly better than the dreadful kidney/blood poisoning type monsters that have been going through my mind lol!!

Been trying to look in my mouth but can't see with my stupid glasses lol!!!


01-02-06, 17:27
Thanks Scratchy-Lisa! lol - can i google for the island though?!!!

i must have a nap....



01-02-06, 17:30
Well OK yes, I take your point! It's such a nightmare eh. I have spent more time blubbing at work than working, so I have been signed off again in an effort to take a break from it all. Sometimes it's the only way, but don't worry about it. You have probably worked hard for years and coped with all sorts. With kids too, I don't know about you, but I kinda forgot about looking after myself after all these years of seeing to everyone else's needs. My son is grown up now so everyone says it's time to focus on myself (in an unanalytical way, of course)!

Time to be kind to yourself. You deserve it!

Eeb x

01-02-06, 17:35
Hi Eeb - if you look at some of my other posts you will see I am having a particularly stressful time! And you are so right, I have worked hard all my bloomin life - but i still can't think about myself right now!

But I AM having 2 weeks off and it just MIGHT help lol!!!!

Nice to talk to you! xxxx

off to nap def this time!!


01-02-06, 18:17
Fee - well at least it's narrowed down now to a few probables!!!

Glad you cried at work as it got it out of your system and has resulted in you having a bit of 'sit back' time.

I suppose we can't keep making our bodies crash about dealing with all and being generally super human without some fallout.

I know my sister and my youngest are always the first to rash up wether the cause be physical or emotional so I really sympathise.

Our posts are like a common room arn't they, were we all talk about our malaises (cool word there Piglet) heaven forbid when we get on to showing our scars (three kids mate, three kids)!!!!

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-02-06, 20:06
hi piglet!

I'll show you mine if you show me yours lol!!! I have 4 on my tummy!!

Had a little bit of rest and some food and feeling a little better cos Sarah's nutraphiles have come up which means her immune system looks like it is kicking in.... keep everything crossed...

We're having trouble getting the website built cos I bought the domain name in a hurry and now it needs transferring it's turning into a nightmare... who knew? Not me, obviously :-( We need to get it up quickly as we are starting to send out press releases... I still haven't written the things I need to for it, but maybe tomorrow...

Still itchy, but taken piriton so it's not as bad.

Saw something on local news tonight about ME and they're saying they're a year away from a diagnostic test and possibly treatment... very interesting! Will wait with baited breath!


01-02-06, 20:25
Ooh the ME thing souds interesting.

Pleased about Sarah and have my fingers crossed too:)

Piglet xx

01-02-06, 21:31
thanks piglet - how are you all doing?



01-02-06, 22:07
Hi Fee,

Glad you're feeling a bit better and not as itchy. I'm still itchy, the allergy tablets aren't helping at all. I managed to not scratch while I was out but I wanted to.
Great news about Sarah, I hope she starts to get better now.
I didn't see the news tonight, that's interesting about the ME, will have to see what sort of test they are developing.

Hope you're ok and get a good nights sleep.

Lisa x

P.S Talk about me racking up the pages! Lol. Your thread is growing faster than mine. Ha Ha.

01-02-06, 22:48
Just had another thought Fee - swollen glands etc can also be part of ME, I had forgotten that!

Night mate.

Lisa x

01-02-06, 23:14
crikey lisa we're symbiotic - i just remembered that too! didn't even think about it when i was looking for that research!! lol

sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite lol!!!!!!!!!!


01-02-06, 23:20
Hi Fee,

Wow, spooky! Lol. I've just been searching news websites for today's news on ME, can't find a thing. What news was it on? I'm just interested what is said, especialy from a scientific point of view. It was searching for this that reminded me about glands and ME.

Sleep well too and also avoid the bed bugs!


Lisa x

01-02-06, 23:29
Hi lisa

I found it on itv (meridian) and if you have realplayer you can play the progamme on the itv site - I think this is the link


but i'm not sure that's right!!

but it was on ITV Meridian Tonight (South - not South West) early evening... I just managed to find it again to check! (first time i realised i could replay tv programmes on my laptop - you learn something new every day huh?!!)

Hope you manage to find it!

sleep well xxxxx


01-02-06, 23:44
Thanks Fee,

I just checked out the link and found the ME bit, thanks alot. I think the gene link they refer to is the research that was announced on the news last July, but either way it does look promising. It's also a shame the government are not putting any money into this research for the cure/diagnostic test - typical.

I really must go to bed now, I've been looking at local estate agent websites and dreaming. I've found a lovely three bedroomed one, with lovely gardens that lead to a stream - even just within my reach maybe if my Dad helped. The trouble is we need to live on the farm for hubby's job but it could be rented out to someone for now. Ok dream over Lol. Talking of dreams I had a lovely dream this afternoon about the most fantastic beach/sea I've ever seen, no idea where it was.

Right enough babbling...bed.


Lisa x

02-02-06, 08:51
I've woken up shaking and palpitating and i'm worried about my BP my friend measured it yesterday it was 176 over 110... No sign of the rash yet though today... I feel totally drained.

I have to think about web pages, then i have my gastro appt at 2. Feel totally overwhelmed - no wonder i suppose....

I really want the website to be good but I can't focus on what needs to be done.... This is when being ill really gets to me, when i really want to do something but just can't drag it together.... I can't handle changes to my routine but we can't control our lives like that...

I don't know whether to increase my betablockers (I used to be on 50mg and reduced it to 25 months ago). I can't stop smoking and that's making me worse and scaring me. I should never have started this campaign - who do I think I am? I can never follow things through any more..... (boom and bust huh lisa - i'd never heard that in relation to ME before).

I'm going to try and book a night in a hotel or two to get away from everything, not that I can afford it.... but my friend and I might do it anyway - anything to get me back on track.

But not until after the kidney tumour scan on Monday. I need that out of the way....

After reading Trevs success story last night I know that soon I have to take myself in hand and concentrate on getting myself better. I just don't know where when or how to start.... I have always been like this - a constant whirlwind of things going on and I know I make some of it happen by trying to control things.... I can't accept my limitations.

Oops burbling - Morning All!! hope everyone else is ok today!

Lisa - the ME stuff is so interesting isn't it? I'm so glad you are looking at houses and it looks like the future is brighter for you! xxx

Hi piglet - hope you and the little people are ok xxx


02-02-06, 09:52
Morning Fee.

It's no wonder you are feeling overwhelmed at present what with everything you are coping with and then starting this campaign too. I believe your inner strength and determination will carry you through this and you will finish what you have started with getting this campaign off the ground. There is no need to take it all on yourself though. Can you ask for some help from others who have been involved?

Once the appointment this afternoon is out of the way, this is will be one less thing to worry about and then you just need to get through the scan on Monday. These health fears don't help when you already have so much on your plate.

I think we all have issues with control at some level and I know it really gets to me when my routine is thrown out or with situations I can't control. Of course, this will keep happening in life but accepting this and dealing with it is a challenge.

A couple of nights away sounds like a good plan. You can take some time out and enjoy being away from it all with the good company of your friend. I can relate to the need to get away as I've been feeling like that too.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">After reading Trevs success story last night I know that soon I have to take myself in hand and concentrate on getting myself better. I just don't know where when or how to start.... I have always been like this - a constant whirlwind of things going on and I know I make some of it happen by trying to control things.... I can't accept my limitations.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Yep, me too Fee. It is a challenge isn't it? But not impossible. Keep taking baby steps and you can get there.

Big Hug Fee :)

I hope the appointment this afternoon goes well. Thinking of you.

Karen x

02-02-06, 10:08
Thanks karen - especially for your faith in me! Since i wrote that this morning and got it off my chest I have begun to be able to write the homepage and I have asked for help in an e-mail i sent round. This whole website thing is a new one for me - we need several pages written and punchy buttons etc. But I seem to be switching on a little bit... other people WILL help but I have to keep it all rolling...

I'm much calmer now i've done something about it... yes, how right you are, baby steps! I can't wait to get Monday out of the way!!

(I just had this image of my inner strength being like an inner tyre in a bike - with a slow puncture lol!!! ok yes I'm bonkers lol!)

How are you today? I will pop over to yours in a bit!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


02-02-06, 10:49
Morning mate,

A few nights away sounds good and often gives a fresh perspective on our return, so two good reasons for doing it straight off.

Still got the youngest off school with a stinking cold this week.

It's not been a bad week on the agoraphobia front though, as I did the posting thing yesterday and went out on my own doing my little part-time job delivering bits and bobs to people which I usually do with one of the kids over the last couple of nights.

I also went to parents evening with the middle child at the college (always feel anxious at those incase I am embaressing - but I was even more embaressing before anxiety so I don't know what I am saying here lol!!!).

Daughters boyfriend took us all in the car plus the sniffing coughing child spluttering in the back, cos she didn't want to be left at home and I didn't want her too either. Thankfully the drive wasn't done at the usual 90 miles an hour (he's beginning to adapt nicely to my thumping him in the stomach if we go over 40mph):D Plus this saved me over a tenner on bus fares for us all - nice, more money for lotions and potions for me now:D

Anyway it was a low anxiety experience and the tutor had lots of lovely things to say about daughter, which I just lapped up as all being down to me and the marvelous job I have done and don't say she can be a right git at home sometimes!!!!:D:D:D

I am now going off to do some studying for my courses or I will never get qualified to squeeze peoples feet!

Chat later.

Piglet :)

02-02-06, 11:20
Hi piglet! well done for yesterday - it sounded really lovely and normal and like a proper happy family! You sure you're allowed on this site?!!LOL!!! I'm thinking of going to see a foot-squeezer actually - my osteo also does reflexology and she is so lovely - a 'healer' I'd say - it might help?

My rash is still there but better after shower (doesn't make sense huh? and it was hot...).

Mark rang this morning - he's exhausted poor love... never sleeps more than 3 or 4 hours these days. He's teaching in a South London school (supply) and trying to do at least 3 days a week. He has counselling every saturday, spends every evening at the hospital and any other time he has playing an online football game (and time he hasn't got lol). He and I have always been very huggy/chatty and he just can't talk about anything at the moment and i feel so helpless - just want to hug him, but he wouldn't let me if i was there anyway!!! I guess he's doing as well as he could be, but it breaks my heart...

Gotta get on today - speak later xxxxxxxxxxxx


02-02-06, 12:29
Hi Lucy - welcome on board!!

I know just how you feel - thanks for your good wishes!

Have you been here:

The GF people are really sensible and give really good advice and if you think you might have Coeliac's it's good to check it out.... 1 in 80 people have it and only 1 in 4 get diagnosed and it's (by our standards!) a really 'nice' thing to have - just cut out Gluten for ever and after up to 2 years you get better lol!!! Well, nearly....

It's just soooo not a scary thing to have to me!!

I know someone with Lupus - she thought I had it but I don't think so....

I KNOW whatever else is wrong with me, the anxiety is what causes the most bloomin problems!!

Thanks again - and join in!



02-02-06, 13:39
Hi Fee,

Wow loads to catch up on this post today! I'm glad you're feeling better than first thing this morning.
Do you normally have high bp? It could have been a blip, I had a reading of 178/112 at the docs once and it isn't really that high normally. I also tested hubby's at home here once and his was high and it's not normally.
If it really worries you go and get it checked out, the practice nurse can do it usually, or get your friend to redo it. Of course it may just be that you're anxious with everything going on right now.

I expect the website does seem a bit daunting with how you're feeling right now, that's natural, I'm glad you have some help with it. I know how frustrating it is when you want to do something and the ME stops us. Boom and bust is a big ME term, basically it means doing too much when you feel well, or pushing yourself and then paying for it and having to rest and then feeling better and doing more etc - it's a vicious circle. Pacing life sensibly is the key with ME (I know you know that though), I'm getting better at doing it and the lady at the ME trial really helps with that. I've been asked out to dinner one Thursday evening with work but I won't go, I know if I do I won't manage work on the Friday, it's a shame but if it keeps me fairly well then it's worth it. I have to focus on what I can do not what I can't. In fact good pacing can allow us to do more really as we don't get so exhausted from overdoing it.

The weekend away sounds lovely and would do you good.

It must be really hard with Mark right now, I feel for you both.

Good luck at the hospital. let us know how it goes.

Hi Piglet - well done for yesterday, another success for you :D

Hi Lucy - I'm not sure it's a good thing that you feel you know us so well! Lol. Only joking, welcome aboard :)

Lisa x

02-02-06, 17:27
Hi everybody!

So - had my first appointment in relation to Coeliac's with Digestive Diseases Reg. and I am very happy to say that it went extremely well!

He almost immediately said it seemed very likely that I had CD from my history (he had 15 years worth of oscopies and bariums in front of him) and I told him of my diagnosis of ME/IBS and he said "well if it turns out to be CD you won't be the first"... He was well up on the whole issue - knew that 1 in 10 was the incidence in Ireland and 1 in less than 100 in UK as a whole. I mentioned that since going back on gluten this last 2 months a rash has developed and he immediately said it sounds very likely to be gluten.

I was also impressed because he said, even if the result is negative, I am probably wheat intolerant. He told me to eat as much gluten as possible (which I have been for 2 months) and that I would get a biopsy in 3-4 weeks and see him again in 6!

All in all, as good as I could have hoped. Well done to the Royal Sussex Hospital (although I have waited over 4 months for the appt...).

He really was very nice, supportive and sympathetic!

6 weeks to go... Anyone else who has been diagnosed with ME will understand how much I hope that it is positive, but expect it to be negative and to be left still struggling for causes and courses of action!! So, fingers crossed!

The whole thing was a bit stressful, I left it a bit late to go and my friend who came with me wasn't quite ready so it was all a bit of a rush and parking round the hospital was a total nightmare so I arrived very stressed out... The Reg got a nurse to do another bloody test while I was there - it's about 20 mins to walk to haemotology and back and I was feeling so rough and must have looked it - and the nurse was rubbish at getting blood - I never have a problem but it hurt and I felt quite faint afterwards!

Then I dropped my friend off at her son's and drove back on my own on the bypass, good practice, but it was bloomin hard, I palpitated all the way!

I have had a nap and am still totally nackered!! But very relieved.... Appointment no1 over!



02-02-06, 17:39
Hi Fee,

Well done, I'm glad it went well and as you say one appt over.

I can understand you pinning your hopes on this being CD, but even if it is you can still have ME aswell (heaven forbid!). I'm not trying to be negative but as you say we all want it to be something else that's more simple. My gp looked into me having CD but is convinced I don't have it, my ME consultant looked at all other possibles before diagnosing me too. I don't have digestive symptoms anyway, or any of the other symptoms. I've just looked it up to remind myself what they were. I only have fatigue. I think the fatigue with ME is quite a classic pattern, especially the way ME sufferers feel worse after exercise and exertion, I definitely have that. I cut out gluten for most of last year and it made no difference yet I am intolerant to it mildly. Anyway good luck, theres no way I'd go through a biopsy, I'd rather just give gluten up for a couple of years and see if it helped - but I am a wimp! Lol.
Saying that from time to time I still have the odd thoughts of what if I don't have ME and it's something else etc.
Anyway I hope in your case it is just CD and that you get the answers you hope for.

Well done for the bypass too.

Lisa x

02-02-06, 17:54
Hi Lisa

Doesn't sound at all likely that you have CD but I have had terrible IBS symptoms for over 15 years....

You're right of course, I could well have ME as well, but as CD inhibits absorption it can cause all the exhaustion symptoms too. Even if I have both at least it would help me to improve to cut out CD.

I need a diagnosis like that to get DLA - sadly, which is why I have to persevere. I know I'm wheat or gluten sensitive for sure.... so once the test is done I can either cut gluten out altogether or just go back to greatly restricting the intake and feel better than I do now!

I would go through anything to feel better I think! But rest assured I am petrified - although I will be sedated. Sedation affects me for ages afterwards.:( Still, got to be done!

Very proud of myself actually!!


02-02-06, 18:01
Thanks Lucy!!

No my blood test was negative apparently, but I had been cutting out gluten which my GP stupidly said to do... completely wrong, if you're not eating gluten in relatively large amounts it will come back negative, as would any biopsy..

Who has requested your endoscopy? I have had two in the past and I promise it really wasn't too bad... When is yours due?

They have a special fork lift truck for my notes lol!!!


02-02-06, 18:51
Hi Fee,

I understand why you want/need this diagnosis for the DLA etc, even though they should give it to you for ME, evil so and so's!
I am intolerant to gluten but cutting it out doesn't help much, but it certainly seems it affects you so is worth a try. You are being brave about the biopsy, I'd be more scared about the sedation than anything else, I know if I ever had an endoscopy I'd have it unsedated if poss and that doesn't bear thinking about but many do it that way apparently.
I had negative blood tests for CD too, can't remember if I was eating gluten at the time or not though, another thing to ask the doc I guess although don't think I have CD really.

Fee - they have several lorries for my notes, according to my hubby, he says at the docs they have a computer just for my notes!

Hi Lucy, nice to see you here again.

Lisa x

02-02-06, 23:14
Just saying night night mate, hope you sleep well, I bet you're exhausted so doubt you'll even read this until tomorrow.
You did well today, hope you're feeling ok.

Lisa x

03-02-06, 02:47
Well done Fee. You did great today at the hospital and then driving on the dual carriageway!

I am glad the specialist is getting things moving with the tests for you.

Hope you sleep well tonight.

Karen x

03-02-06, 09:00
Good morning everyone

I am exhausted. I had tickets to see John Cooper Clarke (punk poet!) last night and just about made it there... got home again by 11 and went straight to bed but the minute i hit the pillow i remembered the stupid nurse who took my blood yesterday, who hurt me and then said "keep still we don't want to cause a haematoma". Oh great skills... I said "do you mean a bruise?" and he said "no...mumblemumble".

I thought I had completely ignored it but, no, in the dark on my own there was a clot travelling down my arm, my wrist started aching etc. That horrible advert against smoking kept flashing through my mind. So no sleep for me.... and I've never minded having blood taken but now... Stupid people. He looked about 15 with hair right over his eyes - probably thought it was funny. Grrrrr

I have so much to do today but don't feel up to anything. Thank goodness I don't have to go to work. My stomach is really uncomfortable too - but it has been all week. I can't wait to get off gluten again!

I'll just have to go easy on myself today. Hospital visits always traumtise me one way or another!

Hope you are all ok xxxxxxx


03-02-06, 11:05
Hi Fee,

No wonder you're exhausted. You did well to go out last night to see the poet.
Hospital appts always traumatise me too, except when it's the lovely cardio.
I know how things seem bad when you think about them in the middle of the night, it only takes someone to make some throw away comment (like the nurse) and it sticks in our minds. I hate those smoking adverts too and always feel thankful I've never smoked.
Anyway take it easy today and look after yourself.

Lisa x

03-02-06, 11:10
Thanks lisa! I'm calmer now as the day goes on! I'm going to go food shopping (with mum groan....) and stock up on goodies, although my appetite is not very good at the mo.

I wish I could see a good time to give up smoking but it's like asking me to bungee jump out of an aeroplane - it fills me with terror. Huh - JFDI? Not at the moment lol!

But one day.....


03-02-06, 11:12
Aww petal I hate that advert too and have to switch over if it comes on.

You do right to be proud of yourself yesterday, you managed a phenomal amount of things and not least driving on the bypass.

I have had 2 endoscopies, one when I was 18 and one about 18 months ago. I did the first sedated and the second without and believe me I am a wimp.

I had a small piglet like tear when I went in but they couldn't have been nicer. On the whole I would prefer to get my hair done but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

Big hugs to you matey:D

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

03-02-06, 11:17
hi piglet!

Thanks hon! where was your piglet-like tear? Did they use pink thread on you lol!!!

I'm off shopping now... speak soon.



03-02-06, 11:48
Lol a little Piglet sob!!!!

03-02-06, 13:17
Hi Fee,

Glad you're feeling calmer, hope the shopping goes ok with your Mum.

One day you will give up smoking, my hubby was the last person I ever thought would do it, but he did and has been a non smoker for 8 months now.

Thinking of you.

Lisa x

03-02-06, 15:30
Hi Fee

Hope you are feeling better this afternoon and that the shopping trip with your mum is not too stressful. I now dread going to the supermarket as I've started having panic attacks there.

You coped amazingly well with the hospital appointment yesterday. I had a blood test yesterday too and have a bruise as the nurse couldn't find a vein!

Worries that hit in the middle of the night seem worse and you do have a lot of things on your mind at present. Go easy on yourself and maybe do something to help you relax this evening.

Karen x

03-02-06, 17:01
Hi piglet, lisa and karen!

Thank you all for your support! I managed to do my food shopping (mum was quite well behave and we had lunch together!) and had a sleep when I got back.

I'm still exhausted and have no energy for the website.. I feel a bitl ike I have a cold too... Deep joy! It's so cold and dark and grey too - not at all inspiring... I can't wait until Monday is over.. and maybe the spring is not too far away.

The good news is sarah's levels came up again today, significantly, so she may be allowed home at the weekend!!

The rash is just about staying away, I can feel it almost trying to erupt. A few more days rest and maybe I'll start feeling better.

Hope you are all ok xxxxxxxxxxx


03-02-06, 17:17
Hi Fee,

Glad you managed to go shopping and that your Mum behaved.

It's cold and grey here too, Spring is round the corner if the bulbs coming up in my garden are anything to go by.

Get some rest tonight, and over the weekend and hopefully you'll feel better and won't develop a cold.

Fantastic news about sarah, I was so pleased to read that :D

take care,

Lisa x

03-02-06, 18:05
Hi Fee

Glad you managed to have a rest. This weather doesn't offer inspiration to do anything. I've hardly made it out of bed today, although I've just been on the internet all afternoon and still need a nap!

It is good that your mum was well behaved lol!

Great news about Sarah's levels. I am sure it will do her and Mark the world of good if she is able to come home for the weekend.

You are probably feeling a bit run down due to the stress of everything you are coping with at present. I often feel I have got cold symptoms when I am feeling particularly low.

Karen x

03-02-06, 18:10
thanks guys!!

I'm gonna eat some healthy food and curl up and relax this evening!



03-02-06, 18:40
Hi Fee,

It was lovely to read about Sarahs levels coming up - I'm sooo pleased:):)

You know I have had the youngest off school for the last week and her best friend has been off too with this blasted cold, well my eldest just rang to say that 3 schools in our area have had incredibly low attendance purely because of this flu type virus. Think some schools in Essex have been affected too (not sure if it was Essex or not).

So obviously going around then - you look after yourself and keep nice and warm until you feel better, that way you may ward it off like I have hopefully done.

Just been out again doing a bit of delivering - getting a little easier everytime. Roll on doing it on my own in daylight at some point lol:D

I am gonna have a nice hot bath in a mo and use some body oil that I got instead of lotion (apparently its what French women use all the time - do ya think it works on northerners)??


Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

03-02-06, 20:13
hi piglet

sorry to hear your youngest is still poorly - they have been going on about viruses in Worthing too.. I think I'll just stay indoors for a couple of weeks!

I don't even think you need body oil - you're a big softie anyway!!!

Well done for another trip - that's excellent!!! You'll soon be off all over the place[8D]

It's fantastic about Sarah - I hope I can even get to see her soon!

I'm going to do ironing :( but afterwards I will have a long old bath too - I have some lovely oil my friend brought me from Thailand - it's olive oil based with lavendar and....um ooops can't remember, menopausal moment! Something nice anyway and it makes my skin feel yummy (and doesn't interfere with the rash either way!!).



03-02-06, 20:51
Yep feel all lovely after my bath and I'm tucked up in my best pink spotty Primark dressing gown having a rare treat of some kettle crisps.

I have had to open these because after Lisa's boiled sweet episode I went in the other room opened youngests mouth and took out the 'soother/locket' cough sweet she had in it. She was not best pleased, as at 14 you do not expect your mother to do that.

Being the very good baby piglet that she is she just let some tears fall and looked so in need of some counselling that I thought a cheaper option would be some crisps.

I intend to go back upstairs in a minute and do something dangerous to my feet with a foot file for hard skin - I am a little worried as on the side of the packaging it is called a RASP. If it's no good for my feet it will come in useful if I want to be a bit creative with some wood :D

Piglet xx

03-02-06, 20:55
lol piglet - you crack me up!!! Not to mention I have the pink spotty pjs from primark to match!!!

You obviously have adorable mini-piggie-lets at home!!

Careful with the rasp... but knowing what a super handywoman you are you will probably have knocked up a few pieces of furniture by the morning!!

I need an ironing service.... 2 t shirts and I've had enough!!


03-02-06, 20:58
Hi all,

Hope you ladies are enjoying your baths and pampering. I used to love a long hot bath, now it just gives me palps. Lol.

Piglet - Hope your youngest feels better soon. It was on the news here about a huge outbreak of flu, several schools here have less than half the pupils at school due to flu. I'm going to the docs on Tues, may just cancel as the wating room will be full of it! I have the first appt of the afternoon though. I already feel doomed after the dentist breathing her cold on me (through her mask).
Well done for getting out again - do you think you might become a postwoman with all this posting/delivering Lol :D
I'm sure oils work on northerners - I have to say though I used to work with alot of French women and they always looked immaculate, never overweight, immaculate clothes, nice jewellery etc (just like us ;)). oh la la. Tres Chic!

Fee - I have a big pile of ironing too, used to do it before it got too big but this time it's built up. I did some hoovering and washing today though.

I hope you can get to see Sarah soon, that would be nice.

Hope you're having a relaxing evening - wouldn't it be great if we could all get together and relax, natter and pamper (no sweets allowed though).

Love Lisa x

03-02-06, 21:00
I've just seen your post Piglet - pmsl! I have tears running down my face, so funny - you've made my mascara run now and my eyes are stinging (like Fees)
I don't own any pj's [:I]

Lisa x

03-02-06, 21:09
hi lisa

yes it would be good if we could get together - but you would have to go to primark for nightwear for our slumber party lol!!

Couldn't we have some soft centres though? belgian truffles would be nice :D:D:D


03-02-06, 21:14
Hi Fee,

Ok as long as I don't have to wear pink, it doesn't suit me at all. You have the pj's and Piglet has the dressing gown, I'd have to have the nightie!

Yes soft centres sound good, oh I forgot I'm allergic to chocolate, oh well just this once [:P]

Lisa x

03-02-06, 21:30
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">yes it would be good if we could get together - but you would have to go to primark for nightwear for our slumber party lol!!
<div align="right">Originally posted by feege - 03 February 2006 : 21:09:36</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Would checked pjs do???

Have to give the boiled sweets and chocolate a miss though [:O]

Karen x

03-02-06, 21:51
Checked pj's sound fine Karen. We'll bring some fruit for you, if you don't want to eat it Piglet and I will turn it into beauty products!

Lisa x

03-02-06, 22:16
Karen - check pjs are fine so long as they're from Primark!!!

We could have raw veg n dips to just nibble on....

And luxurious bottles of pelligrino water (no i mean it i love it and it's so expensive - just for special occasions!)

Reflexology would be nice.... Piglet?!!!!

And facials mmmmmm

Indian head massage? Manicure, pedicure oooh sounds scrummy to me!


03-02-06, 22:39
Fruit would be good thanks Lisa - especially strawberries! Roll on summer when they are back in season!

I'm afraid my pjs are from QS Fee as we don't have a Primark here!

Karen x

03-02-06, 22:56
hmmm i think QS will be quite acceptable....

oooh strawberries yum! how could i have forgotten them!

time for bed i think...

nite everyone - pleasant dreams xxxxxxxxxxxxx


03-02-06, 23:13
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Fruit would be good thanks Lisa - especially strawberries! Roll on summer when they are back in season!
<div align="right">Originally posted by Karen - 03 February 2006 : 22:39:05</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I love strawberries too, yummy. I have a huge patch of strawberries in my garden, come June I'll have more strawberries than I know what to do with!

Night Fee, sleep well.

Lisa x

04-02-06, 05:15
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I love strawberries too, yummy. I have a huge patch of strawberries in my garden, come June I'll have more strawberries than I know what to do with!
<div align="right">Originally posted by LJ - 03 February 2006 : 23:13:11</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Ooh now I'm jealous!! :D You can send some my way lol!

Fee - Glad my pjs will be acceptable. Hope you've slept well and feel rested today.

I'm just off to bed [|)].

Karen x

04-02-06, 09:51
Morning everyone...

I found it very hard to sleep last night. I still had vague thoughts of haemtomas and my rash being kidney related etc etc. I wish I could make monday come and get it over with now.

My tummy is really upset today and I have a headache and I'm so so exhausted, I still don't know if I have the energy/positivity to do the web pages... but I'm not going to give myself a hard time. I'm a bit worried about my BP as well (176/110 the other day).. I should get it checked again.

Another grey and dismal day, roll on the spring!


04-02-06, 12:01
Everybodies pj's are acceptable but because I am quite tall mine are dangerously like ankle swingers (the girls rush me upstairs if I am in pj's when visitors come).

QS another favourite of mine :D

I decided on the whole the rasp could wait (Friday nights shouldn't really be about rasps) and had a baileys instead and pondered the dilemma of totally natural suncare!!!!

This was obviuously a really poser cos I didn't wake up until 11.00am [:O].

Grey and poo like here today but the youngest feels a little brighter and I am happy because our toilet works again. The eldest put way too much paper down (don't think you really want to know this) and we were without facilities for the night. I think we will leave all the details but oh how lovely to sit on your own toilet. I may add that to your thread of pleasurable things Lisa:D

Piglet xx

04-02-06, 14:30
Hi all,

Fee - Sorry you had a bad night, I know the feeling, even though we know our thoughts are irrrational they still linger don't they.
I think you need Monday out the way, I hate it when I have appts due.
I hope you're getting some rest today. Maybe get the bp checked again if it's worrying you, see the practice nurse or your friend again, it probably was just a blip of the machine or due to being stressed if it was accurate.

It's grey and dismal here too but not as cold as it has been.

Piglet - you do make me laugh :D Lol at the ankle swingers. Seems I need to buy pj's for the slumber party only I never shop at Primark or QS so hope I'm still welcome.

Maybe leaving the rasping was a good move Lol. Rasping is the word used to define how a horses teeth are filed down, your file sounds deadly!

Glad your youngest is geting better, and that you now have a toilet! Does that mean you've all been using a bucket! Lol.

Love to all,

Lisa x

04-02-06, 14:58
Hi Fee

Sorry you're feeling too good today. I hope you are able to have a good rest and are feeling a little better now. Go easy on yourself.

Lisa - Any pjs will suffice I'm sure!

Piglet - Glad you got the toilet situation sorted. Sounds a rather difficult situation there for a while!

Karen x

04-02-06, 17:37
hi everyone...

I'm having a very bad day, started with bad tummy and then found mum had been sick all night and was worried about her but not well enough to go round... got a friend of hers to pop in so she seems to be ok-ish now...

I have deteriorated into mega anxiety again... rash really bad, feel very shaky and jittery the whole time. Took piriton cos doc said to take it every day - got liquid form.. anyway went to lie down afterwards and my top lip went all numb.. yes you guessed it I had a reaction to antihistamines!! Only I could manage that! I'm trying to be light-hearted but I feel absolutely exhausted, paced up and down for about two hours terrified that it would spread all over face and throat and I would choke! It's always somethng new! I'm utterly drained and feel so stupid, I know I totally over-reacted... I have a stinking headache, can't eat and feel wretched:(

Hopefully I will relax during the evening but my whole body is on alert for the next thing!

I sincerely hope I do feel better after Monday Lisa!! Hope you're not too bad now - what a bloomin pair we are! xx

Piglet - glad you're youngest is feeling better and the loo is sorted lol!! Good job mine's been working.[:I] Baileys sounds much better than rasping to me lol!! xx

Hi Karen - thanks hon - hope you are ok today xx

Done nothing useful at all today (was there a day - it seems to have just stayed dark!).

It's times like this i really do wish we all lived nearer! My top lip still feels odd and slightly swollen. That'll teach me, I'm almost too embarassed to admit it but I sipped it from the bottle (a bad habit that makes it easier for me to take medicines, sort of non-medical if you can understand - and I just have a tiny bit!). Well, my rash has eased anyway lol!

Will pop into your places, but I'm timing out badly again unfortunately.

Hope you guys are all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


04-02-06, 18:02
Hi Fee

Sorry you've had such a bad day. How horrible to have a reaction to the antihistimine. What with that and the rash and upset tummy it's no wonder you are not feeling top good.

There is nothing stupid about your reaction. You're under a great deal of stress and are not feeling well either. Go easy on yourself this evening. Maybe watch something lighthearded or whatever will help you relax a little.

No, I don't there there has been any daylight all day today. It's been really miserable. Doesn't help when you're feeling low does it?

Big (((Hug))) Fee. Hope you are soon feeling better.

Karen x

04-02-06, 18:06
thanks karen - I needed a hug! xx


04-02-06, 18:23
Hi Fee,

Here's another hug.
Sorry you're feeling so anxious, it wasn't silly to react that way about the antihistamines, I would be the same. I take antihistamine tablets never tried piriton.
I hope you're feeling better soon and your Mum too. We are a pair aren't we, I wish we lived closer too - could have a panicking, pampering, ailment party!
Take it easy tonight, thinking of you.

Lisa x

04-02-06, 18:31
....... and another squeeze

Piglet xx

04-02-06, 18:34
ooooh thank you lovely ladies i feel all squishy now!

panicky-pampering-party sounds particularly propriate lol!!!

One of us would get something in our eye or something eh!!



04-02-06, 18:54
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">panicky-pampering-party sounds particularly appropriate lol!!!
<div align="right">Originally posted by feege - 04 February 2006 : 18:34:07</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Looking forward to it already!!!:D

Karen x

04-02-06, 21:44
I wish you guys were here tonight:(

I feel really sorry for myself again... now I have a little lump on the top lip (lurking in my moustache lol) which is probably a SPOT ffs but - no - not tonight, tonight it's going to be some hideous lump connected with my hideous rash which of course is obviously to do with my kidneys which are not functioning or some rare form of lymphoma that is hiding somewhere in my system. How can these thoughts just build on themselves like this.... unless I can convince myself I understand something completely i just get terrified and now I'm reduced to panicking about what is probably a spot!!!

I just can't understand myself, how can things get so out of proportion - and I can even laugh at myself at the same time! It's so utterly ridiculous..... it's just that this is no ORDINARY spot, this came after my top lip went numb and it feels really weird all round it and my face feels all strange and tense....

Someone remind me how to stop this cycle I'm on please!!!!

(oh and it's all because I smoke of course...)[Sigh...]


04-02-06, 21:55
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
Karen c
<div align="right">Originally posted by Karen - 04 February 2006 : 18:54:09</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Karen - I got worried for a minute when I saw this, I though that you're now calling yourself Karen Carpenter! [:O] Only joking mate, I know it's a typo for a x.

Hi Fee - Aww mate, I wanted to laugh and hug you when reading that (sorry but the moustache made me chuckle not you). I so know what you mean about irrational thoughts and yet being able to laugh at myself. It's weird some days nothing will panic me and other days the smallest thing will set me off. I think you will feel alot better after Monday, you've had alot of other things to deal with too.
Huge ((((((HUG)))))) for you.

Did Sarah make it home for the weekend by the way?

Thinking of you, wish I was nearer to you too. We can beat these irrrational thoughts - together :)

Lisa x

04-02-06, 22:10
hi lisa

I know I know..... but....

can a spot make you go numb first? why does my nose feel odd? Why am I like this:( because I'm not really, not in my rational brain, it's like being schizophrenic, one half of me is panicking but the other half is taking the p*ss! But the panicky side makes me feel so awful.. and wears the other side out!

You're right, of course. All my anxiety levels are as high as they could be at the mo... I'm going to take a sleeping tablet tonight and hope I'm better tomorrow! (even if i have a nice big spot by then! I hope!!)

Sarah was allowed out for the afternoon which made mark happy!

If all goes well she should get discharged after her biopsy on Tuesday.... couple of weeks off and then the whole thing starts again.... If she gets through that then we need the donor.....

I think I have decided to be having a breakdown. I may well go long term sick, I just don't feel able to face the next couple of months. I heard last night that my brother in law is very sick too. And my lovely beardie, Annie, who has lived with my ex for the last two years because I couldn't manage her and work and she couldn't manage my stairs any more, is very very ill. We thought she was going to go at xmas but she recovered, but I think he is going to have to let her go this week. Although I haven't seen her for 2 years my heart is aching. I miss her every day, we went everywhere together. She is 16 so it is a good age for a beardie. I moved here because it was near the park but i didn't think about her not managing stairs. She was my best friend from when my ex left until then. I would give almost anything to have another dog, they are the best company.

Sorry. Had to get it off my chest. I know you will understand lisa.
So all in all it's coming at me in every direction and I'm really going under now. This is when my health anxiety always kicks in. Instead of sobbing or panicking about the things that make sense I just manifest some stupid physical symptom or ailment and panic over that.

Oh well, sleeping tablet it is then!

So glad you guys are here. Sorry to rant on.



04-02-06, 22:22
Hi Fee,
Another big (no bigger) hug is in order ((((((((FEE)))))))) If that doesn't help Piglet can give you one of her casualty ones! Lol.

No need to apologise for anything, I do understand how you're feeling totally.

Firstly I'm glad Sarah came home, brilliant for her and Mark. I'm so sorry to hear about your brother in law though.

I really feel for you regarding Annie, I really do know how that feels. Is there any chance you could visit her anytime soon? I don't know where your ex lives (was it London or did I imagine it?) and know you don't like seeing him. It helps some people to say goodbye but others prefer to remember animals how they were, there's no right or wrong way. Anyway enough before I start blubbing.

You're not having a breakdown, just suffering from ME, stress, anxiety and alot of other difficult things right now, you really have had/do have alot on your plate right now. Regarding work could you do what I'm doing and do less hours and work up again gradually? Work is such a tough one, it helps the anxiety but not always the ME, although the lady at my ME trial thinks working is good if possible, but only at a manageable level of course. There's nothing wrong with taking some time off if you feel you need it though.

I really do know how you feel with all the symptoms and rational/irrational thoughts etc.

I hope you can get some good sleep tonight.

Lisa x

04-02-06, 22:34
thanks lisa hon - much needed hug! made myself cry writing that but that's probably good!

i can't help thinking, yes I have a lot on my plate, but relatively I'm not sleeping under a freezing tarpaulin in Afghanistan or being held hostage or anything like that - and i bet people in those sort of situatons don't panic over spots!!! What's it all about? Therein madness lies!! It just seems so pathetic.... if you know what I mean!

Some people are so resilient and i feel such a flaky lightweight! And so self-obsessed!

Positive affirmations - where are they when you need 'em?!!!

Hope you are ok hon xxxxxxxxxxx


04-02-06, 22:40
Hi Fee,

A good cry is always helpful, better out than in right.

I know what you mean about people being worse off than us, in comparison our problems are so trivial etc. But we are dealing with our own lives here and now and these things are important to us right now and we can't help the way we are, we can try and change how we think etc but that takes alot of time. You are resilient too, look at what you've accomplished and got through in your life so far. You are going through so much yourself and yet you're starting a donor campaign - you are one of lifes survivors and quite frankly doing that is a real inspiration to me.

Piglet is good with the positive affirmations, but I'm sure they can help (if only I could think of some).

Thinking of you.

Lisa x

04-02-06, 22:43
Hi Fee

Sorry you're feeling so anxious and low tonight. We all have our own issues that we obsess about - mine at present are food and weight, as well as K, and yours is health. It doesn't make your worries any less of a problem for you by comparing your life with those of others. There will always be people living in worse situations and those in better circumstances. It doesn't make your distress any less valid.

I really feel for you about Annie. It is heartbreaking saying goodbye but letting go when the time comes is the ultimate act of kindness. You can treasure the memories of her.

Another (((Hug))) from me.

Hope you sleep well.

Karen x

PS Lisa - Yes the c was a typo!! [Oops!]

04-02-06, 22:56
thanks to both of you!

I'm gonna have a bath now and take a sleeper (well a bit of one) and hope for the best!

Lovely to have you both around xxxx


04-02-06, 23:00
Hi Fee,

Enjoy the bath. I fancy a bath but daren't this late, it wakes me up too much and gives palps. Lol. I'm going to try the new cleanser in a moment though.
I hope you have a good sleep. It's great having you around too, so good to have you back here.
Bonsoir mon amie,

Lisa x

05-02-06, 00:05
Hi lisa

couldn't relax in the bath either. Rash flew up from head to toe. Still struggling with weird face symptoms and tummy still not right. Have taken a bit of a sleeper but think I'm in for a rough night.

Tomorrow is another day, hopefully things will settle down once i get some sleep.

nite everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


05-02-06, 00:12
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
Tomorrow is another day, hopefully things will settle down once i get some sleep.
<div align="right">Originally posted by feege - 05 February 2006 : 00:05:58</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Lets hope for a better day tomorrow for us all :) Night, will be thinking of you.

Lisa x

05-02-06, 00:22
nite lisa - thanks xxxx


05-02-06, 02:51
Hope the sleeping pill has helped you sleep and that tomorrow is a better day.

Take care.

Karen xx

05-02-06, 11:14
The hug I am giving you could most definately land you in casualty and me in prison

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((F)))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))

Piglet xxx

05-02-06, 11:21
Right, are both still ok after that???

Now I want you to go and take a look on www.holisticshop.co.uk and look at the affirmation cards particularly Louise Hay's Wisdom cards and MIguel somebody or other Four Agreements cards or his other box.

On this particular site you get to see samples of the cards to know if you like them. They come in boxes and I keep them all over the house as I now have quite a few sets of different ones. The Louise Hay ones are my faves on the whole because I also love the art work on them which is colourful and modern.

Love Piglet (another flakey lightweight - who once stabbed her arm with some tweezers cos she thought it was numb ....... it wasn't numb but it was sure as hell sore)!!!!!!

05-02-06, 11:25
Thanks everyone!

At various points last night I decided I really have had a breakdown. Little itchy spots popped up everywhere and went down again and, yes, I have a bump on my lip. I have googled every kind of rash there is and it is not behaving in any logical way (like the rest of lol!) and I just felt more and more anxious - and more and more stupid! I'm usually very good at not googling but I was sure I would find something that would make me feel calmer (didn't find anything scary either) but no-one in the whole world has ever had this!!!

Anyway I ended up taking another quarter of a sleeping tablet (making a total of a half of 5mg nitrazapam) and got some sleep. I am much calmer today, and my tummy has settled but the itchy bumps persist!! I think it really must be gluten related DH.

I am going to try and go for a walk and get some lunch and feel a bit more normal today... hopefully it all got out of proportion because i had a bug, and i will be ok after tomorrow's scan but if not I am going to have to consider medication, this is getting out of hand...

I hope you all feel ok today - thank goodness you are here - I think I am officially going through the worst time of my life: Sarah, menopausal, ME, anxiety, kidney tumour, itching... it's just too much!!


05-02-06, 11:28
oh piglet lol stabbing your arm!!! It's good to know I'm not alone!!

I will look at the site thanks mate!!



05-02-06, 11:38
Hi Fee,

Sorry you had a bad night but glad you feel calmer today. I saw you were up late in the local drinking whisky!

I hope getting a walk and some lunch will help today.

Lol at the tweezers Piglet.

I'll write more later, only just got up and hubby is getting annoyed about it so I'd better not linger here too long.

Lisa x

05-02-06, 16:14
Hi Fee

Glad you are feeling a little better today. It certainly wasn't a breakdown you were having last night. You were feeling overwhelmed and it is very lonely when this happens, particularly in the middle of the night. I've been there a lot myself recently.

I hope you enjoyed your walk and lunch.

Wait to see how you are after the scan tomorrow. This will be one source of stress out of the way.

We are here for you Fee. Lean on us if you need to. We care about you very much.

Karen xx

05-02-06, 16:43
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
We are here for you Fee. Lean on us if you need to. We care about you very much.
<div align="right">Originally posted by Karen - 05 February 2006 : 16:14:59</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Here here, we're all here for you Auntie Fee, anytime! Seriously though I totally agree, if we can help we will.

Lisa x

05-02-06, 22:15
thank you both!

Been keeping myself busy all day so as not to worry about tomorrow too much... rash really really bad today too... all red and itchy bumps all over, hot and bothered etc.

Quite dizzy too.... but not as deranged as last night, I think that was because i had tummy bug and was so weak....

Can't wait to get tomorrow over!

Hope you're all ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


05-02-06, 22:17
Hi Fee,

Glad you're not too bad tonight, apart from the i*****g - can't say it or it will set me off! Lol.

I will be thinking about you tomorrow, what time is the appt?

Hope you sleep well tonight,

Lisa x

05-02-06, 22:28
Thanks Lisa

The appointment is not till 4... my friend is taking me. It's just a scan but you can see the tumour :( and I hate it.... Just don't want it to be there even if its benign, let alone if it looks different this year... I am petrified!

Sleeping tablets again for me tonight!


05-02-06, 22:34
Hi Fee,

I do understand how you feel, it is frightening. I had an ultrasound scan nearly two years ago, it wasn't to check my kidneys but they routinely did anyway and they found a small cyst. Thankfully it was obvious it was a cyst and not a tumour, in fact it was called a simple cyst and many people will have one or two and never know it unless scanned for something else. I had it rechecked after three months (or six months can't remember) to see if it had grown. I had it done at different hospitals who used different measuring systems so it was hard to tell if it had grown but it seemed it had slightly. My gp then sent the two results to a kidney doc who said it was nothing to worry about even if it grew, only if they get huge do they drain them. Thankfully mine wasn't a tumour in any way but it was scary and even now I wonder if it's growing inside me. I mean if it grew in 3/6 months it could be huge by now but the kidney doctor said there was no need to scan me again. Even if yours is a tumour it should be fine if it's benign. I do understand how scary it is and will keep my fingers crossed for you. I'm glad you have a friend going with you.

Love Lisa x

05-02-06, 23:09
Hi Fee

Good idea to make sure you get some decent sleep tonight. Have you got things to keep you occupied tomorrow? I realise it will be hard to distract yourself from thinking about the appointment.

It is good that you have got a friend going with you for moral support. Just think that by this time tomorrow it will be over with.

I will be thinking of you and there with you in spirit.

Karen xx

05-02-06, 23:14
Hi Fee,

Just saying night night. Hope you sleep well.

I'll be with you in spirit tomorrow too as will Karen (both wearing spotted or tartan pj's) Lol. I'll be there holding your hand.

Big hug, Lisa x

05-02-06, 23:20
Thanks Lisa and Karen

I don't know what i'm going to do tomorrow but I have some choices and i'm sure they'll involve spending money!!

I don't know what it will mean if it has grown at all i have been soooo good and never googled it! But i do know that it can't be removed, it's inside the kidney so the kidney would have to go if it started to grow too much.... and that benign ones can become malignant:(

But i also know that they are something loads of people have but just don't know about them - I wish I didn't!!!!

can't wait for tomorrow (assuming.....)

Hmm retail therapy coming on!!!!

will let you know asap!

going for bath and sleeper in a minute xxxxx


06-02-06, 00:04
Hi Fee,

Just going to bed myself now, so tired I am swaying Lol. Just been watching Liz Earle on QVC as she gives good beauty tips.

Good luck for tomorrow and with the retail therapy. Your kidney tumour/cyst sounds different to mine, mine is a small simple cyst on the outside of the kidney I think and can be drained or removed if ever necessary. Thinking of you and a big well done for never googling it!

Lisa x

06-02-06, 01:28

can't relax at all... no surprise i guess... Am bright red from head to toe, have horrible acid tummy and shaking all over... Have taken some sleepers but nothing is happening yet....

I thought I was going to be ok and went to bed and just freaked. Not actually thinking about the scan just feel totally and utterly stressed.

God I hate this anxiety, it just doesn't let up... I suppose I'm just flushing (stress obviously but menopausal too). At least I'm not alone in the flat, my lodger is in although I wouldn't like to tell him anything unless I had to!

When am I ever going to feel better? my body just can't tolerate stress, but stress happens to everyone? Have itchy bumps on my legs and hard little lumps in all sorts of places. So hot too!

There should be a pill for this that works! I've been talking to friends about anti-depressants and my take is that it is better to go through the periods of stress - if i took them now the feelings would only come back to get me when i try to come off... If i felt like this when not much was going on then I would have to take them but this is a really difficult time so it's kind of right to be stressed. But then in the middle of the night I think I must be mad, maybe it would help to take them...

If only I could go to sleep :(

Hope the rest of you are all snuggled up and in the land of nod xxxxxx


06-02-06, 01:40
Hi Fee,

Aww big hug mate. I have just got up as the dog wanted to go out, and now is taking his time to come back in, think he's smelt the rat by the greenhouse! Grr.

Sorry you feel so bad, I do know how it feels. You will feel better, you are going through alot of stress right now. I agree with you on the antidepressants, they'd only be a real last resort for me too as I believe in trying to deal with the problem not just masking it, only to have to deal with it later.

The ME doesn't help us to tolerate stress, our bodies react different to stress than most peoples due to something with the adrenal glands, they don't have anything actually wrong with them but react differently in ME patients sometimes.

Anyway dog finally in so I'm going back to bed now. I hope you sleep, I hope I sleep too as I'm wide awake now but have to be up for work in 6 hours [|)] I am exhausted.

Love and big hugs.

Lisa x

06-02-06, 01:42
Oh lisa hon - nice to hear from you in the night!! hope you get back to sleep ok - give paddy a hug from me!

Thanks for replying - it's such a comfort!

nite nite love xxxxx


06-02-06, 03:26
I hope you are both tucked up in bed fast asleep now.

It does feel so much worse in the middle of the night Fee but you're definitely not going mad. It is just harder to see past the negative thoughts when it is quiet and there are no other distractions.

Antidepressants do help some people but I also think they only mask the problem and it is still necessary to work at dealing with the issues.

Good luck for tomorrow Fee. Will be thinking of you.

Karen xx

06-02-06, 10:05
Morning all... well i got some sleep eventually (about 3.30) and surprisingly am relatively calm at the moment (spose that's the effect of half a nitrazapam!).

I just wish it was this evening!

Hope you are all ok xxxx


06-02-06, 11:21
Will check in later to see how you got on.

Big hugs

Piglet xx

06-02-06, 14:01
Hi Fee,

Just wanted to say good luck for later and will be thinking of you. Glad you got to sleep eventually, took me ages to get back to sleep too. It was odd last night, I had a feeling you were online and when I looked you had posted, I had to reply after reading your message.
Anyway good luck and it will all be over in a couple more hours. Let us know how you get on.

Big hug,

Love Lisa x

06-02-06, 15:48
Just wanted to wish you well Fee. Good luck.

Karen xx

06-02-06, 17:12
hello - it was ALL GOOD!!!

No change in tumour identified!!!! I'm weak with relief and exhaustion but have very big grin on my face! Something had to go right didn't it!!!

Thank you all for seeing me through the last few days... I think I might need a little sleep now!!!




06-02-06, 17:25
Hi Fee,

That is fantastic news! Hooray! :D[^]:)[8D]:):D

I am so pleased for you, you deserve some good news. I bet you are relieved. I hope you can get some rest now.

Lisa x

06-02-06, 18:41
Oh I am sooo pleased.


Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

06-02-06, 19:48
Thank you karen, lisa and piglet - I wrote that and literally crashed out![:I]

I can't believe how different I feel - exhausted but completely different!

I got in such a stew before hand that by the time chris came to get me (bless him) i think rigor mortis had begun to set in!! We got there at 3.55, I went in at 4 (just as well I thought I was going to faint or be sick)and was out by 4.15! Mind you it was hard work and I had the radiographer from hell! I told her I had vertigo and found it hard to lie flat and she took no notice and just kept saying turn this way and that way - I was clinging on for dear life! Then when she started doing the other kidney I said, so..... was it ok? And she just said - oh yes no change... I mean, was she going to tell me or what?! lol Anyway I was so relieved i nearly fainted off the bed! I went with Chris aferwards to the other hospital here for him to get blood test to check on his chemo (which he is having for his exceptionally severe psoriasis which covers 85% of his body) and the nurse there knew both of us by name lol!! We both live at hospitals (poor chris is only 32...).

Anyway I feel totally and utterly drained and can only hope that I get a little energy from somewhere tomorrow, although I suppose I should accept that as an ME person all this stress is going to leave me worn out for a while....

I hope you are all ok - will have a look at your places next... Piglet do you have your own place? I don't think I've seen it if you have lol!!!

What would I have done without you guys over the last few days?

thankyou xxxxxxxxxxxxx


06-02-06, 19:49
That's great news Fee. I am so pleased for you.

Hope you are having a well earned rest now.

Karen xx

06-02-06, 21:58
Hi Fee,

I'm so glad today went well, you coped so well, and how kind of Chris to take you, bless him. At least he must be quite understanding as he knows what health problems are like.

You may well be tired for a while now, stress does affect us ME people sometimes, so take it easy for the next few days, at least you haven't got to work.

I don't think Piglet has her own place, she just squats at one of ours! Only joking Piglet, you're welcome anytime, the herbal tea is always brewing :D Of course if Piglet needed her own place she could build it in a day! Lol.

Hope you have a better night tonight.

Lisa x

06-02-06, 22:15

Just like a bird I hover from thread to thread spreading abit of honey along the way.

That is so wrong on about 10 different levels - did you listen to anything in biology at all Piglet???

Birds, bees, whatever!

........and Karen hates honey and that sort of talk really makes people want to heave.[}:)]:D

Night guys

Piglet xxx

06-02-06, 22:17
:Dlol piglet:D:D

but you do spread sweetness everywher you go!

nite honey (lol)


06-02-06, 22:27
Piglet - I think you must have been listening to a different sort of birds and bees in your biology classes ;) Lol.

Sleep well mate,

Lisa x

07-02-06, 10:04
morning everyone!

Well I still feel much calmer but I'm still mega-itchy! I have a friend coming today so won't be on much but hope you are all ok



07-02-06, 11:26
I am just about to go and do some studying aswell.

Have a lovely day mate and see you later.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

07-02-06, 11:28
Hi Fee,

Glad you're feeling calmer, I won't mention the i word! Lol.

Have a nice day with your friend.

Hi Piglet - happy studying! Are you doing the anatomy and physiology at the moment?

Have a good day all.

Lisa x

07-02-06, 12:42
Hi Fee

Glad you are feeling calmer today.

Hope you have a good day with your friend.

Piglet - How is the studying going?

Karen xx

07-02-06, 22:54
How are you tonight Fee?

Did you have a good visit with your friend?

Karen xx

07-02-06, 23:03
Hi Karen - just posted at yours!!!

Yeh I had a nice visit and then slept most of the afternoon! I am still exhausted from all the tension of the last week but things are a lot better at the moment, sarah has been discharged which is fantastic for all of us!! I'm going back to doc tomorrow and not planning to go back to work too quickly this time, I need to take more care of myself, I've been totally overdoing it (did you notice lol!!) which is my usual pattern... boom and bust! The rash is not as red and angry (though still very itchy) but I want to get it checked out for DH which is the skin condition related to Coeliac's.

I'm going for reflexology on Thursday too so I hope that will help me get back into some kind of balance, I feel like I have been all over the place!

Going to try and go to bed at a more normal time tonight (i.e. before 3am!) which I haven't done for nearly a week...

Hope you get some good sleep tonight hon xxx


07-02-06, 23:17
Hi Fee,
Glad you had a nice day.

Fantastic news about Sarah :D.

Good luck at the docs tomorrow, you are right to look after yourself. I hope she can help with the DH skin possibiity. When I was looking up CD when we were discussing it a while back I remember reading that only 1 in 10,000 get DH but it's worth looking into.

I love reflexology, had it alot a few years back. I haven't had it since getting ME. Funnily enough I contacted my reflexologist last week and told her I now have ME etc, could she help. She said yes and even offered to come to my house and do it. She did mention that reflexology could make me more tired initially though so I've been a bit scared to try it until I'm a bit more stable. I didn't used to get any side effects though, but she said I may now. It's so relaxing though, I love it.

I know what you mean about not being in bed early enough, we both should know better! Lol.

On that note I'm off to bed now too (via a quick check on Karen's place) - I WILL be in my bed before midnight,

Night all, sleep well,

Lisa x

07-02-06, 23:17
Hi Fee

Yes I had noticed you have been doing too much lol!!

Glad you had a nice time with your friend and a well deserved rest this afternoon. I think it is just as well to take your time to return to work and make sure you are ready to go back.

I am so pleased that Sarah is well enough to be at home. That's great news and I bet Mark is so pleased too.

Hope you sleep tonight. I have to be at the clinic by 10.30 tomorrow so I need to get to bed at a reasonable time too!

The reflexology sounds good.

Karen x

07-02-06, 23:20
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I WILL be in my bed before midnight,
<div align="right">Originally posted by LJ - 07 February 2006 : 23:17:17</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Lol Lisa! I don't remember the last time I was in bed before midnight :D. I still need to write to K tonight yet.

Sleep well!

Karen xx

08-02-06, 00:00
4 minutes and counting lol!!

I don't think I'm gonna make it!

Lisa - the gastro man said he thought it was DH brought on by going off gluten and going back on and i have to say it really looks like it now, it's a proper rash on both my legs and a couple of other places, very symmetrical itchy bumps. I'm not getting red and hot (which probably was the anxiety) any more though so its more bearable. I'm very dizzy tho which apparently is common for coeliac's eating gluten and my tummy is just bloated and bunged up beyond belief!

However, I still won't be surprised to find it's not Coeliac's and my body is just mimicking it - anxiety is so incredibly clever!

It so windy I doubt I'll get much sleep with my sea facing wall of windows! But I'm going to log off and try!

night girls! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


08-02-06, 00:16
Hi Fee,

Good luck with the DH, hope your doc can help.

I didn't make it to bed either! Had a new symptom to think about and dog wants to go out now.

Ooh sea facing windows - I love going to sleep hearing the sea, bliss.

Night, really this time I am going.

Lisa x

08-02-06, 08:58
Just saying hello and yes wasn't it windy last night!!

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-02-06, 13:02
Hi Fee,

How are you today. How did you get on at the docs? (if you've been yet).

Lisa x

08-02-06, 16:05
Hope all went well at the doctor's Fee.

Karen x

08-02-06, 17:08
hello everyone!

I'm so tired I can't believe it - the less I do the less I can do... it's a bit scary, I've been here before :(

The doctor was lovely, she's referred me to a dermatologist so I can get tested for DH which is good. My BP was good 140/80 - not bad for my age! She wants to see me next Weds as well when my cert. runs out and recommends she sign me off for 6 weeks. Weird.... not sure how I feel about it. My finger is not healing very well, so she'll check that again next week. She checked the lumps under my armpits and said it was glands (I mentioned them last week to her but didn't get them checked) so I probably still have a virus. She didn't think she could hurry the biopsy up yet. So I just have to plod on.

I went shopping and met Chris for lunch and came home and slept some more. I feel really vague and headachey now. I feel like the whole of january was a blur - like a cartoon!

I'm having the reflexology tomorrow so maybe that will help, I hope so.

Hi Lucy - I have been eating the gluten I used to before giving it up more or less - pasta once or twice a week, a couple of slices of bread every day, biscuits etc... I think last week I ate a whole loaf of granary bread (mmmmm) in about 5 days (I hadn't realised I missed it so much!).

I haven't got a date for the biopsy yet, I have an appt to get the results though - 30th March - so before that I presume!!! Your rash really does sound like mine, there's very little to see if I don't scratch, its tiny bumps like itchy goose bumps all over the inside of my calves and on my forearms. There are itchy places elsewhere too though and some little bumps under the skin. Where's yours? Did I give you the link to the GF-notice board? They are so helpful there. Yes I am also so so bloated, full of wind, pains in tummy, dizziness is back etc. but then I have been so stressed it could all be coincidence.

I have been getting this slightly on my legs for years and I used to get it on my hands too. I didn't think mine looked anything like DH it was the specialist who thought it was more likely - but it could be wheat sensitivity rather than Coeliac's. I can't wait to know.

How long have you had digestive problems? Good luck to you! xxx

Off to see how you guys are! Thanks for checking in on me! xxxxx


08-02-06, 17:36
Well that didn't go too badly did it???

It will be nice to know though in due course if it is the wheat gluten causing the probs.

Big hug

Piglet xx

08-02-06, 17:48
Hi Fee,

Glad you got on ok at the doctors. Maybe the six weeks off will do you good. After all that time off though you should try and ease back into work gradually if you can. I know what you mean about the less you do the less you can do, it's a vicious circle isn't it. I feel a bit like that but I am stabalising my baseline of what I can do so that I can do it even on a bad day (e.g work just the morning) and then build up. it seems like a step backwards but it will eventually lead to a few steps forwards hopefully. The plan is to stop the boom and bust!
Maybe we should make a pact to look after ourselves better and get to bed earlier! Lol.

How's the website going, is the launch this week?

Still thinking of you.

Lisa x

08-02-06, 19:24
Hi Fee

Sounds like the appointment with your doctor went well.

It is not surprising you are feeling so tired if you are still suffering from a virus on top of these various other problems. The time off work to rest and recouperate will do you good.

Hope the reflexology tomorrow helps. Having had benefit from acunpucture and hypnotherapy I am in favour of trying alternative treatments. Anything we can do to help ourselves feel a bit better.

Did your doctor have any thoughts on how to treat your finger? Is it still painful?

Hope you are having a good rest tonight.

Karen xx

08-02-06, 22:14
Hi piglet - yeh it went really well on the whole thank goodness!

Hi Lisa - you're so right, I need to build back into work slowly, but at the moment I feel overwhelmed by all the things I have to do without even going to work!! But hopefully that feeling will pass after a couple more days rest... Going to bed earlier would be a start! I don't know how this staying up late happened (I think it was BB that started it! [:I])
The website is waiting for me to do stuff and I just can't face it at the moment :(

Hi Karen - yeh I'm really hopeful about reflexology. I used to have Shiatsu and it was fantastic but now I find lying flat and turning over and stuff so hard cos of the vertigo, so I'm hoping reflexolog will work as well. Yeh, my finger still hurts quite a bit and is swollen but it seems to have stayed the same for about 2 weeks. I'm not really bothered it doesn't affect me much and doesn't scare me thank goodness!

I feel so tired still... my friend invited me to tea - she's only down the road but I took the car - she couldn't believe it! Her ex was there (she's the one whose son broke my finger!) and I haven't seen him for over 10 years so I wanted to go but was altogether too tired. I had a glass of wine and they were smoking dope too (just a bit) and I couldn't handle it and got terrible palpitations and had real trouble getting home. It was horrible. I had pasta and I feel so bloated and out of it now, it's vile. How depressing... But it was nice to see them and her sister was there and we've all known each other over 20 years but not spent time together for years!

Oh I hate this feeling - exhausted and tense at the same time :(. I hope I feel better tomorrow!

Hope you guys are ok - will take a peek now but really really really gonna try to get to bed early! lol!


08-02-06, 22:37
Hi Fee

Well done for going out even though you didn't feel like it. I empathise with the bloated feeling because I am still feeling bloated after lunch today.

I think an early night really would help. BB has a lot to answer for!

Try to get to bed a bit earlier tonight and gradually get back to a more normal pattern - I know I am a great one to talk!!

I hope the reflexology is beneficial. I might be having a session of Shiatsu next week but I am not sure about it. I feel quite uncomfortable with the thought of touch, which is worse now I feel so self-conscious about my body.

Are you still getting some help to get the website up and running?

Karen xx

08-02-06, 22:41
Hi Fee,

I'm sure you won't feel so overwhelmed once you're less tired, it all seems worse when we are exhausted. I try and make a plan of what jobs I'm going to do now and spread everything out a bit. If things are broken down into smaller tasks/steps they don't seem as daunting

Let me know how you get on with the reflexology, I want to try it again but as I haven't had it since getting ME I am concerned it may make me more tired, as the therapist said it could but then everyone reacts differently. I did love it in the past though.

I know the exhausted and tense feeling, it's awful isn't it.

Well done for going out tonight, I really couldn't have coped with someone smoking dope.

Love and hugs, hope you feel better and get some sleep. Go to bed early (take your own advice too Lisa Lol).

Lisa x

08-02-06, 22:49
oh for goodness sake...

i was feeling tired/sleepy then reached up to get something and felt a little electric shock feeling in my lower inner arm and thought "haematoma".... That stupid bloomin nurse the other day. I could feel something there last night but managed to ignore it but now I'm off on one....

Oh why am I like this? I don't suppose most people would even have noticed the stupid little sensation, but it was odd and different from anything I have ever felt before (well as far as I can remember). I'm just so fed up with this health anxiety. How can I possibly believe that a nurse says the word haematoma and of course I manufacture some symptoms that make me think I've got one. It's ludicrous. I have no idea what a haematoma is to honest!! If anyone can tell me anything to make me realise it's nothing to do with a haematoma I'd be very grateful! I will NOT start googling.

For goodness sake, what are the chances - infinitessimal - but, "what if". What a stupid stupid mind/body I have:(

What next.....


08-02-06, 23:01
Hi Fee

Well done for not Googling.

The 'what ifs' get to all of us about different things. Your issues happen to be related to your health, whereas mine are related to food/eating and about harm coming to K. I too am very capable of letting my thoughts overtake me, as you know lol!

The electric shock sensation is a common symptom of anxiety and I am sure it isn't related to a haematoma. The comments the nurse made were thoughtless and typical of someone who doesn't understand the issues. It is like someone commenting on my weight, or even telling me I 'look better' which I interpret as meaning that I look fat.

Try to get an early (well earlier) night. Things do appear worse when feeling so tired.

Hugs to you Fee.

Karen xx

08-02-06, 23:12
Hi Fee,

Aww big hugs mate. People say totally innocent things without realising that we will be worrying about it days later. What someone esle would forget we remember.

I do know what a haematoma is but I don't think it's very likely from a blood test, she was probably just joking (not very funny to us anxious types though).

I've heard of people having the electric shock feeling with anxiety too.

I hope you can settle and get some sleep, thinking of you.

Lisa x

08-02-06, 23:15
Thanks Karen

I know it's ridiculous... but how on earth does anxiety make me manufacture a pain in the arm when I wasn't even thinking about it - I had completely forgotten it tonight.... It's amazing! I will try and ignore it tonight and hope it never does it again, but if it happens again I will have to ask somebody about it....

I feel really disappointed that I'm doing this....

Ho hum :(


08-02-06, 23:18
thanks lisa.. I'm sure it can't be very likely from a blood test - for goodness sake I've had loads of them before! Never even thought about it! But I've never jumped like that either...

I suppose I'll find out if it is sooner or later!

Always something new eh?!!

I feel really grumpy about it!


08-02-06, 23:27
Hi Fee,

It's incredibly unlikely from a blood test, the risk is minute. Having a blood test from an artery is more risk but even then it's minimal and a normal blood test is taken from a vein not an artery. I had 5 blood tests taken from an artery in my wrist (so painful) last september and the doc messed about for ages trying to do it and I was fine afterwards.
I know it's hard when our mind picks up on these things. I don't even think the electric shock thing would be a symptom of a haematoma anyway.
I hope you can relax, night.

Lisa (I am trying to go to bed honest) Lol. Planning for before midnight again.

08-02-06, 23:28
Hi Fee

It is just the way the subconscious works and links to something you thought you'd forgotten. Like Lisa, I really doubt a blood test could cause a haemtoma. I've had some huge bruises at times when I was a lower weight and they had trouble getting the needle into a vein.

There is nothing to feel bad about for worrying.

Try to get some rest now and see how you feel in the morning.


Karen x

08-02-06, 23:29

i googled...[:I]

BUT I'm glad I did! I thought it was basically just bruising and it is and it is only very rarely that one can travel round the body like the vile anti-smoking ad:D And the main treatment is physio so guess who's having a right arm work out (oooh that sounds rude!).

I feel much better now... the worst thing that nurse did (and btw it was a boy of about 15 lol!) was when I said - well that's just a bruise isn't it, he looked at me as if I was mad!

Well anyway - that's what I'm telling myself and I hope it works for me!!!!

thanks to you both xxxxxxxxxxx


08-02-06, 23:32
I think we all posted at the same time then!!!!

Thanks again to you both - it's under skin bruising it is it is it is lol!!!!

now you two get your pjs on and go to bed, don't take any notice of me I'm about to hit myself over the head with a sledge hammer lol!!!

love n hugs xxxxxx


08-02-06, 23:38
Hi fee,

I'm off to bed soon, as long as I know my sis and Aunty Fee are ok first :)

You googled, you naughty girl [}:)] Lol. I nearly told you what a haematoma was to stop you googling but I didn't want to worry you.

It's normal to get a bruise after a blood test, I always find the area gets sore and bruises.

I did laugh at the right arm workout (not that I have a dirty mind [8)]).
Ahem moving on....

I don't have any PJ's so, will take myself, my birthday suit and my lumps off to bed now. Go to bed too Aunty fee, get some rest.

Lisa x

08-02-06, 23:42
lol lumpy leaky lisa!!!

I'm fine, it's weird these days I can completely panic and watch myself at the same time... I can just see how ridiculous I am, but I'm frightened at the same time! I don't have a visible bruise and I realise a haematoma is not exactly a bruise... but it's not as scary as the smoking ad lol!!!

Right I really am going to bed - after an aspirin lol!!!

love having you two around - it makes so much difference doesn't it!

thanks again - now off you go!



08-02-06, 23:47
Hi Fee,

Ok last post from me tonight, yes really.

I know what you mean, I can panic about something yet remain somewhat rational and laugh at myself all at the same time.

I'm glad you feel more reassured now. No it's nothing like as bad as the smoking advert, that advert is just evil [}:)]

I love having you all around too, in spite of everything we have quite alot of fun here too don't we [:o)]

Right I am going, really. Lol.

Lumpy Lisa (not leaky yet thankfully) x

09-02-06, 00:42
Lol you two!! It's great hanging out with you as well :D.

I'll let you off the Googling this once Fee just because it had positive results this time! I almost said it was simply like bruising too but didn't want to make things worse either. I often having bruising after blood tests but no ill results from this.

I've been in my PJs all evening but still am not sleeping. Hope you are now deep in the land of nod!

See you in the morning.

Karen xx

09-02-06, 09:09
morning girls!

It's a good job we've all got such a good sense of humour eh?!!!

I picked up Paul McKenna's Change your life in 7 days last night for my bed time reading and realised how lucky I am to have this time off - I can actually use it to get well ([Duh!] how obvious!). I am going to try and read as much positive stuff as I can and go back and do all the positive reinforcements I used to do. I have dug my way out of this sort of hole before and I will do it again!

It's beautiful and sunny here again this morning so that's a good start and I read a bit more first thing and today is going to be the first day of a new regime for me.... mentally and physically.

It's no excuse really but having to have the scan, the gastro appt and applying for DLA have all been making me focus on how sick and anxious I am - but it is just something I have to get through and I need to double the positive images in my head to counteract it. While I was working I just didn't have the time, but now.... well that's my plan!

I have a reflexology this morning and hope that will be a really good way of beginning to feel better.

A couple of days with no disasters should help!!

Thank you so much for being here for me!



09-02-06, 09:10
lol after posting that I got a new rank!! It felt like a reward!



09-02-06, 10:16
Well you lot did a lot of gassin last night!!!!

I had a crap nights sleep all because I drank a pepsi before I went to bed. Middle child was eating take away and left it on the side. It was either the sort with loads of sugar or the sort with loads of caffiene [Sigh...] will you never learn Piglet.

Fee - we all identify with any sensation, lump, bump or automobile as that is in our makeup (oh shut up about makeup you're borin me now).

Really interested in how your reflexology session goes today and want you to try and remember the saliant points to help me with my course. Have a lovely time having your feet squeezed and you and Lisa stop being crude about the arm action - I blushed[:I][:I]. Then I laughed at Lisa about the dope thing - sorry that should be with, not at.

Big cuddle Lis and to you all - really liking all your different personalities:D:D:D:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-02-06, 12:06
Morning Fee/all,

Yes another lovely day. Fee I'm loving your attitude today, go girl, you can beat this! You seem to have just the right approach now too. I'm finding it easier to put positive things in place now I'm only working mornings too.

I hope you enjoy the reflexology, can't wait to hear about it and how you feel after having it etc.

Lets hope for no disasters today and yes so good we all have a great sense of humour [:o)] I remember going to the doctors once, it was a male doctor and I kept going back saying I felt ill about something and he said I should take you more seriously, then explained it's because I am always so cheerful he didn't realise how ill I was feeling.

Piglet - Sorry you had a bad night Pepsi is [}:)] Lol. I don't drink any fizzy drinks like that and haven't for a few years now. Hope you feel ok this morning.
Me crude [?][:I] I'm so sweet and innocent and [8)] Honest [}:)] Lol.

Have a good day ladies - I do so wish we lived nearer we could be ladies that lunch :) Lol. [Oops!] sorry Karen, ladies that go for a drink - assuming we could all be panic free enough to get there etc. Shut up now Lisa....

Lisa x (Crude and lumpy dope hater [:P])

09-02-06, 12:41
Afternoon guys.

Well Fee I too love your new positive attitude today [Wow!]. Have you read the Paul McKenna book before? Are you listening to the hypnosis CD as well? I have quite a collection of hypnosis CDs now that it takes me ages to decide which one to listen to [Duh!]. I had let this lapse a bit and part of my new coping strategy is to listen to one of the CDs a couple of times a day, as I do find it helpful when I use them.

How did the reflexology go?

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">A couple of days with no disasters should help!!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Lets be positive here - this is officially a disaster free zone! There might be the odd hiccup but NO disasters lol! :)[:P]

Lisa: Yep we can be ladies that drink - as long as it's only water ;). I don't mind in the slightest if you lot want to lunch as well lol! I might even be tempted to join you as long as it is for strawberries!

Piglet: Sorry you didn't sleep well mate. I used to drink Coca Cola all the time but gave it up completely a couple of years ago. I'm not sure it made my anxiety any worse when I drank it but now I don't even like the taste as it's so sweet. I don't know how I ever drank it all the time.

Hope you're all OK this afternoon.

Karen xx

09-02-06, 13:07
Well... I am having the weirdest day...

I'm sorry not to be so positive but after all the lovely stuff this morning I dried my hair and completely span out - full on vertigo, the whole room tipped upside down. I have an epley maneouvre booked for 17th thankfully but it is terrifying. It was about 11.05am and I had to leave at 11.20 (it's only a walk away for the reflexology). I didn't even know if I could make it I was so so dizzy - like being on a ship. First time it's been like that for at least a year...

Anyway I was so determined to get there I carried on and at about 11.20 the doorbell rang and there was the hugest bunch of flowers for me from Sarah. I just wanted to cry... if I hadn't spun out like that it would have been such perfect timing..... What an angel she is!

So I groped my way round and told the therapist all about it. She was lovely and did my treatment with me sitting up. It was lovely, really relaxing and the only points that 'hurt' were kidney (everyone's does) uterus and stomach. Fairly predictable. I felt fine afterwards, but walking home I still felt dizzy and a bit out of it.

How utterly disappointing. I really don't think it was tension or anything, just rotten coincidence - it's such a very specific feeling, not faint dizzy, just the world moves. But of course I can't get brain tumour's out of my head now.

I'm going to carry on with Paul McKenna, resting, trying to think positively but it's not easy!

I feel like I'm letting the team down today.:(


09-02-06, 13:25
Fee honey pot ,

I get the dizziness that we all know about where you are being pulled to one side and walking around the shops is horrible. I do also get something similiar to your one today. It doesn't happen often and I wonder if it is because my eyes are tired but if I sweep them around too quickly or suddenly, or the same with my head, then whoosh!

This usually makes me cry:(

Most things that make me scared also make me cry.

Balance is a very delicate thing and a million and one harmless things can set it askew.

I am soo glad you enjoyed your reflexology session and I think you were smashing to still go, feeling as you did.

Big hugs - is it sunny on your balcony today???

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-02-06, 13:28
Thanks Piglet! I didn't know you had this too - it's horrible isn't it! It is lovely and sunny on my balcony, I wish I could relax properly but when I look right I have a strange feeling in my eye... I suppose I have a muscle spasm somewhere. It's so tiresome - and I did feel like crying, kinda still do with the disappointment! Hopefully if I have a rest it will settle back down again....

Big hug back xxxxxxxx


09-02-06, 13:41
Hi Fee,

Aww big hugs mate. The vertigo must be awful but you did so well to get to the reflexology. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I used to get sore points when I went too, in my case relating to my bowels and head and occasionally my back.
You're not letting the team down, lets have no more talk like that! We all have good and bad days (and minutes, hours etc lol) but we're all here for each other.
How lovely of Sarah to send flowers. Talking of flowers all the nurses at work today were getting excited about valentines day.
Have a good rest Fee and hope you feel better later.


Lisa x

09-02-06, 13:53
Thanks lisa! I do feel disappointed I'm not so positive as I was... it will take a while to settle properly even if it doesn't do it again and is one of the things I have really struggled with over the last 2 years but the Epley maneouvre really worked when it was bad before which meant it was definitely bppv. Only just over a week till I have another thankfully!

Just having some lunch and then it's nap time!!! I like not working!:D[8D]:D


09-02-06, 13:58
Hi Lucy - this is the place to let it all hang out hon:D:D

You sound very much like me - I've had all that since 88/89 and find it hard to believe that neither of us have been tested for Coeliac's it's so obvious and common..... It's no wonder we get anxious and over-sensitised to our bodies is it?!!!

Chat here as much as you want or PM me if you would rather?

Our biopsies will be around the same time (yours is in march?) - it could be fantastic for both of us to get diagnosed and have at least some control over our health - although I realise that either way I will still have a long way to go!!

Always nice to hear from you Lucy! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


09-02-06, 14:04
Hi Aunty Fee,

There's no need to be disappointed in yourself, I know what you mean but it's a blip and it will pass.

What does the epley manouevre involve? Hopefully it will help the vertigo.

Hope you enjoy your nap, I may have one myself, although I think they're really wrecking my night time sleep now and my therapist agreed.

Lisa x

09-02-06, 14:46
Hi Fee

What's all this talk about 'letting the team down'?!? :D The vertigo sounds absolutely horrible and it is no wonder it has knocked you a bit. You certainly have not let any of us down though. So no more talk of that, OK? (I'm getting assertive again lol!!)

I think you did really well to get to the reflexology so soon afterwards and I am glad you found it beneficial.

That was lovely of Sarah to send flowers like that.

Hope you are having a good rest now and feel a bit better when you wake.


Karen xx

09-02-06, 16:10
Lol Karen - two bits of assertiveness in two days - I'm liking it, think a casualty hug is in order here :D:D:D[:O][:O]:D:D:D.

Lucy hun I've been in my tunnel since 1999 :D:D:D:D Do you think we are just going round in circles and no-one is telling us. Although I think mine is a series of tunnels with the odd daylight thrown in. All this travelling phew!!!

Piglet xx

09-02-06, 16:45
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Lol Karen - two bits of assertiveness in two days - I'm liking it, think a casualty hug is in order here :D:D:D[:O][:O]:D:D:D.
<div align="right">Originally posted by Piglet - 09 February 2006 : 16:10:11</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Thanks Piglet. I won't recognise myself soon. Assertive? Me? That's one word that could never be used to describe me before! [8)]

I think your tunnel has some giant rays of sunshine spilling in and lighting up whole sections for you now. The darker bits are getting shorter and one day you'll turn the corner and find the tunnel opens out into daylight completely. I have faith that you will get there :)[Yeah!].

Karen xx

09-02-06, 17:58
Hi Fee,

How are you feeling now?

Lisa x

09-02-06, 18:03
Hi lisa

Just woke up and still feel pretty dizzy - trying to keep myself calm and positive though! I've had it so many times before but it's a tough one to deal with.....

I was so glad when I lay down - sometimes it makes it worse, but it didn't so I was able to sleep thank goodness.

Just popping over to your place to see how you are!!

Thanks for your support Karen and Piglet - you both ARE rays of sunshine!

thanks for the hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


09-02-06, 18:10
Hi Fee,

Glad you managed a nap without feeling too dizzy. It must be horrible.
Just remember it got better before and will again. I don't know, these ailments don't let us have a day off do they!

More hugs,

Lisa x :)

09-02-06, 18:24
Hi Lisa - it's frustrating isn't it..... I really was feeling SO positive and I'm trying hard not to lose it again...

It's so good to know someone else with the same sort of things.... but please do NOT go getting dizzy - I was really worried about posting about it lol!!!! If you do then it IS anxiety and you will know it!!!!;)

I have a lovely bunch of flowers to look at!:D:D:D:D

Must go eat...

Hugs all round!!!!


09-02-06, 18:36
Lol Fee, I'll try not to catch the dizzyness. It's not as contagious as the itching is it! I have been lightheaded alot in the past through hyperventilating or just being tired.

I know it's frustrating for you, but you can do this and you can stay positive - I just know you can.

Hugs back to you. Enjoy your flowers (not for dinner obviously) [:o)]

Lisa x

10-02-06, 10:58

On the positive side - I slept really well, off by about 12 (hoorah) unaided by drugs...

Woke up feeling really positive and the best I have for ages, read a bit more Paul McKenna, beautiful sunny morning, wrote positive stuff in my journal, plans for the next week etc. Had my shower then... bang spinning again. I just don't get it. Not as bad as yesterday but it leaves me all wobbly and out of it. I just can't work out what is setting it off... the shower? Gluten in my cereal? (my tummy was bad all day yesterday and I didn't eat any more gluten until this morning....). I just don't know but it's such a downer... Am determined to carry on through it though.... but with a sway instead of a swing in my step....

Still itchy all over. Going to phone hospital in a minute to see if they know when my biopsy will be, I really need that out of the way.

Hope you guys are ok - off for a look!



10-02-06, 12:03
Hi Fee,

I'm glad you managed to sleep well last night. It's good to hear that you woke feeling good and positive too.
Bad news that the vertigo is back, that must be really annoying. Hopefully the epley manoevre will help control it again.
I am itchy today too, I've been ok for most of this week, it's started since I went outside a while ago so I'm wondering if it is just cold weather affecting my skin as my doctor thought.
Did you phone the hospital? I find waiting for appts the hardest part, I just want them over with, that's why I have alot of things done through my medical insurance.
Anyway hope this afternoon is better for you on the swaying front.

Lisa x

10-02-06, 16:28
Hi lisa

I reckon the itching probably is the cold, my friend said that this afternoon too!

I'm doing well, not panicking over the bloomin dizziness. I spent most of the morning on the phone trying to get them to make me an appt for the biopsy. Went from pillar to post and found the referral by the reg i saw last week hadn't been typed (um... spose they don't have an e-mail system lol).. Grrrr

To cut a (very) long story short I spoke to the consultant's secretary who promised to try and get me an appointment fairly quickly and call me back. Of course I haven't heard yet, so will be on the phone again on Monday. I really want to come off the Gluten again, because I KNOW it doesn't help....

But i wrote more good stuff in my journal (oh forgot to get stickies!!!) and then went for a walk and a coffe with a friend. Had nice chunk of chocolate brownie - and promptly went dizzy again. Lol - I bet it's all somatic!!!! But I need to know...

We found yesterday that the Anthony Nolan register had NO possible matches and the Blood Service only 5 that we worth trying to test to see if they might be a match. This is much less than we even thought. Mark was in bits last night. She is still waiting today for the results of the biopsy to see how the chemo has gone.

Thank goodness for the sunshine - it's beautiful here now.

I have a bit of a headache (related to the dizziness) so I'm going to nap (that's today's excuse lol).

I am so glad to be off work - it's really helping me to keep calm....

Hope you are all ok xxxxx
Like you, Lisa, waiting for appts drives me nuts!


10-02-06, 17:25
Hi Fee,

Well done for not panicking today about the vertigo.
Trying to get the biopsy appt sounds a bit of a nightmare - do they do their referrals by carrier pigeon down there! Lol.
I'm glad you got out and saw a friend - the chocolate brownie sounds yummy.
I'm sorry that the matches for Sarah are not looking too promising, but your campaign may bring more people forward. When is that launching now?
I'm glad being off work helps keep you calm, I'm the opposite, I'm more anxious on days I don't work in general unless it's a weekend oddly. Lol.
Hope you had a nice nap.

Lisa x

10-02-06, 18:45
Hi lisa

I usually feel like that about not working but I really am so tired that I'm quite happy not doing much...

I'm not panicking but the dizziness is really getting me down, just feel exhausted and the only time i feel better is after I've been to the loo.. which I seem to be doing every 2-3 hours.. Had a nap and could easily go back to bed!

I can't even think about the campaign at the moment but other people are fortunately. We don't have a proper launch date - but it will probably be 11th March at the poetry night.

I would love to have some company tonight, I'm not up to going out at all but don't really want to be home alone again.... But I expect I'll be ok later!

Hope you are all ok xxx


10-02-06, 19:12
Hi Fee

Sorry it's been a rough day for you. The vertigo sounds horrible so well done for keeping going in spite of this.

Sorting out hospital appointments can be a nightmare.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Went from pillar to post and found the referral by the reg i saw last week hadn't been typed (um... spose they don't have an e-mail system lol).. Grrrr</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Doesn't sound unusual to me. When I worked as a medical secretary some departments had clinic notes backed up for several weeks before they were typed up. We always aimed to get ours done within a couple of days and often managed to get them done the same day or the following day - but then my job was to sit at the computer typing all day to get these done. No wonder I have RSI!

That's a blow about the bone marrow register. I hope something turns up for Sarah soon. The advertising for your site could possibly help bring people forward.

It is hard being alone at times isn't it? Hope you're alright tonight. You'll perhaps have to make do with us here instead lol!

Hugs Fee.

Karen xx

10-02-06, 19:34
Hi Fee,

You're doing well keep up the good work. Vertigo must be awful but you're coping so well today.
I wish I was closer, I'd come and see you for the evening. I will pop back on here later but not for long as I'm not meant to be here at all after seeing the chiropractor [Oops!] It's too much of a habit now though....
I'm glad you have others helping with the campaign.


Lisa x

10-02-06, 21:55
Hi Aunty Fee,

How are your doing, how's your evening going? Hope you're ok.

I think I catch all your ailments, I moved quickly earlier and got lightheaded Lol. It wasn't vertigo though, just from breathing bad and moving quickly, or because my neck is tight. it was only the itching that was catching, Lol.

I hope you sleep well and feel refreshed for your loo roll holder shopping tomorrow.

Fancy coloured hug for you too (((Hug))).

Lisa x

10-02-06, 22:01
oooh that was pretty!! Thanks hon!

i've had a lovely evening ironing - NOT! Thought since i wasn't able to do anything nice i might as well do something useful. Feel a bit fed up and lonely but determined to use this time to get properly better if I possibly can... or am I pushing too hard again?!

Still missing BB - at least staying in was amusing when it was on!!

Let's hope we all feel better tomorrow!



10-02-06, 22:10
Hi Fee,

Well done for the ironing, my pile is just building up (my pile not my piles, which is one ailment I don't have by the way!).

I didn't watch BB, haven't watched any of them for a while now, can't get into it. I used to watch all the reality stuff but am now all realitied out!

I don't think you're pushing too hard necessarily, it's good to use this time you have off to put things in place to help you feel better and to rest and relax. The only time you're pushing is if you feel you have to/must get better etc, just try and let it happen without feeling like you are forcing it. I hope that makes sense.

Yes lets hope tomorrow is better, at least I don't feel so pressured to sleep tonight as it doesn't matter when I don't have to go to work the next day, although I'm not meant to be having lie ins anymore [}:)]

Take care matey,

Lisa x

10-02-06, 22:27
Hi Fee

Like Lisa, I haven't been able to get into the latest BBs although I was glued to the one in 2004. Maybe it's just that I've kind of lost interest in most things as my anorexia got worse.

Anyway, well done for getting on with the ironing and keeping busy. Sorry you're lonely. We're with you in spirit.


Karen xx

10-02-06, 22:31
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
<div align="right">Originally posted by Karen - 10 February 2006 : 22:27:28</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Always someone who has to go one better isn't there [}:)] Only joking Karen :D

Fee we are with you in spirit, not the wine or vodka kind either!

Lisa x

10-02-06, 22:39
hey thanks for making my place look so pretty guys!!!

Good to have you here:D

Maybe it's a good sign that I'm bored? It's definitely a good sign to have done my ironing!

If I'm up to it tomorrow I'm going to treat myself to something frivolous, maybe to wear (as well as the loo roll holder and the stickers!!).

Still visualising the dog, the beach, the running... and now added a dance class - I love to dance and will do it again one day (even if it it's grab a granny at a tea dance lol! ;))

I'll have to move over the border into Hove and get a zimmer if I don't get better soon lol!!!

Going for bubble bath in a minute - lisa can you recommend a good one to buy that's natural and nice?

cya later xxxxxxxxxx


10-02-06, 22:51
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
If I'm up to it tomorrow I'm going to treat myself to something frivolous, maybe to wear (as well as the loo roll holder and the stickers!!).
<div align="right">Originally posted by feege - 10 February 2006 : 22:39:09</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Fee,

I think wearing a loo roll holder and stickers will look frivolous enough, not to mention eccentric! Lol [:o)] Nice idea to treat yourself though, because you're worth it - ooh don't use L'oreal products will you. Lol.

I hope you have a nice relaxing bath, I'll have to think about bubble baths as I don't use them much as they are too scented. Piglet may be more able to help on that front and I can just say if it's ok or not.

The dogs and the beach sound great but a tea dance [:O] Can I just have the tea (herbal mind you)! Lol.

You don't need the zimmer frame yet, I think Hove can wait many years yet for you.

Sleep well,

Night night,


P.S I think my humour has reappeared!

10-02-06, 23:44
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Always someone who has to go one better isn't there [}:)] Only joking Karen :D
<div align="right">Originally posted by LJ - 10 February 2006 : 22:31:27</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Lol Lisa!!

This was distraction from 'the film' for a short while [8)].

Karen xx

10-02-06, 23:49
You're welcome for the post decorations!!!

Good idea to treat yourself, although right now I am imagining Lisa's suggestion of wearing the loo roll holder and stickers too! [^][:P]

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Still visualising the dog, the beach, the running... and now added a dance class - I love to dance and will do it again one day (even if it it's grab a granny at a tea dance lol! ;))</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
It's great to be adding to your goals to work towards. I agree with Lisa, it will be a long time until you need to move across to Hove! Could be worse though Fee - you could live here which is already considered to be occupied only by pensioners!

Hope you enjoyed your relaxing bath. I just use baby bath but I expect Lisa can tell us why it is not good to use that either! ;)

Sleep well!

Karen xx

11-02-06, 11:52
Morning Fee,

How are you today?, I hope you get out to the shops.

Lisa x