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05-05-10, 07:18
sorry i m going to waffle a bit ,after feeling ok for awhile ha still lurking but controlled i ve found myself suddenly worse than ever,for no reason a couple of weeks ago as soon as i tried to sleep my heart would start pounding really really fast so fast i ended up back at my gp demanding hecheck my heart because there was obviously some thing very wrong heart was ok pulse a little fast i had calmed down a bit after a few days of the same thing my dr put me on half inderal to control my hrart rate which was 92 when resting .now i just seem stuck in a terrifying place my left arm from shoulder to elbow achesbadly on and off keep getting tingling/pins and needles in my arm ribs back all on the left cant sleep for worrying constantly that i m goin to die my i am constantly aware of my pounding heart and generally scared stiff .i have had ecg 's stress tests on my heart last year all fine i ve had cbt i was on paroxetine for around 12 months which helped only came of them because i felt so much better i just need some help are these symptoms normal for anxciety or should i insist on my heart being checked out again would it be possible to have some thing wrong causing these symptoms when all my results where normal last year i just cant stand living with this constant fear its ruining my life please someone who has suffered similar problems i need some advice thank u so much christine

05-05-10, 07:29

I woke up this morning with a racing heart, I have put it down to anxierty as I have to take my nan to the doctors this morning and I don't like driving so get up tight when I have to drive anywhere but I push myself to do it as once I have done it I feel so much better.

The ache in the left arm from the shoulder to the elbow I have that most days but have learnt to live with it, it sometimes feels like I have a dead arm.

Sorry couldn't be of much help but wanted you to know you are not on your own.

05-05-10, 09:15
I am perfect example of how anxiety can increase your heartrate. One part of my health anxiety makes me want constant medical tests for all my symtoms to rule out anything nasty but whenever I am any medical setting even if they are not going to do anything to me my heart rate soars - it can be up to 142bpm and on many occasions I have had to have an ecg before I am allowed to leave outpatients etc!!!! The trouble is that nearly everytime you see any Dr or have any even minor proceedure they take your bp and pulse- my heartrate can be perfectly normal until the moment someone shouts my name! It then takes about an hour for my pulse to go back to normal.

So sheer anxiety can make your pulse race - the only way to stop it other than mind control:shrug: is to take a beta blocker but you have to weigh up the risks- if your heart was racing very fast all day long then its worth taking the beta blocker despite its risks but if its just somethign that happens occasionally then try and find other ways of managing it.

Remember that athletes have a heart rate of up to 200 for hours on end!