View Full Version : advice plz

minnie h
05-05-10, 09:52
hi i saw a nurse yesterday who said i had a lot ov stomach acid.altho she used d difrent word.cnt remember wot tho..which calmd me down..but this mornin im doin a u turn. The symptoms i have are rumblin just under my ribs (diaphram) pain in my back,nausea,no appitite,n when i do eat i feel like i dnt want 2 swollow it not bcoz i av a prob swollowin but bcoz i just dnt fancy eatin. But i thought wiv acid u hat that horrible stuf that cums up ur throat n burns.but i havnt had that so im worried that she got it wrong... I also burpin n parping quite abit n have a watery mouth. does this sound like acid hanna xxx

05-05-10, 09:58
Hi minnie:)It sounds like wind,the parping does that mean farting,try some gaviscon or mylanta,that should help.

minnie h
05-05-10, 10:09
lol yes parping means farting. I hav started taking gaviscon.( since yesterday) i just cnt stop worrying that its sumthin really serious. :weep: