View Full Version : blood on tissue

05-05-10, 11:24
hi everyone sorry that this is going to be a bit of an embarassing post.

For a few months occasionally i have been getting blood after i have been to the toilet. It doesn't happen every time, and sometimes (like this time) it can be weeks or months between it happening.

I went to the doctor and i had a colonoscopy in january, everything came back clear so he said it was probably caused by piles.

In the past few weeks i have been constipated, only been to toilet about 4 times in 3 weeks, which i know is not good. When i went a few days ago it was quite dark and there was quite a bit of blood on the paper, it is bright red as always. I have just been again today and it was quite painful and also sore, and once again stool was dark (but not was dark i don't think) and with bright red blood, but less than last time.

I was reading up on it on here trying to reassure myself that it is probably just piles or a fissure, and then i read a post that someone had written which said probably piles etc. unless stool is dark which may indicate dry blood. now i am totally freaking out, because i just assumed the stool was dark because the longer it is in there the darker it goes?

Please help, advice would be appreciated. It may be worth mentioning that i'm only young so chances of bowel cancer are low i would have thought, and that i have a diagnosis of ibs.

05-05-10, 12:02
it does sound like piles ,but you could always see docter if your :)worried

05-05-10, 12:54
Though cancer can strike at any age, the vast majority of bowel cancers appear in people later on in life. The blood sounds to me to be from fissure as you have been straining. When you had the colonoscopy it would have been mentioned if you had piles. Also, I was told yesterday that a colonoscopy is taken as good for 11 years, so rest assured that you do not have bowel cancer.