View Full Version : Off citalopram

05-05-10, 11:56
Im actually looking for a bit of advice and hoping someone can help i am currently off my citalopram but am feeling really panicky and anxious again and feel i am needing something for it.
The citalopram when i was on it was fantastic the only drawback i had with it was a lot of weght gain put on about 2 stone, so does anyone know of a similar drug for panick and anxiety that doesnt make you gain, weight i was on prozac but it was rubbish compared to the citalopram xx

05-05-10, 21:32
Hi KittyKat,

Sorry you are feeling as you are. I think unfortunately most of the meds can make you gain weight.....I am on the worst of all mirtazipine and I was over-weight to start with. I think in the end I had to come round to the fact that even though I am over-weight at least I have got over my illness and am happy to have my life back again. Yes, I have days when I hate myself cos I am quite big but then wouldn't want to be how I was before, even it it meant being thin!!!

Perhaps your GP can give you something to help in the short-term if it is just a blip you are going through??

How long have you been off the meds for?

We are all different as when I took citalopram it didnt really make me gain weight, in fact I could diet on it and it came off whereas with the mirtazipine I have to really excercise to just maintain the weight I am currently at. Not fair is it??

Hope you find a solution hun.


06-05-10, 15:59
Thanks jo,

Ive been off the citalopram for about 3 months now, and like you i was overweight to start with, it made me gain weight all around the tummy area i really dont know what to do as i have back probs and the extra weight doesnt help at all, its a horrible situation.
I suppose i'll see what the doctor has to say and take it from there .

shirley xx

Lion King
06-05-10, 17:55
Hi Kittykat,

Hope the gp has helped you out! I am on citalopram myself and I have gained a little weight but that is due to lack of exercise and poor diet. My aim at the minute is to eat at regular intervals with low fat and low sugar content foods. My exercise regime has been difficult with taking care of my son when I get into work, but I seriously need to fit in this time (Open to suggestions, my son is 3).

How long were you on Cit before you came off the medication?

Was this after gp advice or was it a decision you made yourself?

If you could let me know as I am contemplating cit withdrawal, but I want to make sure it is the right time to!

Take Care

LK x