View Full Version : A little scared

05-05-10, 13:11
Well i have not had a moan for a while so here goes,,,,

I have an appointment with my Head Dr (shrink) today at 4pm, it's my meds review.. I see the mental health nurse most weeks and i can handle that,,,but this i hate,,right now i'm not jokey Wayne i'm petrified Wayne!!!
Everytime i think,,,well this time i'm not coming home again, i will be sectioned and not be able to see my wife and kids for weeks!! I have these thoughts everytime.
At 8am this morning i thought, ring and cancel, but thought no they might send someone round to admit me for not going!!! Right now even writing about this im shaking thinking about it.....Just want today to be over and be back home with my wife and children..........

Lol,,if i don't come back on later you will know my worst fears were confirmed!!! lol,,,sorry that's the best joke i can come up with right now,,,
Please today be over and fast!!!!!!!!!!!

05-05-10, 14:38
Hey Wayne

Hang in there. This is just your anxiety talking - and it's making a pretty good job of winding you up! Realistically, it's not that easy to section people. In order to do it, they have to think you are going to do harm to someone. And you're not going to do that, whatever your anxiety is telling you! You're 'just' anxious - and you WILL be at home with your wife and children at the day end. This is just a med review, nothing more.

Good luck :-)


05-05-10, 15:19
Dahlia's right, it is just your anxiety talking, it loves to wind us up and bring us out in a trembling cold sweat. All the very best with your appointment today mate, everything will go fine I'm sure. Take care, Paul :)

05-05-10, 17:37

Oh no, you aren't going anywhere, best you explain to your doc that if you go missing, then di comes tracking you down. So he'll have to send me an absent letter first or he'll have the NMP POSSE to answer to:winks:

Its just the thought of it that makes you anxious hun, you have been doing so well lately, they just have to check your meds are doing there job, which i'm sure they are:)

di xx

05-05-10, 19:59
No way your going anywhere laddy!! Us mother hens need our pecking orders!!


05-05-10, 20:06
Thankyou to all my really good friends on here for supporting me today and to our Miss Lang for the funny Rhyme she left on my fb Wall,that was funny!!!! and all the other messages. Well i got back home again, As i say i can handle the mental health nurse most weeks but not the shrink, that always scares me,,not a nice place!. Well i have been given stronger meds today i'm now on Cymbalta 60mg, and Olanzapine 5mg, oh and just keep taking my diazepam and zopiclone in the mean time, until new meds have kicked in.
When i go see the shrink it's always at the mental hospital and i always get a fear i'm not going to be let out again,,,Still don't have to go see the shrink now for another two weeks so that's good,,,
Once again thankyou to my friends, i felt to old to run away from home today!!! but i did think about it,,,,,,lol.

05-05-10, 20:12
Hello Wayne,

I don't think we have spoken much before but I just wanted to say well done for getting through today. I could tell from your post that you were very scared and anxious. I know it must have been horrible sitting around waiting! I am glad that you have gotten through it and returned!

Take care xcx

05-05-10, 20:25
Thankyou to all my really good friends on here for supporting me today and to our Miss Lang for the funny Rhyme she left on my fb Wall,that was funny!!!! and all the other messages. Well i got back home again, As i say i can handle the mental health nurse most weeks but not the shrink, that always scares me,,not a nice place!. Well i have been given stronger meds today i'm now on Cymbalta 60mg, and Olanzapine 5mg, oh and just keep taking my diazepam and zopiclone in the mean time, until new meds have kicked in.
When i go see the shrink it's always at the mental hospital and i always get a fear i'm not going to be let out again,,,Still don't have to go see the shrink now for another two weeks so that's good,,,
Once again thankyou to my friends, i felt to old to run away from home today!!! but i did think about it,,,,,,lol.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((Wayneeeeeee)))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))

Awww mate see 'WE TOLD YOU SO' lol...
I thought you might like the little Ryhme :hugs:
We are your mates and we love ya to bits and just know that you are going to be ok!!

Love Lisa

06-05-10, 19:58
Hi Wayne I'm glad that your appointment with your 'shrink' went well today. I notice that he is to put you on cymbalta/duloxetine. I hope that is suits you well. I took it briefly but unfortunately I couldn't tolerate it. The olanzapine although it is anti psychotic it has been know to have good results for anxiety in the lower doses so your anxiety levels should decrease quite dramatically whilst you are on it. My psychiatrist has mentioned putting me on risperidone in the past to get a similar effect. I hope you get on alright. EJ.

09-05-10, 15:23
Thankyou to all my really good friends on here for supporting me today and to our Miss Lang for the funny Rhyme she left on my fb Wall,that was funny!!!! and all the other messages. Well i got back home again, As i say i can handle the mental health nurse most weeks but not the shrink, that always scares me,,not a nice place!. Well i have been given stronger meds today i'm now on Cymbalta 60mg, and Olanzapine 5mg, oh and just keep taking my diazepam and zopiclone in the mean time, until new meds have kicked in.
When i go see the shrink it's always at the mental hospital and i always get a fear i'm not going to be let out again,,,Still don't have to go see the shrink now for another two weeks so that's good,,,
Once again thankyou to my friends, i felt to old to run away from home today!!! but i did think about it,,,,,,lol.

Hi Wayne,

Great to hear your appointment went o.k.. So you off the mirtazipine then?? Hope all goes well with your new meds, keep posting and letting us know. My GP considered giving me cymbalta before he put me on Mirtazipine so be interested to know how you go with them. Is olanzapine for anxiety? And how does that work? Is it a med you have to take for a while to kick in or is it an instant help like diazepam?? Just interested in that and how it works???

Hope all goes well for you.

Take care