View Full Version : feel like i'm going mad.

05-05-10, 13:14
hi everybody.
last year i had a lot of stress on my plate. my mum went through big 2 operations and then following that she went into a mental ward..i've managed to deal really well with this and tried to keep it bottled up and released it to friends and felt better but i can still see this illness in her and im getting to the point now were i dont feel myself.. its been nearly a year.. i cant believe that i feel like this after all this time. i keep panicing all of the time and feel extremly anxious. i dont know who i am and i feel extremely frightened like i'm going completly mad like my mum, i'm so scared that i'm going to end up the same way.i just feel numb to everybody around me and think that everybody is normal and i'm not. i want to live my life to the full and be happy. i'm not feeling suicidal i just want to get out of this nightmare. can anybody help me??

07-05-10, 00:43
Hi hezyah88,
I'm sorry about your mom. That had to of been hard and taken a lot of strength to see.
I completely understand how such an event could of caused depression and/or anxiety..maybe so much that you are feeling numb and confused. I think perhaps you are dwelling too much on negative aspects, which I know your situation calls for, but it's been a year and you have to keep moving forward. You also have to take care of you. Do not be concerned about your feelings because they are normal, and everyone has their moments of doubt as when it comes to who they are. You are going to take time to heal, but things are going to get better before they get worse and you have the strength obviously to pull yourself up and hang in there! Start pushing yourself to do stuff that makes you happy and have the mental alone time you need. Everything will be okay and you are perfectly normal! Good luck!

x Becca

07-05-10, 05:10
We are all here to help you through it. Just take one day at a time. Talk about it with people close to you and we will get through it all ok.
