View Full Version : Gum Disease HELP / ADVICE !!!!!!!

05-05-10, 13:41
Went to dentist last week as I have had bleeding gums when I brush my teeth that have slowly got worse. Apart from this, my teeth are and look in perfect condition.

The dentist told me that I need to have 2 sessions of deep cleaning. She mentioned that I had alot of bacteria in my mouth and that my gums were inflammed and asked if I had been under stress as this can cause this.

I made the first appointment yesterday and was told by the receptionist who read my notes that I have gingivitis & periodontal disease at the back. I cannot understand why I have not given antibiotics to clear the bacteria and why the dentist failed to tell me this face to face even though I was asking alot of questions.

Can these two diseases cause general illness, ie sore throats, earache, general aches etc, as surely I must be digesting this bacteria in my saliva and the small amounts of blood that I swallow?

Any advice comment would be much welcomed.

05-05-10, 15:28
In answer to your question: because the deep cleaning will solve the problem without the need for antibiotics. You would only be given those for an actual infection. Periodontal disease doesn't affect the teeth directly which is why they look ok.

You might need to take painkillers for a day or two if the cleaning is particularly agressive but that's all.

I doubt gum problems would affect your general health - we all have bacteria in our mouths all the time.

Not sure why your dentist didn't tell you face to face but there's no need to worry.

05-05-10, 15:38
Thanks Brunette. She did say that she will put me out when she does the cleaning, so I would imagine that it will be intense.

05-05-10, 15:42
Once the scale has been removed from your teeth near the gum line.You will find it settles down .You can get special mouthwash from supermarkets and chemists that will help with the healing process .A good electric toothbrush is more efficcient and there are also tiny little brushes you can get to clean in between the teeth .This will help prevent further infections from happening in the future .They only give you antibiotics if there is a bad infection and or abcess .Im sure it will settle down eventually . Sue xx

05-05-10, 16:08
Thanks Sue.

Cell block H fan
05-05-10, 17:16
You're best to get it sorted, there is a connection between Trench mouth (gum disease) & heart problems in the long term. I have had it before & did have to have a course of antibiotics & script mouth wash for a week, which was fowl stuff. Along with a Hygienist appt. I didn't have an intense clean though for some reason.
Over the course of a few months, my gums were sore, had receeded, & I had an horrendous taste in my mouth & the worst dog breath you can imagine!
Once it was gone after the treatment, the receeding didn't right itself, that damage is done, but thankfully it hasn't got worse. And she said my teeth were a far way off falling out thank god! That was about 9 years ago now.
The dentist told me to buy some Corsodyl mouthwash, as that is a bit more intense than regular mouth washes. Flossing is good too.

05-05-10, 17:22
Thanks CBH fan. I am on the corsodyl now, which is foul but effective. Did you get any sore throats, ear aches when you had it?

Cell block H fan
05-05-10, 18:36
Thanks CBH fan. I am on the corsodyl now, which is foul but effective. Did you get any sore throats, ear aches when you had it?

No none at all. It was all in the gums the discomfort to be honest. And the taste of course.


29-07-10, 10:41
You had Trench Mouth too??? I had it a few years ago and have developed a fear of it as a result. Did they say it was caused by high levels of stress? Euch it's horrible lol. I can relate to the foul taste and the dog breath hehe, not a fun time.

29-07-10, 21:36
Hello. MightyPC. I find myself in the same boat as yourself right now and like you it knocked me for six and was totally out of the blue. About 3 weeks ago I attended an Emergency Dentist as I was suffering from excruciating pain in the upper left jaw. I swear it was like someone was ramming a red hot poker into the left side of my brain. Co codamol and Ibuprofen barely touched it. So I duly attended and when I did the dentist X rayed that side of my head and told me I had receding gums. In my ignorance I didnt think that was a problem at the time and asked what could be done. The dentist replied nothing can be done due to severe bone loss and that I could make another appointment to have the teeth extracted on that side. She asked me if I smoked to which I replied that I did and she asked for how long. I replied 24 years and she said that was the cause of the gum disease. Like you she said I needed a deep scale and polish on the teeth that could be saved. I left the surgery in shock with a prescription for 5 days Metronidazole for the underlying abcess. Hadnt seen that one coming. When I got home I went right up close to the mirror and believe me you have to be right up close to it when your eyesight is as bad as mine, pulled my cheek back and was confronted by the shocking truth. My teeth on the upper left side had 5 mm of root showing. front teeth less receded which is why I probably never noticed. Bottom teeth also receded but less than the top. Well I now know that what I have is a serious condition and that it can affect your general health as well as the bacteria use the gums as a means of entering the body which if left untreated can lead to a massive increase in a persons risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes as well as other life shortening illnesses. However I have also been told that as long as you get this treated then those risks are eliminated but that it then becomes a daily battle to have really good dental hygiene to prevent the return of any bacteria i.e. scrupulous dental hygiene and regular 3 monthly visits to the dental hygienist. Unfortunately once the gum is lost the underlying bone is lost too and that just does not grow back. I used to have really good dental hygiene but I must admit I let this go when I went through a lenghty period of depression and this with the smoking probably did the damage. However I have been led to believe by good people on this site that all is not lost and that dentistry has moved on these days and that they will hopefully do all they can to save my teeth rather than extract them but like you I thought I had perfect teeth but was blissfully ignorant of just how serious my gums condition was.

30-07-10, 09:54
Goodluck Fatherted. I must say, had my deep scaling and everything is better, though must admit I still get the odd ache and gum bleeding when I brush. The dentists seems to think that my bone loss is contributed by the fact that my wisdom teeth were very impacted and yank out about 20 years ago. As you say, dentistry has improved considerable.

In regards to general health, I had a CRP blood test which was high. I read on the net that bad gums can cause this. My Dr disagreed and suprise suprise, after my teeth had been scaled I had the test again and all is okay.