View Full Version : scared, feel very ill

05-05-10, 17:05
i dont feel right at all, i feel dizzy, exteremly sick and shaky. i really think im going to faint and im making it all wore by panicking. Im so sure somethings wrong but no one believes me they are saying its panic but i wasnt panicking.......please someone tell me tr
hey feel like this with there anxiety??? What if i do faint???? very scared now.

05-05-10, 17:13
You feel faint because of the excess adrenaline and also because you will be breathing incorrectly without realising it.

When I am extremely anxious and jittery I cant focus on deep breaths initially and the way I reassure myself that I am not about to faint or die is to actually do something really physical like run up and down stairs, run along the road if I am outside, or sing loudly and jig about if I am driving (I know, I am sounding crackers, but we are all in a similar boat here!)

I am trying really hard at the moment to fit in some relaxation daily with deep breathing and visualisation to try and calm me down in general. My problems are worse at night in the dark, which is ridiculous, though seemingly not uncommon, as I am wanting to wind down and relax.

05-05-10, 17:24
thank you 4 replying, i dont normally cry out for help like that, but i was on my own and thought if something happened what on earth would happen to me. Ive calmed down abit, but still feel heady, shakey and sicky. I havent had a panic like this in quite a few months, id almost conviced myself id never have a panic attack again, felt different though 2 my ususal panics, so i quess thats why i built myself up. But again thank u 4 replying x