View Full Version : euphoric?

jaded jean
05-05-10, 17:45
:scared15:Hi everyone. As posted feeling really good and a bit more upbeat, but I have this feeling of euphoria and wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced it and how long it lasts. It feels like at the moment like apprehension/slight anxiety but doesnt come to anything, Any ideas please. I dont want to start taking my diazepam in the mornings as today was the last day for that . I just need a bit of reassurance that it wont turn into something I wont be able to handle.:doh:
Thanks Jean

05-05-10, 18:26
I experience the same Jean when I upped from 20mg -30mg .It was Christmas eve 2008 .I was in a hyper mood and couldnt believe how well I felt .That Christmas id only asked to feel better and I sure got my wish ..:yesyes: It lasted about 2 weeks and then I felt more normal .I never did or acted in a way that would be described as manic .In fact I was rather dissapointed when it was over .I got so much done and nothing phased me whatsover ..I did reply to your other post but thought Id post again .I hope you get some other posts that say the same ...just read your reply on the other thread ,lol I sang a lot too haha Hubby said I was back to Normal ..Then put his earplugs in ...Enjoy the feeling ..Sue x

jaded jean
05-05-10, 18:37
Yes Suzy Sue.
I did see your other posting .I do have a high panic level. and just act a bit of a klutz sometimes. blimey I even asked my gp to section me at the start of all this, so 2 weeks generally?? If I start to sing the sound of music style songs I know where it's coming from.Hey ho
:doh: Jean

05-05-10, 18:39
Yep, I've experienced that when upping my dosage. I too have it some days now and they are great, other days I am just 'normal' whatever that is :-)

But you will get these days and when you do, enjoy them. I'm usually pretty up much of the time now, apart from yesterday when I saw a different Dr and he made me feel like yuk, came out of the surgery really quite angry and had to calm myself down. Only went in there for a repeat prescription! Can't get them without seeing a Dr and my usual one was on holiday, won't see that one again. Still these things are sent to try us!!!

Glad you are feeling so much better Jean, enjoy it :-)

All the very best to you.

Jannie x x

05-05-10, 18:45
HAHA ......bring it on .:whistles:the hills are alive :whistles::roflmao:

It lasted about 2 weeks for me Jean ,but it may or may not be the same for you ...Could also have something to do with being in the despair pit for so long ,especially when you have forgotten how good it feels to be normal ...ooh how I hate that word .. WHO WANTS TO JUST BE NORMAL ?:shrug: :D.Sue x

jaded jean
05-05-10, 18:53
I am a bit of a non conformist, does this apply hahaha. I am quite gregarious when not in this state i its like having a miserable git of an alter ego:weep: So I will relish this feeling and if I get any strange looks I will just say dont worry its not catching and laugh hysterically:roflmao:

05-05-10, 18:56
Sounds good to me, I know that feeling of the miserable git, I hate it, like someone had taken over my body and left a stranger in charge!! Now it's good to have me back again, and really love having a blooming good laugh :yahoo:

jaded jean
05-05-10, 19:02
Did you feel guilty when you started to laugh again Jannie?? I did. I have have also found my back chat b&*(h when my hubby winds me up. he has been an absolute doll with me thru this hell. Now its not quite Nutty Nora but someone who will speak her mind and make a joke of anything:D

05-05-10, 19:38
I did, it was horrible because I am always laughing, at work we have such a good time and everyone was really concerned because I was so quiet. Now I am back to my old self and it is brilliant. I haven't got a hubby (thank gawd, divorced many years)! But my eldest son came to stay with me at the height of my anxiety and he has been absolutely brilliant, well both my boys have but the other one is married, so couldn't always be here with his blooming mum! But I know what you mean, myself and my son have a real banter with one another, but when I was really unwell he was my absolute saviour. Now we just completely wind one another up, and it is great!!! He's glad to have his nutty mother back :wacko:

jaded jean
05-05-10, 19:52
it does work doesnt it. my youngest girl is mini me and she puts everything into perspective and just says 'this is how it is mum and you have got to do it.' both my girls have taken over looking after my dad as he lives 30 miles away-he is 83 has had every health problem going and was up to last week due for mastectomy but is now on medication so thats some less worry for us. but mummy's boys are the best , dont tell anyone I said that.......:D

05-05-10, 21:15
HAHA ......bring it on .:whistles:the hills are alive :whistles::roflmao:

It lasted about 2 weeks for me Jean ,but it may or may not be the same for you ...Could also have something to do with being in the despair pit for so long ,especially when you have forgotten how good it feels to be normal ...ooh how I hate that word .. WHO WANTS TO JUST BE NORMAL ?:shrug: :D.Sue x

Hey Sue,

You are starting to sound like Mart now...pehaps he is rubbing off on you as he does me!!! LOL!!! Love it.


06-05-10, 17:23
Hey Sue,

You are starting to sound like Mart now...pehaps he is rubbing off on you as he does me!!! LOL!!! Love it.


Ha ha

Now there's a way I could have replied that would have caused much blushing and rephrasing I think ! - so I won't do it !
Soooooooo tempted though !

06-05-10, 17:25
it does work doesnt it. my youngest girl is mini me and she puts everything into perspective and just says 'this is how it is mum and you have got to do it.' both my girls have taken over looking after my dad as he lives 30 miles away-he is 83 has had every health problem going and was up to last week due for mastectomy but is now on medication so thats some less worry for us. but mummy's boys are the best , dont tell anyone I said that.......:D

Hand up quickly ----
Please Miss - jean said "mummy's boy's are the best" :noangel:

jaded jean
06-05-10, 19:17
do you trip over your halo at times???:D

07-05-10, 11:11
How s the singing coming along Jean ?:D Have you burst into song whilst shopping yet ? I did a few times:ohmy: and had a few giggles and strange looks but what the heck .They shouldnt play that stupid music and encourage folk like me ..:wacko::whistles: Sue x

jaded jean
07-05-10, 18:34
:ohmy:No I havent yet Sue -its worn off a bit, But I have a damn good scream when I drive to the shops, Have the music on loud and scream like a banshee hahaa!!!
Bear in mind that the windows are NOT open.... But 'the hills will be alive with the sound of my music' and warbling as I dont know all the words ;-P so, I am looking forward to tomorrow, my hubby has been on leave this week so its been pure bliss as I have had the company. he is working in the morning so I will see how I cope..
Have a good weekend Hun xx
Jean. (julie andrews understudy)

08-05-10, 09:21
Ha ha

Now there's a way I could have replied that would have caused much blushing and rephrasing I think ! - so I won't do it !
Soooooooo tempted though !

Mr Barratt....

You dont miss a trick do you??? LOl...hope you are well...Jo.xx

08-05-10, 09:22
:ohmy:No I havent yet Sue -its worn off a bit, But I have a damn good scream when I drive to the shops, Have the music on loud and scream like a banshee hahaa!!!
Bear in mind that the windows are NOT open.... But 'the hills will be alive with the sound of my music' and warbling as I dont know all the words ;-P so, I am looking forward to tomorrow, my hubby has been on leave this week so its been pure bliss as I have had the company. he is working in the morning so I will see how I cope..
Have a good weekend Hun xx
Jean. (julie andrews understudy)

Hi Julie erm I mean Jean,

Lol!! Glad you still doing o.k. You will be fine when hubby goes back to work, just try and keep busy hun. Take care.

08-05-10, 11:07
Morning Jean :D Im sure you will be just fine hun ..Get the old hoover out and sing the "Shake n Vac "song ..:whistles:. Hubs will be home before you know it . As Jo says its good to keep busy. Have a good w/e Luv Sue xx

jaded jean
08-05-10, 12:18
Didnt you know that Jedward have got the new lead in that advert?? I am done for 'oh woe is me' Would I sing shake and vac to the tune of ice ice baby?? hahaha:shades:

08-05-10, 23:07
........ You will be fine when hubby goes back to work

Hey wot u saying????
You know u girls just have to have us men around under yer feet all day.
We do have our uses ya know.

erm erm erm
I'll think of one eventually ..... lol

jaded jean
09-05-10, 07:23
well martin I will give you half the day and you should have found some logical answer by then:D