View Full Version : Not having good day

05-05-10, 18:33
Not having a very good day today, really dizzy heavy head, legs really trembly & heavy, i'm shaking & finding it hard to take in a nice deep breath.Have felt it building up over the last few days as I have been getting more dizzy each day.

Really thought the tabs would be working by now, I've been on them for over 6wks now & on my increased dose now for 2wks & although I feel generally more up lifted I still have these symptoms that are driving me mad as they stop me doing anything as I feel like I am going to pass out so I tend to stay on the sofa as I'm too scared to move.
I've been doing deep breathing with my eyes closed, in through my nose for 4, out through mouth for 5, feel better for all of few minutes then it starts again. I didn't have very good night sleep last night so I'm thinking it is probably that.

No point really to my post just want to get it out as I'm sure my family are getting fed up of listening to me go on about it now & I just wanted someone to say pull it together woman :weep:

05-05-10, 18:54
Hi Bex,

Someone posted this piece of music a while ago and I listen it to every time I feel panicky. You give it a good go, i can't help but give in and relax to it.


I also try 7:11 breathing. You are probably overtired... what my sister always tells me is not to question why we are feeling this way. It is what it is - okay, today is not a good day, but tomorrow is a new one full of hope. Nobody feels 100% all the time just us worriers tend to notice more than other people.

I hope you enjoy the music, pm me if you ever need someone to chat to.


05-05-10, 19:00
Thank you so much, the music is lovely, have saved it into my favourites for other times.

Think I will put kids to bed soon & go to bed & try to chill out myself, they are being extremely noisy tonight which is not helping things either.

Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day. x

05-05-10, 19:09
Damn kids, though I would love some noise and distraction right now!! :). Definitely get them to bed though and have a nice bath and chill out, I'm looking forward to tomorrow too. I'm going to go and see a friend shortly for some distraction and a reality boost!


05-05-10, 19:17
We've decided that we are going to put them in their p.j's & go for a drive, they will fall asleep in car & will go straight to bed when we get home. I tend to find going for a drive helps to take my mind off things as I like seeing what other people are doing & like it when it gets dark & people have their lights on & I can nosey to look at their decor,lol

Hope you have a nice evening & thank you x

05-05-10, 19:20
You too Bex - sounds like fun, i reckon i'd like someone to drive me round and I could fall asleep like a little kid too!!!

:) x