View Full Version : My story :'(

05-05-10, 18:44
I have become quite a regular poster on here although I still haven't spoken to a lot of you, some of you have been very kind to me both through advice and through words in the chatroom.

I guess I just wanted the chance to write down my story as I feel like I'm going backwards instead of forwards.

I suffered from panic attacks at University after I started taking ecstasy. One night I had taken two pills and we got back to the house and i had a massive panic attack. These became quite frequent and I became scared to drink and even socialise in case they came on again. I remember I used to pace the house thinking I was dying and my ex boyfriend was the only one who could just sit with me until it passed. Eventually, somehow without medication, I seemed to conquer the panic attacks. I graduated in 2008 "panic free" and rarely got panicky since.

In October 2009 I got something called costochondritis, which was inflammation of the chest bone and rib. It was really painful but I didn't bother about it too much at the beginning. Around this time my sister moved out, and I broke up with my then boyfriend, my decision. At some point around October-November I developed a "barking cough", and was tried on several antibiotics which didn't shift it. The costochondritis symptoms disappeared towards the end of November when I realised I had begun to fall into a bit of a depression about being alone as well as this cough that wouldn't seem to go away. I attended a few counselling sessions and felt happier in myself, and I came to the conclusion that they could no longer help me - talking about the cough didn't make me better, it was a health problem and that's why I was anxious.

As time has gone on they have started to take my cough more seriously, i am numerous inhalers, have had chest x rays and am now trialing a new tablet that I have been recommended by a consultant. I still live alone, my sister is miles away in Bristol and my parents live abroad, and I don't have a boyfriend. A lot of my university friends have moved back home too. I want to move closer to my sister if i can get a job.

When I saw my consultant for the first time I had a skin prick allergy test where i tested positive for a few things including birch pollen. I also got diagnosed with oral allergy syndrome, where you get an itchy mouth and throat from raw fruit and some vegetables - i actually knew i had this before and I avoided most fruits. The consultant said i most likely had hyper responsive airways and they should settle down with a steroid nasal spray and inhaler use, and if not these tablets should help. If no improvement I am to go back for further testing. This was in March. I also had a full blood count at the doctors (normal), thyroid blood test (normal), additional blood allergy test - very mild reaction to nuts.

The position I am in now is currently waiting for my consultant appointment to be brought forward. I have not responded to inhalers and have a regular cough sometimes really bad throughout the day, fairly constant. I have been on montelukast tablets for 2 weeks with no improvement though apparently these could take a couple more weeks to kick in. I took 3 weeks off work to try and right myself and I have now been back at work for 2 days. Somewhere along the line I have developed a phobia with regards to what I eat. I am particularly funny about fruit and vegetables and now also nuts even though i have eaten most things before absolutely fine. I hardly ever eat dinner because I am too frightened I will cough and react, and my throat will close up.

I believe my workplace has "sick building" syndrome as we moved buildings in September then everything seemed to start in October. My work has no openable windows or air circulation and I am so much worse in stuffy, warm environments. This afternoon my cough came on really badly, I cried all the way home and had a full scale panic attack about being on my own.

I doubt anybody is still reading! I just wanted to try a little self-therapy and a bit of self-indulgence in the hope it might make me feel a bit lighter. I often think I am going to die in my house alone and no one will be able to get to me in time if I can't breathe. What I struggle with is the fact I have real symptoms at the moment with no diagnosis and then I get panic on top, and now this phobia. I am no medication for anxiety and I am a bit hesitant to go down this route.

I guess this is all for now. Thank you for reading and for all the support everybody has given me so far on this wonderful site.


05-05-10, 18:55
Thank you for posting your story on here, I like being able to read what other people have gone through as it is so nice to be able to relate to others.
It sounds like you are doing incredibly well & a lot better than me as I know that I could never be on my own & don't think I could cope without my meds.
I hope that you get to the bottom of the cough very soon, working in a stuffy warm environment is not going to help you.

05-05-10, 19:06
I too like to read people's stories... It is such a great community here too and so supportive. Thank you for your kind words.. I too hope that I get the bottom of it really soon and then I can try and work on the affect it's having on my mental health. I hope that if i can find a new job the environment might be better for me... I'm so young and I just want to feel better so that I can live life to the full! Thank you again x

05-05-10, 19:09

I think you are doing really well - anxiety is such a hard thing to cope with especially if you are living on your own. This site is great because you always feel like you have someone to talk to who is going through similar things. I find it invaluable.

I am having chest/coughing problems at the moment too. I don't know if it is asthma or anxiety to be honest. I haven't been officially diagnosed with asthma but have been given inhalers for a post viral chest infection on numerous occasions. This time, the heavy chest, cough and post nasal drip seems to have stayed. I feel like I have to take deep breaths all the time and can't catch my breath but in reality, I can. I have been out for a bike ride today and didn't feel unusually out of breath )It is a really wierd (and scary) feeling. I am desperate not to have asthma but I am going back to my doctor on monday to ask for proper tests as I want to get to the bottom of this!!

I really hope you get the answers you need soon.

Take care

05-05-10, 19:13
My daughter was diagnosed with shellfish & peanut allergy via skin prick testing a few years ago, she had always been able to eat them prior to this but one christmas day she was off colour all day then starting to vomit then started to swell up, we are guessing that things aren't too serious as she doesn't require an epipen but she is still extremely worried herself about this & constantly questions all food & drink that she comes into contact with. I do think that she will have trouble with anxiety when she is older as she is already showing some signs & she is only 7 but it seems to be something that runs in family as both my parents,my sister,my aunt & cousins all suffer.

05-05-10, 19:22
Thank you both.

I am kind of the same Jo, where it feels like I am breathless but I am actually not - but the cough is very much a problem. I am desperate not to have asthma too and my tests suggest I don't, if i did it is only mild, so why the coughing!? It's so frustrating.

Make sure you get a spirometry done at the docs, that's the best way to tell.

Thanks again, people saying I am doing well has put a smile on my face, xx

05-05-10, 21:31
Don't feel so strong when the night comes in... :( x