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gina p
05-05-10, 18:52
I felt a bit achy around my cervix a few nights ago so I checked as best I could . I was horrified about checking again last night that I have 4 small hard pimple like spots just to the right of my cervix . I have the docs on friday morning but as I also have lumps at my back passage which my doc told me were piles after examining me - I now think I've got rectal cancer and vaginal cancer . I also have tingling in one area of my back from what I've been told is a weak muscle from a twisted sacriolic joint . I just think its all linked . My smears are up to date - due one again this sep - so scared .

05-05-10, 19:20
I know it is really hard not to think the worst when you get symptoms. I am exactly the same as you and get myself really worked up.

In reality though, if you have already had the piles diagnosed, you have to believe your doctor. As far as the pimples on the cervix go, they are much more likely to be harmless cysts or even glands but it is always a good idea to get these things checked out.

Make an appointment with your doctor and put your mind at rest. I have finally made an appointment with my doctor for Monday to get my breathing issues sorted out whether they are asthma or anxiety related.

Good luck, take care

gina p
05-05-10, 19:28
thanks jo . Its horrible this health anxiety isn't it . I've actually got the hospital on monday to get the piles seen to as they are so big . I hope my doc can reassure me on friday about the lumps inside me . In the last two days I've constantly thought that I'm going to die and that there is no doubt that I have cancer that has mestasized (sp?) . I even have anemia and that is a symptom of cancer . arrgghh! There are times when I just want to escape all of this and I just wonder if I'd be better off dead (dramatic I know) but I hardly call this living . I think I really need to go on meds ( providing that everything is ok) as currently I have nothing for my anxiety as I'm scared to take it ???!!! Hope you get on ok at doc too . x

05-05-10, 19:32
Please try not to worry, speak to your doctor when you are there next, it is most likely nothing to worry about, not to be rude but have you felt there before you had this discomfort, could this be normal for you ?
Glad to hear that your smears are all up to date, well done.
With regards to the meds, I can totally relate about being scared to take them as I am exactly the same but it got to the point where my life was virtually non existent so I had to try something & although I don't feel 100% I'm starting to feel a little bit 'normal' slowly.

05-05-10, 19:36
It is very normal to get cysts on your cervix at certain parts of the month and they are completely harmless.

You have done the right thing in getting a GP appointment but as your smears are up to date and OK, I am pretty sure that this is all it is.

Good luck x

gina p
05-05-10, 20:13
as far as I am aware these lumps have not always been there . They are not actually on my cervix but on the wall to the side of it . I'm also on the pill so I suppose these bumps could be caused by hormones or possibly because I was rumaging around wondering why I felt a bit sore - I suppose I may have caused them ?? oh dear - roll on friday .

05-05-10, 20:41
They could be skin tags. The lining to the vagina is made from lots of folds and it is actually pretty normal for it to feel a bit lumpy. Roll on Friday when you can be reassured! xxx

05-05-10, 23:34
Hi, I believe it takes 10 years for cervical cancer to be visible to the naked eye so if your smears have all been fine then you are all good. Please dont worry.x

07-05-10, 16:03
How did you get on at the doctors Gina P?

07-05-10, 22:56
Those bumps on the cervix are normal - they have a name, although I can't remember what it is. I found them on mine (hard little pimple like things), and when the doctor looked he just said, 'oh yes those are so & so.... perfectly normal.'

gina p
08-05-10, 10:46
Hi . The doctor had a look and also examined me and said that she could not see nor feel anything that concerned her . I feel a bit silly but these lumps are still there . I'll just leave them alone . Anyway - today I have upper right chest pain - probably wind or a strain but my mind is now on that instead ... funny isn't it ? Doc tells u one thing is ok and its as if we go ok then what can be wrong with me next ?? lol

31-07-10, 20:12
Hello ladies,
I think we are talking about Nabothian cysts? I have found small, pimple-like lumps on my cervix also and am trying NOT to hit the panic button. I gather they are more common if you have had children, though, and I have not. However, I had a normal smear test last October and had a vaginal ultrasound four moths ago - surely either the nurse or gyno would have said something if they were concerned?? I SO wish I hadn't gone poking around down there as my anxiety is off the scale!!!! I really, really don't want to go back to the doctor about this. Honestly, last week it was my throat, now this - I really wish I could get some peace from the fear!!!
Hoping someone can reassure me...