View Full Version : bad days vs good days

05-05-10, 19:05
How come you think this happens? I actually had a pretty good day yesterday, and then read a post today about another person not having a good day today. I am not either - much more spacey, not sure if it is the Ativan or part of the feelings of unreality that come with anxiety. But it is really bothering me, expecially since I felt better yesterday.

05-05-10, 19:07
Hi Jo. i hate good days and bad days, but i guess we have to try and take one day at a time, today is bad but tomorrow will be better :) x x

05-05-10, 19:39
It is always really hard to deal with a bad day after a good one isn't it? I try and focus on it just being another day - "this too shall pass" is a good mantra, even if we don't always believe it ourselves!

05-05-10, 20:16
Thanks for your replies.

05-05-10, 20:27
I have had this all the way through this anxiety journey and I try to take the positive view that at least we have good days! I cling to that when it gets tough, almost like a shelter in a storm, hope you feel better tomorrow jo
