View Full Version : bad anx plzz go awy

help me 21
05-05-10, 19:42
hi all im sick of feeling like this my anx its a nightmare............ wish it went and neva came bk iv got blurred misty vision also every think looks foggy its realy scarying me now i dnt no why im feeling like this i dnt feel stressed or nothing im sittin here and im looking around my living room every think looks misty i said 2 my mom is it me or is it misty in here she said no theres sum think wrong wiv u no 1 understands what im going thew even my mom dnt its getting me dwn plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help im depressed ps had my eyes tested in ocotober they said its anx:weep:

07-05-10, 01:01
Anxiety can cause this so don't let it get to you - it'll make it worse. Remember that it's nothing serious and will pass. You had your eyes checked and they're OK so don't think there's anything wrong with you. This is something that many of us get and I can assure you you're not alone.

Hope that helps somewhat.

09-05-10, 17:18
i get this ALL the time and it used to trigger panic attacks for me , you've got to accept that the worry and stress is taking it's toll on your eyes and you brain is playing tricks on itself , just say to yourself that nothing is wrong and it can't hurt you , if you keep doing it every time you get the foggy vision , eventually you will start to believe it ! X

10-05-10, 17:16
I can vouch for this too, anxiety can definitely cause these feelings you're having. It's more common than you'd think, and from speaking to other anxiety sufferers it appears we all get this from time to time.

I remember asking my support worker about this, and she said it's called 'Derealization', which causes us to feel 'out of touch' from our surroundings, or the familiar in-a-dream feeling.

Don't panic, it is nothing to worry about :-) The less you focus on it, it will go away.