View Full Version : Using Bio Oil on broken skin. Help, panicking

05-05-10, 21:49
I hae been using Bio Oil on my face twice a day for two months now.

Just today I noticed it said 'do not use on broken skin'. As I have actie acne and every day there's some part of my skin that's open, I am scared I have ingested some forbidden chemical.

Anyone know WHY it can't be used on broken skin? Is it toxic? Scared.

05-05-10, 22:42
Hi :)

I honestly doubt that it's anything sinister, normally creams and lotions can sting or burn like hell if they get into open skin..hence the warning!

If you think carefully I'm sure you will realise that you have probably seen this warning loads of times before..if it was unsafe, they wouldn't sell it. :)