View Full Version : In a complete state...close to the edge :(

05-05-10, 22:43
I am absolutley 100% convinced i have MS. I dont just have some of the symptoms, i also have had swollen optic nerves in my eyes (which after googline, turns out to be one of the very first signs of someone with MS or who is getting MS, I also have Lateral Ventricular Asymmetry in my brain, which apparently is normal and a common find in CT scanning, the assymetry was picked up on my CT scan & basically they just said because there wasnt any other abnormalities then i mustve just been born like that. They shouldve sent me straight for MRi. loads of pages on the internet say that lateral ventricular assymetry should be investigated throughly, so why wasnt it?!!!!! Plus, CT's dont show MS (or any other sort of infection) , they just show groth in tissues, bleeds, tumours or bone problems.

I keep getting numbness in my hands which is intermittent and my arms and hands feel really weak. My head feels like theres a baloon inside it, and i feel constantly spaced out and have been dizzy all night tonight :( I know all these symptoms are that of anxiety and i accept that, but i reckon that the other things are definitely MS. Im 22 and have an 18month old baby boy. I really am worried and cant stop panicking about this now. If i dont have MS then i certaily have something wrong in my brain :-(

Plz help

06-05-10, 11:50

Thank you for your PM. As you know I am waiting for my results and have had some of the symptoms you describe. To be 100% honest your need an MRI to rule out MS or other such problems, a CT scan can not do that, so I have been informed.

I also had swollen optic discs but that was back in 2002, and never had them since as far as I know. They can be caused by high pressure in the skull, it was put down to migraines in my case.

I also suffer from anxiety so know how it can make things far worse.

You are doing the right thing seeing a neurologist and getting the MRI. If you are looking for a very good neurologist in the UK who specialises in diagnosing MS and other neurological problems if you PM me I can pass on the details of who I saw.

I am by no means suggesting you have MS by the way, the chances are you don't but you are right in getting this looked at, as there may well be a treatment you need that would make these symptoms go away and stop you from worrying,


06-05-10, 12:49
well i must say this my daughter has just been diagnosed with ms she is only 25,, she had no symtoms you have they found it with blood tests i am out of my mind with worry ,, we had no warning none i...

06-05-10, 16:06
amieedkid yes its very hard but she is taking it well she dosent suffer with anxiety or panic thats good she is very strong she is single mum with 2 childrenthank you

06-05-10, 20:58
Well ive had multiple blood tests done (not sure if they included neuro ones) but a doctor at A&E took loads and loadssss of bloods, so did my doctor, so do u think it would have been picked up through that???? Ive read all over the internet that you can only diagnose MS through an MRI though??????????? plz help xx and sorry to hear about ur daughter, that is terribly young, my thoughts are with u xx