View Full Version : Tingly fingers?

06-05-10, 09:28
I have had since Tuesday a tingling in my left index finger and now and again in a couple of the others on that hand. It doesn't go down my hand or arm but I am getting myself worried because I am on the combined pill. I know I am silly but I read the leaflet and it said numbness anywhere int he body could be a sign of a thrombosis so to stop the pill and seek treatment urgently. It has been 2 days and it's still tingly, I don't really notice it if I am busy but when I sit i can feel it and it worries me.

I am so anxious being on the pill, even though it's only a low dose one but not sure if i will carry on with it, as DVT and PE's scare me alot.

My legs feel fine and I am breating ok, so surely tingly fingers wont' be related to it?

I started a vitamin B complex at the weekend which says doses over 10mg of vit b can cause mild tingling and numbness, but it said over long periods of time, so surely it can't be related to that.

Can anyone reassure me?:blush:

06-05-10, 10:01
Thank you for replying. I guess its unlikely to be serious if it's just in my finger tips, and i should relax.

I am thinking of coming off the pill though, because I am not coping very well with my anxiety being on it. I worry alot taking it, lol!

06-05-10, 10:06
Hi there,
I get this from time to time in my finger tips...it usually lasts a few days but then goes away....try not to worry our fingers are full of nerves especially at the tips....im sure there is absolutely nothing wrong and it will go eventually...

take care x

06-05-10, 11:37
Thank you both.

I was put on it to lighten my periods 5 weeks ago because they were so heavy?

06-05-10, 20:39
Thanks Aimee,

I am seeing my GP Monday afternoon.

Are you finding it has lightened your periods?