View Full Version : Could this be Pollen ?

06-05-10, 10:05
The tree pollen is very high at moment..For the past week ive been getting dry,sometimes itchy eyes. Feeling of crackling when I swallow and ears sometimes echoey. Feeling of fullness back of throat.. Occassional nasal drip, achy, waking early hours in a sweat face and neck, lethargy, fuzzy head at times..or is this part of the anxiety?

06-05-10, 10:32
I have been getting this too and was told by my dr that it was hayfever. I posted on here about hayfever and everyone said that you do not get a high temperature with hayfever, hence my visit to the drs, but she said that you can!

Do you feel as if there is a wind blowing at your eyes?

06-05-10, 10:43
I get the feeling I want to screw my eyes up as theyre dry and tight. I did actually take my temp on couple of occassions as was so hot and was 98.2 which is the norm for me.
Does your face feel flushed as though you have a cold ?How does the pollen affect your ears though ?

06-05-10, 11:32
I also have this at the moment, my mouth and throat also become irritated, aswell as my eyes ears etc.

di xx

06-05-10, 14:50
I also get lethargic but its so hard to know what is anxiety and what might be pollen

06-05-10, 15:04
I have really been going through the mill with hayfever recently, eyes running constantly, skin irritated and lumpy, throat driving me barmy..

Im not sure if it is because of the severe winter we had but the tree pollen seems to really be hitting with full force this year.

Regarding the high temperature..I would have a disagreement with your doc Mighty!:D

Hayfever does not cause a high temperature, it may sometimes cause a slight raise but not what would be recognised as a fever.

If we want to be picky we can say that anything between 36.5 and 37 is the "normal" temperature but it is not unusual for perfectly healthy people to have a higher reading...there does not have to be a sinister reason for this.

I think we are just going to have to suffer and take the anti-histamines!

06-05-10, 15:49
Thanks for the clarification Ladybird. What do you define as a fever? My temperature will raise and stay high for max 5 mins then return to normal. If I take my temperature, it is around the 36.5 - 37 mark.

06-05-10, 20:29
This is my story with the pollen subject..10 years ago in early September we had been pruning some flowering trees and I was cutting the branches into smaller pieces to get them in bin.. Within a few days I felt off. Tired, achy, watery eyes ,nasal congestion and then a lot of post nasal drip causing throat mucus..A few weeks later a slight head tremor started..Trip to Docs, which I hate but had to check it out..Told me to steam inhale and arranged physio for the now very tense muscles in neck/shoulder..Diagnosed as anxiety and from that point my HA began. For 7 months I went through endless symptoms which totally confused and scared me but then it all just gradually went away.

In December 09 I woke to a spinning room one morning followed by several days lightheaded..It eased after a few weeks. Then in March I noticed a familiar sensation of fullness at back of nose running up to top of head and lightheaded. Perhaps my mind ran back 10 years ago and thought oh not again!!, but this started off a second waive of HA.Now the tree pollen is high and im having various symptoms.
Blood tests a few weeks ago were very good but my ears and co ordination werent checked at all..anxiety the doc said..Im thinking though I may have a pollen sensitivity or inner ear dysfunction ??

20-06-10, 21:07
Just wondering if anyones had these symptoms..feeling of fullness in one ear, dry, gritty eyes, nasal irritation, ( often feels dry) tender on right eyebrow. occassional sneeze.?