View Full Version : chest pain

28-01-06, 18:01
sorry to bug every one but my chest pain hasnt gone away in 4 years and i cant seem to cope with it

the pain is constant and constantly changing so that today it is all over and burning. it is niggly and hits different bits all the time

i have had all the tests done and have had 4 kids throughout this pain but i cant seem to stop fearing it and no obne else seems to have the constant heaviness or pain or wrong sensation that never goes away.

does anyone please say if you do it would really help.

ps in the past has been diagnosed as fybromyalgia, neuralgia, costocndritis etc, can anyone help


28-01-06, 20:39
I have not experience anything like the pains you describe, though do get strange feelings and pain (due to anxiety). If you have had all the tests and anything serious has been ruled out, I would try not to focus on it too much. Hard I know!! The irony is though, that once you start to accept the pain is there, and it's what it is, it will probably ease or disappear!

Perhaps at times when you notice it most you can remind yourself it is not anything serious and then distract yourself by doing something else. (I am sure your young children will help you with that!)

Sorry I can't be any more help.

Hannah x

29-01-06, 14:42
Dull ache (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3044)
chest pains (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3487)
Are these heart symptoms? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4805)
Chest Pains (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4462)
what does your chest pain feel like? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5309)
Chest pains for weeks and ectopics (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5856)
Chest pains (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5886)
Nervous (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6498)
struggling... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6901)
chest tightness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6972)
Chest Pains?! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7314)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

Sheik N Shimmy
29-01-06, 22:36
Hi Jackie,

I'm not a medical person but I'd suggest you try rubbing 'Deep Heat' to the area of your pain and see if you get any relief. It might just be caused by Tietze syndrome (harmless) and I think the cold weather makes it worse.


Keep On Keepin On

30-01-06, 08:52
the cold weather does make it worse, perhaps it is this that you mention

will try deep heat thanks you lot for gettin back


30-01-06, 18:27
Hi Jackie,
my fella's Dad suffers with anxiety problems. His main symptom is chest pain. I know he's been to his doctor who gave him a 'cortizone'? injection. I think its cortizone anyway. But it gave him relief for quite a few months. Worth asking your doctor about.


30-01-06, 18:32
thanks cookie

i have had the cortisone injection, didnt work though. would need it put into me mind for that is where the problem lies. has he had these pains due to anxiety for long. dont want to sound mean but it would be great if he had then i would no i might live

thanks cookie

30-01-06, 18:39
Yeah, he's had the pain for a number of years. It comes and goes, but it been daily for about the past year. He worries about absolutely everything though. I think thats just where his stress manifests itself!

Massage helps wonders by the way. I get a really bad chest when I'm poorly with my panic attacks. I just treat it as muscle aches. Nice warm bath, massage etc. It doesn't cure it, but it helps. The only thing that cures it is to be able to fully relax. No tension = no pain! Easier said than done though I know! Sorry I can't be of more help, keep us posted on how you go though. Hope you're feeling better soon.


30-01-06, 18:44
thanks cookie

i suppose the pain is so prominent because it lies as the heart of my fear. i guess if brain tumour was my fear the unbearable pain would lie in my head

does this make sense to you?

well as much sense that is possible coming from the mouth of a 33 year old who fears a heart attack every day of her life

sorry cookie im not always the neative thing i appear, time of the monthim sure

how long have you suffered with anxiety. are you better would love you to tell me you r story soon

cheers for your time


01-02-06, 22:26

I have been suffering from the exact same thing you mention since July last year. Day in - day out. So far I have had three full cardiological evaluations - everything is fine. BTW I am a 36 yo male living in Hungary. I do constantly worry about having a heart attack - every single day every single minute. But this is no way to live - and I WILL SOMEHOW END THIS!!!

I have tried so many different things - currently I am doing Rolfing and the rolfer gives very valuable psychiatric help as well about reforming my thinking, but there are other paths as well. I am driving to another country every week to get this treatment - I am very desperate but determined as well. If you need someone to talk to about different thoughts and issues I am ready to offer my help. I would be happy to discuss things myself. I have basically now decided to change anything and I mean anything in my life to get to the bottom of this thing - and I think I am on the right path.

This is supposed to be just an introduction fro you to see that you are not alone. BTW my pains are dull and achy, pretty constantly, different locations, always on the left side though. Sometimes the whole pectoralis, sometimes pectoralis minor, sometimes the left side of my stomach, sometimes right under my sternum. I also have the occasional missed heartbeats and funy heartbeat sensations and forceful heartbeats for no reason pretty often. So I guess I know what you are talking about.

Cheers - you are not alone,


04-02-06, 12:09
sounds exactly like me alex i have pm you hope yiu dont mind

thanks everyone, makes constant pains a bit more bearable, yet not accepting just yet.
