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06-05-10, 11:04

Some may recall I had a repeat MRI Brain Scan about 10 days ago due to the fact an abnormality was found on my brain stem when a MRI scan was done last year, plus I now have bad head.

I have been a real coward and have not phoned my GP for the results, but this afternoon I am going to and to be 100% honest I am fearing the worse as they have already said if this has grown my days are numbered as there will be nothing they can due due to the position, (Brain Stem ).

Oh well this is it, phoning in a few hours :weep:

Kind Regards,


06-05-10, 11:10
Hi Peter,, I was wondering how things were going .. I would have thought that you would have heard something re your results if they needed to do any more but although its a difficult phone call to make I wish you all the best and please let us know when you can

06-05-10, 11:40
Oh my goodness Peter - what a sress you must be feeling. I would have thought you would have heard anything bad though? I had to go to the hospital to get the results after I had a biopsy done.....and that was benign. Please post us soon. xxx

06-05-10, 15:53
I really hope everything is okay , am thinking of you x

07-05-10, 03:07
Thinking of you. Wish you the best of news so you can enjoy your weekend. Ive also got results waiting for me at the doctors. Its been 6 weeks and Im still to scared to go and get them. I understand how scary it is. x

07-05-10, 09:51
Usually the hosp phones you very early on if theres something sinister, they dont wait around.. Good Luck Peter and keep us updated, im sure you'll be fine :)

07-05-10, 11:15
Well I chickened out phoning the Dr for the results, BUT I asked someone else to do it for me, I know I am a coward but I just took myself off expecting the worse. The good news is that they say that the brain MRI is normal, and the doctor said no follow up is needed. I have no idea what has happened to what ever they found on the scan last year, if it has gone? But this has got to be good news.

I have a migraine coming on big time today, not helped by the fact that I was up all night watching the election, silly me.

I just wish I could get rid of the daily headaches and migraines, they have been going on for months now. I have always had migraines since I was 8 years old, but not daily. I was diagnosed with complicated migraines about 10 years ago, as they cause all sorts of symptoms like numbness, short term memory loss, and muscle twitching. It is difficult to find where the migraine symptoms end and the anxiety starts.

My other health issue is nausea and not being able to eat much, I have survived for nearly a year on ensure food drinks. I constantly feel sick night and day, sometimes I get reflux, and my food does not digest, and not eating has meant that my weight has gone down big time. Like others here I have had so many tests, seen so many GI docs but so far nothing has been found. I have had the camera into the stomach, loads of blood tests, US and CT, but nothing found.

Well my post was to relay the good news and say thank you for all your support with this MRI scan,


07-05-10, 11:17
Good News Peter, very happy and pleased for you.

07-05-10, 12:33
Thats great news Peter. Time to relax a little now:D


07-05-10, 12:56
Yeah. So happy for you. Now go and enjoy your weekend. :)

07-05-10, 13:20
amazing news, i hope the migraine passes quickly!

07-05-10, 14:02
Im soooooooooooooo pleased for you!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):)

Lets hope this is the beginning of your HA recovery, now u know its nothing serious, u can putit down to headaches/migraines, get the right treatment and hopefully things will be on the up for you. Huge congrats Peter. Crazyhayz :)

07-05-10, 16:59
I don't get a chance to post on this site very often but I have been following your story and have been waiting for an update since yesterday! Just wanted to see how pleased I was to hear your good news! Fantastic!!!!!!!

07-05-10, 17:10
Congratulations Peter. Try not to think about whatever they found on last years scan. Now, you are fine, and clear.

I just wondered, if you have ever tried any complementary therapies or talk therapies for your other symptoms?

Take care,


07-05-10, 18:10
great to hear its good news hun, my dad gets bad acid reflux and has had the camera down him etc and found nothing, it can b stress related, made worse by that, but i know he has certain food he cant eat, cos makes it worse, im sure u can find info about that.

hugs and glad it was good news xx

Going home
08-05-10, 00:25
The daily 'migraines' might actually be tension headaches, brought on by worrying about these results. Migraines are vascular so are easily affected by extremes such as heat..cold..alcohol etc, but tension headaches are a reaction to the tension that stress brings. Its great news about your results so I hope you can relax a little more now and you might find these headaches will become less.

Anna xx

08-05-10, 12:26
U may even suffer from Cluster Headaches?