View Full Version : Hello, new member with health anxiety!!

06-05-10, 13:31
Hello all, my name is Natalie and Im 31 - single parent of one son.

I have had health anxiety since i was 18 when i watched in horror as my dad died from a heart attack whilst playing badmington. I suffer severe almost constant anxiety.

I worry myself half to death most days about every illness under the sun - heart attack is the most common as i think i will die like my dad. Although it's not confined only to that - if i have a headache - brain tumour, leg pain - clot,aching chest - lung cancer. I am so aware of every feeling/pain in my body that as soon as it's starts i focus on it so much that i make it worse, then that makes me more anxious - and the cycle continues.

I work in london and it's so hard to get there and back - i am so tired of fighting the constant battle with myself. I just wish i could turn myself off and enjoy sweet silence for more that a few minutes.

I decided to give no panic a try as it was recommended to me, it will be nice to talk to others going through the same thing as sometimes you feel as if you are the only one suffering and no one 'normal' understands.

I am looking forward to getting to know everyonex

06-05-10, 13:32
Hi Nattyburt

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-05-10, 17:06
Hi there, welcome to the site!

It has really helped me so far after only one week of joining! So many people on here can completely understand what you're going through.

Sorry to hear you are struggling with your thoughts. I also have health anxiety and am having some CBT which is helping.

I also work in London so if you would like me to recommend the guy I go to let me know.

Take care,


06-05-10, 17:36
Hi Natalie,

Greetings from another Natalie. I too have Health Anxiety and completely understand how you are feeling. Feel free to pm me anytime or come into chat and meet all the lovely people there.

We are definitely here for you and look forward to getting to know you.

Take care
Natalie x

06-05-10, 17:45
:welcome: Welcome to NMP Natalie!! I have not been a member here long but have loved every minute since I joined. I hope you find lots of support here :) xxx