View Full Version : meltdown at work

06-05-10, 14:22
So on my third day back at work after 3 weeks off i totally broke down today. My cough got really bad and i just felt totally out of control. Luckily my line manager is really supportive, she suffered from anxiety a couple of years ago and can see that I am struggling. she has offered me part time hours until i can get back into the swing, which I think is a good idea for me.

I have made a doctors appointment for 4 o clock to talk about my anxiety, my phobias and stress levels but I am really nervous. I am anxious to take medication and think maybe the natural remedy and treatment route is best for me but its all money and i need help i think. i guess i just wanted some luck from you guys for my appointment as i am really scared about going :O xx

06-05-10, 14:33
hi there. how long have you been off work.. i was off work last year forn 4 months with stress, anxiety, and worst thing...panic attacks.. I was prescribed valium, and must say it helped very much, but was aware they were addicitive.. there is herbal remedy called valleran, which is frpm plant extracts.. you can get it from health shop.. i take them, and do find that they take the edge off, and also bachs recue remedy, this can be good for your nerves.. i sympathise with you, as i no how it feels, and people dont understand when you say you are having a panic attack. but believe i no what they feel like.. im glad you have a understanding boss...thta helps a lot. Do you get panicky whilst driving at all.. that was a trigger for my panic attacks.. i will only drive local, cos im afraid i will have a attack on the moterway, which did happen once... i hope you feel better soon... keep in touch... i am 53 .. sue x

06-05-10, 16:04

Good luck at the doctors. Will be thinking of you.

I saw a great doctor at my surgery today who said that he doesn't think I have asthma - it is anxiety that is causing my problems. He has arranged for a spiromatory to check.

I am not a fan of drugs for my anxiety either- everyone is different. I have always resisted them and this doctor has agreed with me but he did say that antidepressents were a good idea if anxiety is really affecting your way of life.

I have tried cbt and am doing yoga and meditation at the moment. I have also just got an instructional dvd set about the buteyko breathing method which claims to stop wheezing, coughing, snoring etc through retraining on breathing techniques. I will let you know how it goes but it might be worth you looking into on the internet.

Good luck this afternoon. Speak later x

06-05-10, 17:11
Hi Susy, Jo, thank you for your replies

Jo i am so glad that your visit to the quack went well! And it's good to have a spirometry just for reassurance. I think it's so unfair anxiety and stress cause breathlessness and tight chest etc so us worriers just wonder what it is! Will you feel OK now your doctor has told you it isn't asthma?

thanks susy for the natural ideas, i already have bachs remedy and need to start using it again, i carry it around in my handbag and forget about it! (typical)!!

also sounds great Jo about the dvd, did you just get that off of the internet. i think retraining is a REALLY great idea and just what i need. I think i need to remember that i need to take control.

So my visit to the docs was okay. I spoke about how i was feeling and also my phobias about food. They've changed how they deal with mental health issues at my practice and I had to ring a number to speak to them about my symptoms and they will decide the best route for me. Unfortunately no one answered so I just left a message and they will get back to me. I told the doctor I wasn't keen on meds at this point... i agree every one is different, and I don't feel comfortable of the idea of them for me as of yet..

My anxiety definitely is interrupting my daily routine but I'm hoping with the right structure I will get a hold on it and then be able to deal with my health problems like any other average person would! Definitely keep me posted on those breathing techniques jo :). I've also now got a medical note for part time hours from work. My sister has suggested I do two and a half full days, then Wednesday evening I could go to bristol and stay with her until Sunday. I'm not sure about this yet, I don't want to be a burden on anybody else.

p.s. susy get a bit anxious driving but not too bad, mostly only if i am in a traffic jam etc and am already feeling panicky... though i do not like driving really..