View Full Version : so I took it.......

06-05-10, 14:45
Against my inner chatterbox I took the bloody citalopram this morning and I feel weird already, I'm sure it's gotta be anxiety as side effects wouldn't kick in this early surely??? I'm gonna try and stuck with it as I so badly wanna be better but I'm so scared about tonight as I know that's when the fear will really kick in and then the next mnth or so of side effects, I just hope it's worth it!

06-05-10, 15:34
hey good luck Im on my third day of escitalopram and I already am feeling a bit better but I've got terrible shaking hands and feet (not helping my vcjd fears) but still its worth it just to know that your on your way to getting better. Hope things get better soon.

06-05-10, 16:49
Its all in your head sweet. You keep taking them tablets and i promise in time you will feel great.. Its not possible in this early stage for them to make u feel any different at all. As i said its in your in head. And yes you will feel better if you keep on taking them x

07-05-10, 17:08
Hi been on citalopram for 5 months. Started on 10mg and then up to 20mg. Feel great; anxiety gone, sleeping well and no side effects although I do sleep far more.....a good thing for me but feel tired in the day sometimes. Only advice I would give is it is not wise to drink heavily with it. I have battled with alcohol having turned to it when anxious . Both together made me pass out for hours and I mean hours 16 !! several times. Alcohol free for 4 months and feel great.

07-05-10, 18:00
Hey, well done it taking the brave step to taking it! I took citralopram for a couple of months but found it didn't completely agree with me so they switched me to escitralopram and it's really helped me!! Only thing is try to avoid alcohol these drugs and alcohol do not mix well. I do not drink at all now!
The emotions your feeling now are because of anxiety not side effects, high chance you won't get any side effects! Just drink plenty of water and keep your mind busy! You've taken a really positive step!! X

Vanilla Sky
07-05-10, 18:33
You have taken the first step, Well done . It's all in your head that you feel weird, it'll be fine , you wait and see :)

07-05-10, 21:02
Thankyou so much guys, for all your positive replies as well as being honest with the less positive stuff - I need all angles of opinion
I'm on day 2 and I can feel something but nothing bad, just a really annoying thing with clenching my teeth, let's hope it stays this way and it does the job!
Good luck to all of you in your own journeys, such a peace of mind having this haven xx

07-05-10, 22:45
well done you, please dont be put off any side effects go quite quickly xx