View Full Version : Left Sided Side/Back/Abdominal Pain...getting really worried now :(

06-05-10, 18:17
Hi guys,

Not been here for awhile has I have been coping quite well lately [hope everyone is ok] but now it seems that I'm sliding back down the HA road again...

For the past couple of weeks or so I've been experiencing sharp, aching pain in my left side, it's hard to describe where it is but it's in my side/hip area & into my lower back & stomach & sometimes even pain in the 'middle' area under the ribs, but it mainly seems to be coming from my side. It can get quite painful, especially at night when I try to lie on my left side.
It does seem to be going into my thigh & leg too although it doesn't feel like muscular pain.

The only thing I can describe it as is the sort of pain I had when I had a UTI.
I went to the doctors & took a urine sample with me & she tested it but she said it seemed fine but gave me some antibiotics anyway, which I've been taking but they've done nothing, only make me feel sick :(

I don't think it is a UTI, because my urine seemed fine to the doctor. I'm worried it's a Ovarian Cyst [I have PCOS] or there's something wrong with my kidneys or bowel or something...I've suffered with IBS for a long time you see but this pain doesn't feel like the kind I get with IBS.

Can anyone offer me any advice or anything? I'm so, so worried...anyone had anything similiar & what was the outcome, I'd be so grateful at the minute, like you wouldn't believe...

Thanks guys... x

06-05-10, 22:06

I'm new to this site also. I experienced something I think sounds similar to you, which kicked off my anxiety to the worse its been. It all started with a achy, perio type pain feelin in my left abdoman. I went to the docs a few times, had urine / blood test and in the end an ultrasound on the area. I got myself so worked up I imagined all sorts of problems with ovaries / womb.. In the end all results came back normal, and was a reassurance..

My point is, provided all tests come back ok, reassurance / proof that physically you are ok can do wonders. My pain feeling has been much better since I try and relax more. I find a relaxation cd really helps - even if it is just for the half hour im listening to it! Do you still feel pain if you are fully distracted or somewhere new for the day or weekend for example?

sorry I cant be more help, get in touch if you like

take care

07-05-10, 11:06
Hi, I have this ongoing for the last year or more. Mine is on the right side though. It feels like my ovary / appendix is going to burst, goes from lower abdo/groin and rises up to kidney area and down my back hip, lower right back and aches down my leg (sorry for long description). All my right side seems to give me pain/aches, sometimes when doing a pee it really hurts in kidney but most urine tests are clear. I have had xrays/ barium enema to check bowels and ultrasound. All have come back ok apart from mild diverticular disease on left side. It seems to get worse around ovulation and was so bad this week I went to doc and told her I needed to go for u/sound that day. So did this and sure it must be a cyst or something because pain was severe. But there was nothing found only a small bit of free fluid, which my doc said would suggest ovulation or a small cyst had burst. Now she is sending me on for CT scan but that will take months on waiting list.
I have been looking for an answer for months. I know all the tests come back clear but it does not explain the severe pain I get. There is an abdominal muscle the rectus abdominis which I have read can cause the same pain as appendix when irritated or the psoas muscle can also cause similar pain. So i am going to try and find someone who does trigger point therapy and see if i can get any relief from that side of things. If you look up Trigger Point Therapy Workbook you will get more info on these muscles. Hope you find an answer. Take care

07-05-10, 16:48
Thank you so much, the pair of you *hugs* Just sorry you've both been suffering from this too...
I've been worrying myself silly so I've just ended up back at the doctors...he had a feel around the area & said it felt fine & that my urine again, seemed clear of infection. But he said if it isn't better in a week or so to go back & he'll send me for some tests...so I guess I can only wait & see...

If I find anything out that I think will be of use, I'll let you know...
Let's hope we find what's wrong...if anything... :/

07-05-10, 19:53

Thats good news the doc said everything felt fine. I found that when the doc said to me, come back if its still here ina week or whatever, it actually made me worse in a roundabout way as it made me super aware of any 'unusual' sensations.. hope that makes sense..
if you find anything out feel free to message back. Its weird, I dont even know why my health anxiety started really.. i was never at docs much or ill growing up,so who knows why i go through stages of feeling so worried now..

anxiety is a strange thing eh. Have you had any kind of cbt or anything?
