View Full Version : Hello

06-05-10, 19:04
Hi, my names tom and i am abit shaky aha. Right ive been window shopping at this forum one to many times and ive now decided to join.
Ive been constantly on and off worrying about my health and generally about life and everything since i was about 15. I had various strange headaches one of which resulted in me browning out (near on blacking out), anyway after this episode i went to the hospital and got diagnosed with suffering with migraines which i accepted and then was ok for about a year and a few monthes.
The next event that happend (which felt like the end of my old self really) was a strange feeling in my arm like i couldnt move it and like it was heavy. As i had already read deeply into various health conditions i immediately thought it was a stroke and had a panic attack.....which seemed to last for a few hours but then my parents calmed me down. However over the next few monthes or so i kept worrying about this feeling (which is constant and present to this day) in my arm.
And finally whats worrying me about it, is although i did ask the doctor who said i was fine ive been right about a few other things i was worrying about like i noticed a yellow discolouration at the bottom of my eye and decided i had gilberts or something worse and was diagnosed with the latter and finally i thoght i could hear a clicking noise from my chest and was diagnosed with (what i thought after the inital murmur diagnosis) as mitral regurgitation.

God sorry about that :P


PS im in a good mood today but ive been going up and down quite abit

PPS the latest episode happend a few weeks after i was assualted when walking to an offy at night when a gang of 18 people attacked me and two friends

06-05-10, 19:07
Hi Thomas

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
07-05-10, 08:43
:welcome:Tom. Glad that you have found us. This is a friendly site with great information and support.


07-05-10, 18:06
hiya Tom, window shopping is great hehe, glad u decided to write, everyone here is great and friendly and offer a lot of support, u will meet some great new friends too, hugs xx

Vanilla Sky
07-05-10, 18:45
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

07-05-10, 19:11
Thanks alot guys.....sorry about the long post just trying to get it all out so i can use this post as a quick referance heh

08-05-10, 21:47
Hi Thomas, Welcome to NMP.. I have found browsing on the forums really helpful, I hope you enjoy it here and meet lots of new friends :welcome: xx