View Full Version : Feeling sick, starting to worry now...

06-05-10, 22:02

Last night I woke up and felt really ill, my stomach was turning, the next thing I knew I was in the bathroom vomitting (Sorry) I went back to bed and then I had the same sickl feeling again. Woke up today feeling a bit dizzy and my stomach was still a bit tender.

I've had the nauseous feeling all day today. I feel a lot better now but still not quite right. I don't know what could have caused it, I haven't eaten anything dodgy, although I did have quite a bit of a junk food binge last night which I don't usually have, maybe that upset my stomach? Any ideas? As I really don't know what could have caused it. If it gets worse I'm gonna go to see my GP. Just a bit worried about it now. I hate getting sick :weep:

06-05-10, 23:44
Hello Ella :)
I'm sorry you're feeling so bad right now. It's awful feelling sick :weep: But it is probably just the junk food you had, it could really upset someone's stomach! So you don't have to worry; just try to eat light things 'til you get better, and I heard that drinking a lot of water also helps :)

I hope you feel better soon! :hugs: