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View Full Version : scared now

06-05-10, 22:04
well today ive been to have my blood test done so now will be scared stiff til tuesday afternoon...so scared ive started with the itching up my arms and face again.....soooooo fed up plus ive got a stinking cold now too which is making my sore mouth even sorer!

Anyway quick question.....3 vials (think thats what they called innit) of my blood was taken so will that be a comprehensive test....can they tell pretty much if im ok from blood tests?

thanks guys reassurance needed....again....:weep:

06-05-10, 22:06
They'll be able to check a lot of things through blood tests - not sure what they drew for - but probably a complete blood count (RBC's, WBC's, hemoglobin, etc) - also probably checked your electrolyltes and maybe even your kidney/liver function.

06-05-10, 22:12
ok.........so whats electrolyltes then.......:ohmy:......lol
thanks Jo

07-05-10, 07:59
They'll definitely be able to tell if there's something sinister wrong by doing these tests. A complete blood count and all the basic blood tests they do normally will show up even the slightest signs of illness and infection. Everything else thye test for will probably be for specifics and vitamin and mineral levels that may indicate definiencies that could be causing some of your symptoms. Electrolytes are minerals that affect things like hydration and body balance. There's a lot fo them. Liver/kidney function is pretty common in blood tests too. So if all of these come back fine it will be extremely super duper likely that everything is just anxiety.

07-05-10, 14:25
Hi OP,

I am sorry to hear you are having to wait for the results, and know what it can be like, I have just waited 2 weeks for an MRI scan result, all was good but the wait was pure hell.

Last year I had 15 files (bottles in less than a week) they tested for everything. Blood tests are good indications of what is going on in your body, it tells a Dr if other tests are needed, so if all come back fine then that is reassuring and should put your mind at rest. Doctors use blood tests not just to rule out some simple illness but they use the results together to see how your body is performing. Good luck with your results and let us know how you get on,


07-05-10, 14:34

I know how you must be feeling. Had a FBC done 3 weeks ago and had to wait a week for results.. I went off my food and got an upset tum but everything was really good. I thought I would breathe a sigh of relief and be ok after that but it took a few days to sink in that all was in order.