View Full Version : Scared of lexapro

06-05-10, 22:15
Hey all,
two weeks ago or more I was prescribed lexapro by my Dr on advice from my psychologist, I just don't think I can take it, I told my pyschologist I'm afarid they will posion me at my session last week and I'm sure she thinks I
crazy now, I am slightly paranoid when it comes to medication I won't even take panadol if I can avoid it as I fear I'll mess up my body, I'm thinking about getting the script filled today after working my courage up after these last couple of weeks, my psychologist says I will find my therapy more helpful if I take them, but the thought that I'm putting something foreign into my system scares me and makes me scared I'll lose control of my body, and I might be allergic or get severe side effects and my worrying will be justified, I explained this to my dr the other day and she says to take them when I'm ready and made me feel less crazy than my psychologist is, has anyone out there experinced these feelings? Is lexapro really worth this intense fear I feel towards them. Any advice greatly appreciated, thank you:)

06-05-10, 23:51
Hello there :)
I know exactly what you're feeling now. When my doctor's told me I should take Paroxetine, the though of something going wrong with me made me really scared. I was afraid of having an allergic reaction as well, so the first times I took it, my mind raced with fear :weep: But, after one week, I already felt a new person; no more panic attacks, no more anxiety... It's just like you could be yourself again. :D So you don't have to worry! Your medics would NEVER recommend anything that could harm you; of course, there will be a few colateral effects, but only because your body is getting accustomed with the medicine. So you really don't have to worry! It's scary, but it could really help you. The decision is up to you, hon. :)

I hope you get better! :hugs:

07-05-10, 01:14
its a big step...But its either carry on feeling awful all the time through the constant anxiety/panic/physical symptoms or take a chance on the meds and hopefully feel better.

07-05-10, 01:36
Hi hun. I have not been scared of taking a medication before so I can't relate, but I DO take lexapro! It has been a great drug for me. Its helped me so much. I rarely panic. It really has helped me get a hold on things. I am going to be honest cos i dont want you to have any suprises, but you WILL experience side effects as your body gets used to it. remember that side effects are NORMAL. Your not dying or in some major health problem. Once they pass you will feel a lot better! And you will have accomplished so much, by taking something if your scared of it. xxx

07-05-10, 11:56
Thank you all so much you have all been very helpful, I've decided to just do it starting tomorrow after all if your falling you may as well dive, I'm worried about the side effects as I already suffer bad dizzness light headedness and dr told me I'll experience nausea and dizzyness for the first couple of days this scared me so bad so I refused to take them all these weeks but if I have to suffer a little bit I'm willing to give it ago to stop feeling as tho I'm going to die from every twinge in my body.. Thank u all again :)

08-05-10, 06:58
Hi Jen,
I've been on Lexapro fpr 5 years now.
Best thing I ever did - it gave me my life back.