View Full Version : butterflies.

07-05-10, 08:51
Does anyone know how to stop the butterflies feeling in my stomach? The feeling wont go away and i keep having like a wave of panic run through my body.I feel all shaky and nervous and its making me very ill.

07-05-10, 09:55
Hello Zippy,,
Are you on any meds for this??? Well i think it's important to not let your mind take over with these things,,,i know easier said than done,,,right??? If your not on meds you may be able to get some that will help with that,,and if you are on some already maybe they just need changing?
Hope you are feeling a little better,,really i do,,,
Regards redrainbow,

07-05-10, 10:15
I am going to the docs later today for some tablets.I feel like my whole body is constantly tense and wont relax and my stomach muscles are tight. Can anxiety cause stiffness in your shoulder,back,underarm and leg but just on the left side?
I am frustrated with myself because i know i need to stop this tense feeling and butterflies but i cant.

07-05-10, 11:00
Hi zippy,,
Yeah anxiety can cause all kinds of side effects, i had 2 years of it. Yeah your Dr will be able to prescribe you something,,,don't know what but there are plenty of meds that can help. I'm on a few meds, but for the panic i have diazepam, but thats quite a strong one,,don't know if he would start you on that.
But don't worry just explain how you are and he will be avle to give you something i'm sure,,
Regards Redrainbow.