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07-05-10, 10:43
I'm really really confused anxious and out of place right now, i took a pregnancy test and i was negative (negative means not pregnant, right?) well it so says 'im not pregnant' because it was just a ' - ' not a ' + ' so i sat there and took a breather, and a sigh of relief because it had been bugging me for days, i think im a little late past my period. Im not quite sure i can never keep track with my dates. I spend another 10 Minutes staring at this test and the reading doesnt change, so with one last check i throw it away. But the last couple of days, my nipples feel sore and my breasts feel tender, and im weeping alot other television programmes and even comercials im a emotional rolercoaster! (are these SIGNS) Strawberry icecream makes me feel sick, i cant stop eating mash potato.

Im getting really upset now because i feel that my head is disconnected from my body! I dont know myself anymore, i dont know what to do. Im SCARED. Can pregnancy tests read wrong?. I know i did the test correctly!
I bought two of them, when should i take my next one?
The instructions said if the test turned out to be 'not pregnant' the hormones could still be weak for the pregnancy test to read, and it would only work on 52%. My fiancé was so relieved i wasnt pregnant, and he suggested adoption, if i was.

Going home
07-05-10, 13:52
These tests are usually pretty reliable but no test is 100%, if you do another one try to do it first thing in the morning as this is when the pregnancy hormones are at their most concentrated, and if the second test shows negative then I would say you're not pregnant, but if you still think you are after this, then have a chat to your doctor or practice nurse.

Anna xx

07-05-10, 14:12
My doctor told me, when I got a negative result twice with my daughter 'you can get a false negative result but never a false positive'. This is going back 17 years ago when home testing wasnt as reliable as it is now. Your sore breasts and mood swings, tearfulness etc could just be your hormones as your period may be due any minute. You could always do another test if your period hasnt arrived in a week or see your gp where the test will be free.
Take care,

07-05-10, 14:29
hi i took 3 tests a few weeks ago and all was positive in a few seconds which ones did you use??

07-05-10, 14:33
I'm really really confused anxious and out of place right now, i took a pregnancy test and i was negative (negative means not pregnant, right?) well it so says 'im not pregnant' because it was just a ' - ' not a ' + ' so i sat there and took a breather, and a sigh of relief because it had been bugging me for days, i think im a little late past my period. Im not quite sure i can never keep track with my dates. I spend another 10 Minutes staring at this test and the reading doesnt change, so with one last check i throw it away.

These tests are usually accurate Ruby .I would leave it for another week and do it again if you havnt had a period by then .

But the last couple of days, my nipples feel sore and my breasts feel tender, and im weeping alot other television programmes and even comercials im a emotional rolercoaster! (are these SIGNS) Strawberry icecream makes me feel sick, i cant stop eating mash potato.

All these symptoms signify hormonal changes ,very common just before a period .You wouldnt get cravings so early on in a pregnancy .I used to crave chocolate when my period was due ..

Im getting really upset now because i feel that my head is disconnected from my body! I dont know myself anymore, i dont know what to do. Im SCARED. Can pregnancy tests read wrong?. I know i did the test correctly!

This is just anxiety because of the pregnancy scare .Tests like I said are more accurate nowadays than ever before .Try again in a week .
I bought two of them, when should i take my next one?
The instructions said if the test turned out to be 'not pregnant' the hormones could still be weak for the pregnancy test to read, and it would only work on 52%. My fiancé was so relieved i wasnt pregnant, and he suggested adoption, if i was.

Sounds like you both dont want to have a baby and continuing to not use an effective contraceptive will result in you getting pregnant eventually .There are many different forms of contraception that will prevent an unwanted pregnancy .Suggesting adoption is really an awful thing to say .Its not as easy as just giving birth and giving your child away .It would cause you to feel very traumatised and shouldnt be considered as an option for an unwanted pregnancy .,Unless its under extreme circumstances .The experience would not be as easy to get over as your fiance obviously thinks it would be .He sounds very blase'.to say the least .Have you considered having a Mirena coil fitted ? It lasts for 5 years and will also stop the problems associated with periods .It also has no side effects like the pill ..I hope for everyones sake you commence you period soon Take care Sue x

07-05-10, 16:05
:)hi, im sorry your feeling like this right now - it can be a horrible time - thinking you may be pregnant, but probably being premenstrual? ive had same as others when ive been pregnant the tests say so straight away - good advice from others - wait for your period to come - it could be worth making a , note on a calendar so you have some idea when your due,and your not guessing every month?

also, i totally agree with suzysue - it woudl be better for your mental/emotional state and relationship if you got effective contraception sorted - having a baby and giving it up or having a termination are not things that are easy to deal with - its best not to ge tpregnant in th efirst place - i know from bitter personal experience, take care:hugs:

07-05-10, 17:19

I am so sorry that you seem to be feeling very frightened and scared right now. I can just imagine of scary it is. Firstly the tests are usually accurate. Do you know when you think you may have conceived?Only asking this as like suzy sue says it is quite early to be having aversions and cravings.

And subject of the sore breasts etc, I get this at my time of the month all the time! Your anxiety is probably making you worse also, especially if you are looking for signs of pregnancy. Try to keep relaxed and calm.

Lastly I would echo both Suzy sue and Emmas, you may need to look into better contraception, If I were with someone I would definately be looking for the best contraception! Its not nice to say about adoption but im guessing your fiancé is as scared about you getting pregnant as you are and he probably didn't think. I do think you probably need to sit down and speak about it.

Take care xx

07-05-10, 21:38
hi i took 3 tests a few weeks ago and all was positive in a few seconds which ones did you use??

clear blue plus. the twin pack.

07-05-10, 21:44
Sounds like you both dont want to have a baby and continuing to not use an effective contraceptive will result in you getting pregnant eventually .There are many different forms of contraception that will prevent an unwanted pregnancy .Suggesting adoption is really an awful thing to say .Its not as easy as just giving birth and giving your child away .It would cause you to feel very traumatised and shouldnt be considered as an option for an unwanted pregnancy .,Unless its under extreme circumstances .The experience would not be as easy to get over as your fiance obviously thinks it would be .He sounds very blase'.to say the least .Have you considered having a Mirena coil fitted ? It lasts for 5 years and will also stop the problems associated with periods .It also has no side effects like the pill ..I hope for everyones sake you commence you period soon Take care Sue x

Thanks for your input Sue, i could never give my baby up for adoption. But in the circumstances, ive been out of school for 3-4 years, and im just getting into college for 4 years to do my midwife course. Ironic really isnt it. If i was pregnant i did consider adoption to my mum, she didnt like the idea but i couldnt handle both at once. It is a very stern choice to make and you'd have to be ready. But theres people who cant have children of their own which turns my head the other way a little. I wasnt happy how he said 'Adoption' straight away, we had a two day 'DISCUSSION' about it. But i need to take everything into consideration, go more careful and be grown up about this. I could never have another abortion.

07-05-10, 21:49
How late are you & did you test with your first wee of the day ?
Clear Blue are normally pretty reliable but not always, as someone else said you can get a false negative but never a false positive.
Give yourself a few more days & then re-test with your first wee of the morning.
My cravings didn't kick in until at least 4months of pregnancy but my dislike to smells & certain foods started at around 8wks along with my tiredness & sickness. I had sore breasts from the start but then I also get this when I am due my period.

Good luck, I hope you get the result that you want xx

07-05-10, 23:16
sounds like PMS before you get your period. sore nipples, swollen breasts, crying over anything cute or sad, cravings, backache etc.

08-05-10, 11:21
Hi Ruby ,I do understand how you must be feeling right now .Your Fiance's obviously not ready to be a father just yet .You have things in life you want to do before being a Mum .Thats why its important to see this as a wake up call .and get some decent form of contraception sorted .All this and the subsequent future anxiety it will cause you otherwise is preventable ..You do sound like you are suffering with pmt to me ,and no doubt your period will start very soon .Think about the Mirena coil I mentioned hun .You dont have to do anything else ,after its fitted and im sure it will be a good solution to your period probs too .Take care Sue x

08-05-10, 11:32
bless ya if did clear blue usually right im sure you know about contraception already lol ,so dont need to be told about it im 40 and im pregnant big shock !!!!!!!!!!!

08-05-10, 12:18
:hugs:hi, no i agree that she doesnt need to be lectured - but i have had a termination in march, i am 37, and its all so avoidable - im not telling her to sort it out as someone who knows 'better' - im talking tot her as an equal - but never the less - it jus creates more stress, sadness, confusion and depression - you may deep down want a baby - god knows i did - but if others arent supportive, you arent well enough to do it alone, or you are ambiguous about it, it is wiser to take precautions - you have all of your future to have babies - and they do better with mums who are happy and settled - sorry but its true, or mums who have unconditional love and support of family and friends if they are unfortunately plagued with mental health problems - why make more emotional work for yourself if you dont hve to?:hugs:

08-05-10, 13:38
I wasnt lecturing and sorry if it looks like I was ..From what ive read about Ruby in her past posts and this one ,I thought it would be a simple alternative to the pill .Shes obviously not using anything .All this will do is cause her unecessary anxiety in the future .Prevention is better than cure after all . Sue