View Full Version : Just dont get it !!!!!!!!!!!!

07-05-10, 10:44
Ive got another CBT session today, and although HA is one of my reasons for my anxiety, its not the whole reason. I can just be walking through town and all of a sudden an overwhelming feeling of weirdness comes over me and it makes my vision go distorted...like foggy/snowy... and then of course all the other symptoms come after that.. this happens all the time, i can be putting washing on, or walking back from the shop, or driving my car, anytime anywhere.

And basically, i try to think of what it could be that makes me get like that, coz CBT is all about your thoughts (coz they control ur feelings), but i just CANNOT think of a single thing that brings on the sudden rush of weirdness and foggy vision..... i think im guna do their head in as how can they help me if i dont know what is making me anxious like that?

I have HA, yes, but i only get this when something happen like a weird pain or something... i.e) get the rush of weirdness out of the blue, then BAM the HA starts coz i worry about the rushy weird feeling/vision trouble, then it just escalates as we all know lol. I dont know what to say or do, its driving me mad!!! Im convinced i have MS. ive woke up today with pains all over my face. its horrible :(

07-05-10, 11:02
I often wonder about this. I have obvious triggers for my health anxiety sometimes, like twitches, aches or pains making me worry. But other times, the dizziness & visual disturbances etc come out of the blue when I'm in no way worrying about anything. I got out of the car the other evening & it came on while I was walking across the car park. Last night, I went all weird when I walked into the polling station to vote!!!
I think sometimes external factors, such as lights and noise trigger me to go 'weird'. Other times I can't put my finger on the trigger at all and figure it must be something else in me causing it. Like blood sugar levels pinched nerves. But whatever I tell myself, the underlying fear of MS remains. My face is tingling today...

07-05-10, 13:59
Thanks for your reply Catalyst, that really helps to know im not sounding crazy xx Its so hard though isnt it. I literally come over all funny allllllllll the time, i could be laughing with friends and BAM it just comes on...its horrible. CBT therapist today said its subconcious, and anything can trigger it off without u even being aware. He also said that im holding in alot of stress inside like basically im pressuring myself NOT to get anxious. Doesnt rly make sense to me if im honest, but the subconcious bit does.. Well im pleased as he said hes moving me forward into Recovery Period, but assured me that by that he doesnt mean im guna get better tomorrow lol, most recovery periods take months. He decided to move me on as ive had 2 panic attacks in the last month, whereas i was having upto 6 a day! He said he can see as clear as day that im getting soooo much better (well i dont blimmin' feel like i am!) haha!! My head feels like its guna explode today, its not a headache, its like a severe pressure, and i can barely walk as every single muscle in my body aches and feel weak :( Im finding it hard to believe this is just anxiety........ xx

07-05-10, 18:42
Do either of you have a neck ache??? I only ask because I have damaged neck that I have posted about effects many times so apologise if anyone has read this before. any tension in your neck can affect your balance making you dizzy this then triggers the adrenalin response in anyone and the other symptoms follow all in a split second. I did not believe my Dr 15 yrs ago that my neck damage could make me feel as if I was walking on soft ground all the time or give me the sudden vertigo that has you sitting on the floor until it passes or the sudden feeling as if you are falling forward or when you are walking you are leaning over to one side - i had endless tests to rule out all the other neuro diseases and brain tumours BUt then a friend and later my husband got neck troubel due to wear and tear and age and lo and behold their worst symptoms were the dizziness etc that I had had for all those years.

so even anxiety can tense those neck muscles and casue your feelings

08-05-10, 12:19
I often get trapped nerve problems with my neck, but it's actually not too bad at the moment. I did have a terrible time with my neck about 8 years ago though. It was one of the main triggers of my health anxiety.

08-05-10, 12:45
:)are you saying then that when you get the foggy/hazy symptoms you have been perfectly okay, beforehand?

the reason i ask is because you suffer with abnormal fears about your health - so you are prob quite anxious anyway - then you prob start to feel a bit weird, which then you react to wihthout you even noticing - have you done the a-b-c thing yet? you miss out the interpretation of the symptoms - you can be out and about and feel weird for a million reasons here are a few
lack of sleep
lack of food
too warm
headache coming on
lack of fluids

you get the picture? - then you just go into panic mode, without realising that you have reacted to completely innocent physical sensations in your body as though there is something wrong - maybe deep in your mind you already felt worried and anxious when you were out, but didnt realise it or didnt think that was enough to make you feel like this - but it is!

right just read one of your posts that id missed - thats the problem - being stressed alot - means that you are constantly in a state of anxiety - panics are when you cannot get away from it - its like your body is saying' hey you cant keep treating me like this - i dont want this constant drip drip of anxiety - do something about it! wake up and stop ignoring the signals im sending you'!!!!!

over time you will get better - the cbt is working - but it takes a while its a process - and you can get worse before you get better - but over time you will become less frigtened by the initial reaction of your body - its the added worry you have to stop - fear of fear is the prob - fear on its own isnt the problem, take care and keep at it:yesyes: