View Full Version : Night Terrors

07-05-10, 11:13
Has anyone any experience of these? I believe that is what is happening here.

It doesn't happen every night, but i often half wake up in a very panicked state which usually passes after a few minutes, its really quite unpleasantm yet I dont think I am fully awake and it can take me most of the following day to remember that it happened(today being an exception). It is however a rather disturbing occurrence.

Anyone with any XP of this?


07-05-10, 11:49
i get it alot wake up thinking im going crazy... its horrible lol

07-05-10, 11:54
Hi Dan,

I get this a lot too, at least once every night. I wake up feeling like something is really wrong and I should be doing something about it. I don't usually remember having any dreams before it. I tell myself it's just anxiety and usually manage to get back to sleep again. It's very annoying though!


07-05-10, 12:07
aye its annoying right enough! and bloody unpleasant to boot, I figured it must be associated with anxiety, though I usually didn't get them when i was on an antidepressant(or at least when i was on one that wasnt invented nearly a hundred years ago)


11-05-10, 13:27
Having similar problem. For me though it's not just waking up in the night, it's when i'm trying to sleep. I get a terrifying thought, feeling or image just as I'm on the brink of falling asleep and i get brought back to reality with an unpleasant jolt and anxiety.

11-05-10, 13:33

I can relate to this, I have been lately waking up throughout the night with very high anxiety. Very unpleasant and really unsettles me, I usually go straight back to sleep but in that minute or so its awful x

12-05-10, 11:49
i have experienced these unpleasent jolts and anxiety when falling asleep also waking with panic attacks and fears of going mad.... its very unpleasent but brought on more by stress.... your not the only one out there thats what we have to tell ourselfs stand up and tell anxiety where to go...

12-05-10, 13:06

I was having a think about these night terrors, I have been following this thing called Depression Learning Path. They speak about the different reasons for people suffering depression and it speaks about dreams and I thought it may be a little bit of help to those of us who have these jolts either during sleep or before.

The link is http://www.clinical-depression.co.uk/

Laura xxxx