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07-05-10, 11:36
I've been posting for the past 2 weeks because I had breast pain and could feel a lump, well I was seen privately a week ago today but I have lapsed back into thinking they have missed something and I am going to die. Basically nothing showed up on the ultrasound scan and he said it was normal breast tissue I should be over the moon. What is wrong with me? I can obviously still feel the lumpy bit and its freaking me out. I have still kept the NHS appt which is in 2 weeks just to make sure. I feel so silly but so scared:weep:


07-05-10, 11:52
try not to worry if the scan fine just try to think positive :hugs:

07-05-10, 12:20
I had the same thing 3 years ago.....i had a biopsy and an ultrasound scan it turned out to be a non-benign lypoma.....in other words harmless fatty tissue which is very common and nothing dangerous at all (apart from causing slight pain and tenderness in some women).......try not to worry... if the scan had showed anything abnormal then they would have requested more tests for you.....take care..xx

07-05-10, 15:57
Thanks for your replies

I'm trying to be postive but i'm really struggling:weep:

Anyone else had a scan and been told its normal breast tissue even though it feels like a lump??


07-05-10, 18:31
9 years ago I was in a bad car accident and had severe compression injuries from seatbelt to my right breast. Basically the fatty tissue in my breast died and i had fat necrosis which meant it went into huge fatty lumps!!!!!!!!!!! It took 9 months for my deformed breast to return to a normalish shape as the body had to absorb all this dead tissue and I was at higher risk of infection all that time. When my breast had seemed to return to normal i was sent for an ultrasound to check no sinister lump had been hiding behind the injuries and the Dr who did the ultrasound said he could see the scar in my breast where the seat belt had been but all was well - so I think you can be pretty confident that ultrasound will show up any tinylump - The dr explained that ultrasound cannot pick up single cell changes that sometimes can be seen by mammo but anything that is remotely like a lump will show up on ultrasound.

08-05-10, 10:06
Thanks for your replies

My husband told me I wouldn't believe the doctor after the scan and I promised him I would and that I would be ok. I'm scared to tell him I am worried again as he will get cross with me. I think its all been triggered firstly by finding the lump and going through the awful process of waiting to be seen about it, then my son who has special needs was ill and in hospital, and my granadad died of bladder cancer:weep:

I just feel like one big mess

08-05-10, 11:14
No wonder you are stressed - remember you will be transferring all your worry and stress and grief onto your bodily symptoms. You say you still have your NHS appt and are going to go to it and get all the checks again well if you get same reply from them then you really can stop worrying about it.

You are having a terrible time so don't be too hard on yourself and maybe don't tell your husband but come on here and tell us and we will not get cross with you because we understand exactly how your mind works jsut like the rest of us.

take care
