View Full Version : Just about to start taking propranolol

07-05-10, 12:38
I have been put on 3 x 40mg propranolol a day for anexity due to situation at home with bad news about my mum and a few other personal issues.

On them to help me cope with big group enviroments like going into uni, and just being around people really gets me panicing, just want to be shut away. Alos getting near nightly sleep paralysis attacks these days.

Any advice before I start these tablets? inital side effects? is it a one course drug or will it be a repeat perscription?

Im a 20 year old guy if that makes a difference, have been tried on all different anti-d's they just make me worse when im low.

07-05-10, 13:07
I found them pretty easy to tolerate, and I was taking 80mg. I've heard some complain of side effects on here such as light headedness, and shortness of breath, but to be fair those might not be side effects of the tablets but symptoms of anxiety themselves. You usually just take propranalol for as long as they're needed as far as i know. They did'nt help me much to be honest. Though some swear by them for anxiety, hope they work for you.

Welcome to No More Panic by the way, its a very freindly and useful website :)


07-05-10, 13:09
hi..........ive been on propranolol for 3 weeks now and they have helped me to cope with some of the phsyical symptoms of my anxiety theyve been a god send for the palpatations and rapid racing heart....because i no longer have the rapid heart rate it seem to have made me less anxious probley because i dont feel like im going to have an heart attack at any minute!!!As for side effects thats been a bonus too because i havnt had ANY!!I am on a lower dose than you 20mg twice a day so maybe this is why i have been spared.....i think the most common one is tiredness.Ive not had any problems with this medication...i know everyone is different and some people will dissagree but for me propranolol as been great!!!!Im sure you will be too!!