View Full Version : Sentences keep coming in head when im half asleep in morning,whats going on?

07-05-10, 14:54
I suffer from anxiety and insomia

When I wake up in the morning I sometimes get a sentece in my head that comes out of nowhere(i am drifitng between sleep and being awake) and this is making me think where on earth is it coming from. Yesterday i got the sentence "He used to be known as the man of steel" in my head and i thought where did that come from? now a day later i saw a superma commercial on the internet in which superman says "I am known as the man of steel" and my mind started to think that maybe my anxiety and lack of sleep has activated something in my brain which makes me get radio like signals that make me get sentences that people are going to say in the future in my head when im half alseep?

Please can someone explain whats going on, am i getting future signals, why do these senteces or words pop up 24 hrs later on tv/conversation after they popped in my head the day before?

Is it even possible for an anxious brain to pick up such siganals from the future?

i am frightered so much now

07-05-10, 15:25

At this time between asleep and awake many many people get what are called 'intrusive thoughts' which are thoughts that just pop into the head from nowhere without you conciously thinking them. They are more common in anxiety sufferers, but any person can have them. There's also a thing where people can hear what sound like actual real voices or sounds that aren't really there during this phase between asleep and awake. It's also very common, more so when we are anxious. I've had both of these. Definitely isn't any radio transmissions going to your head, I can garuntee you that. It may be that you'd heard the phrase without realising it earlier, and for some reason your mind has gone back to that thought without you realising you'd ever had it. A lot of the things we see and here we are actually unaware of. If it continues to happen and it still worries you a lot check in with your doctor :)

07-05-10, 16:31
:hugs:hey, no like last poster said this is common for ppl with anxiety - i had/have all of this including seeing lots of different faces when im falling asleep - i was terrified it was me going mad , but ive spoke to that many doctors and a couple of psychologists and it is confirmed as what last poster said - normal, but upsetting and frightening - which leads onto thoughts like the radio waves one - you are experiencing strange things, which however normal are frightening which then seem to lead onto even more scary thoughts - it is a vicious circle - but liek the other poste rsaid if you need more reassurance speak to your gp, becasue obviously we arent medically trained so we cant be advising you not to go to your gp - but iv had it all - and im still here, and im fine, i never got took away by the men in white coats (thats a stupid saying as that doesnt happen now anyway,at least i dont think it does - did it ever? id like to know where that silly saying came from?):roflmao:take care, youll be finexx

11-05-10, 10:37
Thanks guys, i just get worried.

Today I had a the phrase "equal oppurtunities" pop into my head whislt half awake and half alseep and it got me thinking where did that come from? Again i thought are these scenes from the future?

Why cant i stop thinking like this? is it even possible to get things in the half asleep half awake state from the future? i cant shake this off.

i really feel like crying, is it even possible to get signals from the future like that?

11-05-10, 10:55
hey don't worry about this! I get it really bad when Im sorta half awake half asleep. This morning I imagined a conversation between two english soap actors while I was half asleep lol. Your mind just races over things. My girlfriend doesnt suffer from anxiety and shes even worse than me! She'll say the things shes thinking out loud and they'll be total nonsense so dont worry about it at all!

11-05-10, 11:15
hey don't worry about this! I get it really bad when Im sorta half awake half asleep. This morning I imagined a conversation between two english soap actors while I was half asleep lol. Your mind just races over things. My girlfriend doesnt suffer from anxiety and shes even worse than me! She'll say the things shes thinking out loud and they'll be total nonsense so dont worry about it at all!

are these sentences/phrases from the future though? is our mind getting things from the future and putting it in our half asleep half awake state? is that even possible?

11-05-10, 11:18
I have this happen too now and then.Infact yesterday I had a sentence which was "can I talk to you for a minute"..and I just thought thats my anxiety playing tricks again.

11-05-10, 11:25
No theyre not from the future they come from your subconscious. You pick hundreds of ideas and words up throughout the day that you dont even realise. If you heard the word equal opportunities you probably heard that at some point in the day and didnt even pick up on it. thats all so dont worry

11-05-10, 16:17
:)no these thoughts are not from the future at all!!!!!!!! i have loads of visual images of faces when i am falling asleep and only then - i have been told that they are sleep hallucinations - they are only to do with sleep, they are not anything to worry about. so i dont think you should worry about what you are experiencing but i do think you should challenge this idea that they come from the future? i mean why not say they come from the past? why have you become so strung up on them coming from the future? which btw is not possible anyway - but why does that thought actually scare you? -like other poster said they are coming from in your own mind, and are prob harmless - if you are worried speak with your gp - no-one on here is able to categorically say what they are - but one thing we can say is they are not from the future!!!!!:hugs:

12-05-10, 03:03
They're definitely not from the future, they're just things that are in the back of your mind that you are unaware of conciously. :)

12-05-10, 09:44
i think its just ur subconcious mind. uve prob heard that advert before but not even noticed it, but yet it stuck in ur subconcious mind. I.E) If u start singing a song in the day and u think 'why on earth am, i singing that?' thjats usually because uve heard it somewhere that day but not noticed you heard it, so it was subconcious. And when we are half asleep/half awake, thats when are mind is mot active and 'weird' if ug et me lol. It plays tricks on us. Nothing to worry about in my opinion.x

13-05-10, 11:14
Ah yes, the little voice. I tend to think of it as a clamour of all the little bits that make up me all chattering away to each other - every once in a while one of them pops to the surface. Before my meds the chattering could be constant at times, but I do still get the odd one. Early morning half way through waking, or when falling asleep, the brain isn't doing much else so these things can be more noticeable.

18-05-10, 09:33
Thankyou so much for your replies. I get startles as I have never experienced this before but after my anxiety its driving me crazy. Yesterday whilst trying to take a nap in my tired state the sentence "look at such such(persons name" came into my head as i was trying to fall asleep again I started to think that this is someone talking to me from the future i..e

I thought again that someone is having a conversation with me in the time ahead and my anxious brain is picking it up, but that cannot be possible can it? sorry but I just need reassurance on that. I want to be better again.

18-05-10, 10:21
Please help, i know its silly for me to think and poster have already said it but it is not possible for some conversation happening in the future etc to enter my brain now is it?

what is anxiety doing to me!!

22-05-10, 14:45

24-05-10, 20:45
hi, i have been getting this too since i've had flu, not all the time but its so scary isn't it, everyones replies to your thread seems to have reassured me perhaps as they say this is the norm for people however with anixety we question notice it more x

24-05-10, 21:51
peace, please dont be scared or analise any of this too much. I am guessing you are hypnogogic. Hypnogogia is a sleep issue that means you will hear and see things that are not there. Basically hullucinations. It occurs in the first stages of sleep as you fall asleep and as you are waking up.

Just like dreams are often odd and dont make sense the hypnogogic hullcinations dont make much sense either! So just think of them as dreams as that is what they are, just your subconscious producing sounds and sometimes images.

Dont analyse them just accept them, they are nothing to be afraid of just like dreams even though sometimes odd and scary will not hurt you in any way.

I have been hypnogogic since I was a child but the episodes have decreased as I have got older.

Take a look at some of the articles on the net and see if you can relate
