View Full Version : Never feel well

07-05-10, 18:29
Do you find that most days you don't feel very well? Before my anxiety/panic disorder struck, I usually felt pretty good and strong. Now every day it seems like I ruminate on something. Today I have a headache and a little upset stomach. I take 1 mg. Ativan in the morning (my mornings are the worse) and then 6 hours later or so I take .5 mg Ativan. That's what I usually take during the day. I sometimes start to feel better later in the afternoon and into the evening and I don't have any trouble falling asleep. But then the next morning, it all starts over again. I might think my palpitations are bad, or I usually do have trouble with my stomach feeling gaggy so it is hard to eat and I have lost a lot of weight, though the Ativan has helped that to some extent. Except today I don't feel very well.
Just wondered if other people have this on a daily basis? If not - what seems to help?

07-05-10, 18:33
I can't ever remembe feeling well!! Partly because I do have quite a few chronic health problems but also because with health anxiety we notice every single sensation or pain that in someone else they would notice but ignore and not worry about.

On top of this anxiety causes huge number of symptoms and pain in itself.

07-05-10, 19:23
i'm just tired of it.

07-05-10, 19:31
Im the same, i never feel well at all, there always seems to be something not quite right!
Debs x

07-05-10, 20:46
yes, im the same. Morning time I have to drag myself around mostly and improve in afternoon and evening. Always worse as well in cold, windy weather. Just really want to feel as I did 12 months ago..bright and self motivating and well.:)

07-05-10, 21:41
I'm the same too, my family seem to expect it now & ask me 'what's wrong now' which gets me down even more, I just want to feel normal again, what ever that might be, seems so long ago since I did feel normal.

07-05-10, 21:48
Yup theres always something not quite right.....always a niggle....and its right that if someone says to me that i sound a little better it makes me so annoyed, how stupid is that it does get me down too if someone asks whats up now, everyone seems to get so fed up. id love to feel normal..im going to spain in a couple of weeks im dreading it i have visions of me having a meldown at the airport and embarrasing my family.

08-05-10, 18:37
I can totally relate to alot of these posts. My family find it very frustrating when I share my health worries with them, my sister just looked at me when I showed her something i was worried about and went "cuckoo, cuckoo"!!!
I know it must be a pain for them but I don't get any pleasure from my HA either and during stressful times I too fear a "meltdown" like the last poster does and embarrasing my family but it never happens it's just anxiety sticking it's nose in again!!!!

08-05-10, 20:18
I am exactly the same, I feel Ill every single day, some days worse than others but there is always something.

10-05-10, 09:19
my illness of the day is feeling sick and grumbly tummy . yesterday it was headaches , the day before sinus , before that dizzyness ......... you get the picture !! . the thing i dont understand is they all feel so real its real pain , how can anx do that ??

10-05-10, 09:43
I think a lot of people on NMP will relate to this! I was just thinking when I got up today, that there is always something wrong with me. As one health worry fades another one is always right there ready to take over! I don't even tell my family very much these days as they don't take much notice anymore or just tell me I'm a disater and falling to bits!! Can't blame them really, it must get annoying for them. That's why I like coming on here as you know that loads of other people really understand what it feels like to be like this and they don't judge you or make you feel stupid.

jaded jean
10-05-10, 10:09
My illness today is raised anxiety and the shakes and the old friend the chatterbox. not so prominent at the moment but waiting in the wings:mad:

10-05-10, 10:42
Today I woke feeling pretty much ok and got on with a few house jobs and walked the dog..About half an hour later I was feeling nauseus, shakey inside, cold and really struggling to fight it off now.

10-05-10, 10:51
i to never feel well every day. i get a new difrent ailment that ruins my day, its either one pain or another ,or a bad thought will enter my head and make me panic and worry im never free from either and cant remember how ,WELL,feels anymore,im so sick of ailing every.today its a new one,the tips of my fingers are icey cold,yet im warm,so im thinking,iv got a circulation problem:unsure:my day hasnt started proper and this ailment has ruined it already, its making it a pysical+mental rotten day,and im crying again,no wonder i look this old and hagerd:ohmy:but im sending a hug to us all who are feeling the same and hopeing we can get some peace soon.xx:bighug1:

sarah jayne
10-05-10, 12:46
Im the same, i cant remember the last day i felt ok. Im anxious everyday and always feel tired and unwell, i get aches and pains all over my body, im sick of it ! x

10-05-10, 14:47
I never feel quite right either, even when having a good day there's alway something in the background. I'm almost afraid to say I'm having a good day in case I jynx it, how daft is that! I have absolutely no energy and no enthusiasm for anything but am still expected to continue doing a full time job and all the normal female stuff and my doctor just smiles at me as if I was making it all up. I never get any time off even though sometimes I really feel in need of a break.
Fran xx