View Full Version : EVIL palpitations!!!

07-05-10, 18:30
Just sat watching tv and a horrible palpitation snuck up on me! Was really big and felt like it lasted longer than usual, even felt myself go dizzy which hasn't happened b4. Don't know why it happened, was quite relaxed watching tv! I hate them, they scare me and make me think I'm going to have a heart attack or something is wrong with my heart :(
now I feel on edge and panicky :(

07-05-10, 18:37
Have you had palpitations for long?? Do you mean you got a missed beat with the resulting huge thump in the chest and light headed feeling all at same time??

After suffering with ectopic beats for over 25 years I have never yet found the reason for them - I have tried everything from no caffeine - don't drink anyway - increasing my potassium foods but they still seem to do their own thing. I have them every single day - good times I only notice the above a few times aday but bad times I get this every 3rd heartbeat for days on end:weep:.

I have a 24hr ecg every 5 years and in fact am waiting for results of my last one two weeks ago:huh:

I was told by cardiologist that only anxious people notice them

07-05-10, 18:52
I get them occasionally, like a jumble of beats and flutter of my heart then freaks me out :(

16-05-10, 16:46
Thats wot i get!! ill be sat there then suddeny it feels like my heart stops then BANG a massive thud in my chest, or sometimes its like its fluttering in my chest! Im waiting on results from a 3 day heart monitor. Doc thinks its ectopics probably because im so freaked out over dying or something. Ive been having panic attacks since last august and now they have died down but now im left with this ultimate fear of my heart stopping or something :(:(

16-05-10, 17:20
I can relate to what you are going through ! I realy think they are anxiety based , when i first took a panic attack years ago ,it led to anx , more panic , palpitations which i had never had in my life before , i was getting them all day every day ! :mad: big thumps , two or three missed beats in a row , taking the breath away from me etc ... totaly debilatating ! i was like you , convinced i was going to take a heart attack or pass out .. the more i thought about them the more i got them ,, through time i tried my hardest to ignore them and they settled down .. I still get them every now and then , and they still scare the crap out of me , but i try not to let it get to me and try to ignore it .. bein for ecg , 24 hour tape years ago , but ive asked to see the cardio doc , i want to have stress test done , put on a tred mill and monitered , just want to do it for my peace of mind more than anything . you are not alone with this horrible thing , but ive had them on and off for nine years and im still here :D...

17-05-10, 15:39
Great title for this Thread! :) Palps are a completely terrifying experience. I totally understand why they would put you on edge and panicy.... that is exactly the effect they have on you. Its wonderful to read that other people are feeling the exact same, and there is a level of comfort knowing that it doesn't mean we are just going to keel over....
Countrygirl... that is very interesting that you said your doctor said 'Only Anxious people notice them' I often wondered if that was the case. Perhaps this is more common than we think, and becuase we are so sensitive to our feelings/sensations we actually dwell on them too much turning them into a monster that keeps on returning. perhaps other people get them, and don't even recognise anything different and dont get very many repeated episodes because they don't stress themselves out over it.
Either way, they are not pleasant!