View Full Version : lump?

07-05-10, 19:20
I went to the doctors last week about an ache in my left breast and the doctor gave me a breast exam and said she thought she could feel a small pea size lump which was movable.She said she didnt think it was anything to worry about but because i was anxious and my aunt died with it she would send me to get checked.
My health anxiety has rocketed out of control.I have been feeling every day for this lump and i cant feel anything different to the other side.Should i be able to feel this lump? I thought i would have felt it because i know the area she was feeling.I am baffled.
I have made myself so ill with anxiety and i cant feel anything.

07-05-10, 19:28
Hi Zippy

We are a right pair at the moment. I've had pain in left breast and think I can feel a lump. I have had a scan which showed just normal glandular tissue but I am having trouble believing this :( I constantly check my breast now and cant think of anything else. I don't know how to break the cycle.

Maybe the lump your dr felt is actually just normal for you and you cant feel it because its normal breast tissue?

I'm sorry your going through this and sorry I havent been much help!


07-05-10, 19:55
I know i thought i would have been able to feel something but i cant.
I am in a frenzy and caused myself even more symptoms. My head is horrendous,i wish i could calm down and relax.

07-05-10, 22:47
If you cant feel anything sure thats a good sign, hand on in there and im sure it will be fine xx

09-05-10, 23:58
hey zippy try to stop feeling as it will increase your anxiety. your GP is sending you for a scan im guessing. this too shall pass and you will be fine

best wishes