View Full Version : soo angry

07-05-10, 20:48
hi guys

i have not checked for lumps for months but then the other day i thought i saw a lump on my neck and started again this lead to me finding what i think is a lump and going into meltdown!

i had said i would never check again and now i have to go to the docs to get checked because i am scared!!

anyone else done anything similar........im 26 for gods sake and i have no self control!!

what are your experiences im angry , frustrated, fed up and scared!

07-05-10, 21:31
this happens to me all the time.....my symtoms apper to start fading then ill go to check something innocently enough and WHAM......"whats that?.....that wasnt there before.......its a lump.......very sinister........OMG" and round and round it goes its driving me insane!
Im trying to find some kind of natural remedy for depression/anxiety at the mo any ideas?..........
i too am angry fed up scared and frustrated.......
if its any consolation though i have 2 permanant lumps in my neck doc sez one rogue lymph node that is just...well there and palpable the other is a sebacious cyst/gland.....
hope it helps.....

07-05-10, 22:53
Yes i do this all the time. Looking when your anxious is not a good idea as you will imagine allsorts. Try to give it a few days before you check again, then a week or so. Most times you will have calmed down by then and chances are you won't even know what you were worrying about. I try to give things at least 2 weeks before going to the gp xx